I’m not sure how long ago it was, but it was probably about 15-18 years ago, and here is what happened. I was driving along in my neighborhood, and the guy behind me was acting really aggressive: tailgating and also doing that thing where someone goes way to one side of the lane or the other, as if they want to communicate that they’re STRAINING to get around you. We came to an intersection with a red light, and we were the first two cars to arrive. As soon as we came to a stop, he jumped out of his car and took a step toward my car.
I froze. I was stuck. What could I do? The light was RED. Fortunately for me, all the guy did was grab his windshield wiper and flick it—apparently something was stuck in it. Then he got back into his own car.
Here is what this experience showed me, vividly: I have a LOT of trouble, a potentially DANGEROUS amount of trouble, separating my ACTUAL possible moves from my PRESUMED possible moves. James Bond does not have this problem. Is someone in his way when he is trying to drive fast through a tunnel? Pish, he can drive right up the side of the tunnel, no big. But there I was, at an intersection, frozen in place because of THE COLOR OF A LIGHT. There was NO ONE ELSE in the intersection! NO cars. I could have 100% safely driven away from the guy behind me, just by running the red light. But that idea did not even OCCUR to me until much, much later, so it’s lucky I didn’t need it.
It’s not even that I thought, “Oh, I can’t go because that would be illegal.” (If I HAD thought that, I would have quickly realized that NO POLICE OFFICER would fault me for doing it in a situation where a possibly dangerous person was approaching my car.) It was more as if the light’s redness rendered me physically incapable of movement.
Since that incident, I’ve worked to force my mind to understand that SOME restrictions are actual (if there is a cement wall, and you drive directly into it, it will stop you), and SOME restrictions are not (red lights do not actually disable your car). As I’m driving along, I think to myself things such as, “If a car came into my lane, I could DRIVE INTO THAT YARD. Cars DO work on grass, even though in normal circumstances you’re not supposed to do that.” “In a real emergency, I could TURN LEFT here, even though that would mean going the wrong way on a one-way street.”
I realize not everyone has to work at this. Where I get derailed and/or stuck, other minds quickly and easily see the possibilities. In some cases, this leads to people being jerks and breaking rules for their own convenience, like when someone drives in the shoulder to get around all the cars waiting their turn in a lane. But in general, I think being able to see possibilities like that is a huge gift, and it’s one I wish I had. Practicing it is good for my brain, I’m sure, the way doing crosswords and logic puzzles it, but it hasn’t led to any massive brain-restructuring: I still have the kind of brain that struggles with this.
All of this is to say that I had another mind-blowing “Wait, a red light DOESN’T ACTUALLY STOP ME” moment yesterday. I was with a client who’d been widowed after more than 40 years of marriage, which sounds like a nice long marriage to me. Then she mentioned that it was actually her second marriage, which began when she was older than I am now. Normally it seems to me that life is rather short, but the idea that I could potentially divorce Paul, marry someone else, and have a FORTY-YEAR marriage with that second person, it rocked me back on my heels.
Which is what led me back to the idea of actual vs. presumed possibilities. It occurred to me on the way home that, if I wanted to, I could ask Paul for a divorce, meet someone else, marry them instead, make my children someone else’s step-children. There are lots of things about that idea that I don’t want (like, all of them), but it’s mind-boggling to realize I LITERALLY COULD launch onto that path, if I wanted to and/or if circumstances changed unexpectedly.
Or I could wait until Paul left for work, then go to a sperm bank, fill out a bunch of paperwork, turn over a bunch of money, and try for another baby. I don’t want to do that, and it would likely end my marriage. But I LITERALLY COULD. (Or rather, I could launch onto that path: obviously the insemination might not work.)
Or we could move to a totally new state, somewhere we’ve never even been and have no reason to want to live. We could just GO. In, say, three months, the whole thing could be a done deal.
I could buy tickets for an international trip, without even asking Paul. I WOULDN’T, but I COULD. I could just go, and let him deal with it.
I have some money of my own. I could get it in cash, and throw it into the wind. Or I could rent a building and buy some merchandise and start a business. Or I could get a secret apartment.
I could have a fling. It wouldn’t be a GOOD idea, but it is LITERALLY POSSIBLE to do it. The red light is a STRONG SUGGESTION, but it’s not a cement wall.
I could take a hammer and put holes in the living room wall. Tons of holes. I’m not inclined to do that, but there’s nothing physically preventing me from doing it.
I could rip up a library book. Just rip out alllll the pages. I realize this is not the sort of thing James Bond would have on his list of Truly Shocking Possibilities.
I could walk out of the house naked. I’d likely be arrested after a short while, but there would be a period of time when I would be outdoors, naked, in public. Again, I have no inclination to do this, but it’s startling to realize it’s literally, actually, seriously a choice I am physically able to make.
I could go to the animal shelter today, right now, and bring home another cat. Or a DOG. We could have a dog by dinnertime tonight.
I could adopt a child. I could adopt a whole sibling group and change the structure of our family forever.
This whole line of thought reminds me of that stage many parents go through after having a new baby, when many of us have the highly-unpleasant realization that it is LITERALLY POSSIBLE for bad things to happen to the baby—which causes many of us to have a lot of trouble picking up knives, carrying the baby past railings/windows, carrying the baby up and down stairs, driving with the baby in the car, etc.
Or I remember going out for groceries while Paul watched the kids, and realizing I could just keep driving. Right past the grocery store, right out of the state. I didn’t REALLY want to, but it was boggling to realize I LITERALLY COULD. People DO.
There is a sense in which these thoughts are alarming: knowing I have the power to make decisions that would be destructive is…well, I’m going to stick with the word alarming. But it’s also exhilarating: there are LOTS more choices than I am currently considering, and it’s nice to know they’re available if I need/want them.