My mom and I have gotten in a pattern of going shopping each week, always including Target (I always need something from Target) but our favorites are stores like HomeGoods and Marshalls and consignment shops, because they’re like treasure-hunting. We don’t always buy much, but we like looking and considering and discussing. In recent weeks we’ve frequently gone through entire stores and purchased nothing at all: the stock comes and goes, and also both of us have been getting rid of stuff recently, and that puts a damper on bringing in more stuff.
BUT. Yesterday I had a very successful shopping trip, in which stuff was added to my household. I’m going to tell you where I bought each thing AND how much I paid. It is tricky talking about prices, because one person’s “WOW awesome deal!!” is another person’s “Must be nice to have so much spare cash”—and making self-deprecating comments on one’s own purchase prices only makes it WORSE, generating reactions from “She thinks that’s cheap?? Is she HIGH??” to “Oh, man, if she thinks that’s expensive, what would she think about what I spend??” Therefore I will not COMMENT on the price, I will just TELL it to you. Or maybe I will comment a little if I can’t resist.
FIRST: I have been looking for LARGE PLASTIC CUPS. Target used to have them with their summer dishes line every year, so I got cocky: I won’t OVERBUY, I’ll just wait until the next year and maybe get a new color! Oh, shopping hubris. So for the last few years we have been down to one single large plastic cup, and none of the plastic cups I found elsewhere were right: too tippy, don’t stack, poor handfeel, whatever. Yesterday I found something I think will work:
These are Cynthia Rowley 32-ounce iced-tea cups, and WE SHALL SEE. They were in a set of 8 for $7.99 at HomeGoods. I wish I could have bought them individually and mixed the patterns, because I liked but didn’t love any of the patterns, and I don’t really need EIGHT of these. There were whales, tropical flowers, flamingos, fish, wavy stripes. I finally got the mixed sea creatures; I took the picture so you could see all the way around the cup. My mother was very patient while I considered all the options. [Update: I don’t recommend these. They say they are dishwasher-safe, but after a few trips through the dishwasher (top rack only), the design started looking mottled and water-spotted. By now (a couple of months later), the pattern is also STICKY.]
NEXT. The last time we were at HomeGoods, I saw some pretty plastic glasses that looked like glass. I don’t generally like drinking out of glass glasses, but I like the LOOK of them, and when I was home having dinner I wished I was drinking out of a pretty new glass-looking plastic glass. So yesterday when we were at HomeGoods again I bought two of them:
I didn’t measure them, but they’re the usual size of glass you might have with dinner. What would that be, 16 ounce? Something like that. They were $2.99 each. I am resisting commenting on that. That is just what they cost.
THEN. This was not actually chronologically next, but we are on the topic of glasses so let’s keep to the theme. The last time I was visiting my brother, he said probably don’t drink liquor out of plastic cups because who knows probably it’s fine but you know maybe also the alcohol dissolves the plastic and you drink it but probably that’s fine tho. Anyway, I was looking for some smallish glass glasses. I found these:
They were at a consignment shop, $3 for the pair. I think they’re probably about 6-ounce, but I haven’t checked. I will try my vodka/gin-and-whatever in them this weekend. Or perhaps tonight.
THEN. My mom and I were taking turns using the bathroom while the other person babysat the cart/purses, and I was browsing the art and saw this fellow:
I like squirrels, and also one of Edward’s nicknames is Squirrel, and also this Squirrel looks a bit like Edward, so I was interested. The next picture in the stack was a fox in a business suit, but it had a human body and human hands, and NO. Animals in formal wear? YES. Human bodies with animal heads? NO. And then I saw THIS gentleman:
And once the dapper birdy was going home with me, it seemed right to bring the squirrel as well. HomeGoods, $9.99 each.
Finally, a little something for Paul:
My sister-in-law bought one of these giant bars of soap for Paul for Christmas, and he kept talking about how much he liked it, and I kept saying Christmas/birthday was the PERFECT time for $10 bars of soap, but “random day in spring” was NOT. But HomeGoods had these for $6.99 each, and they were the last two, and…well, I must have been feeling warmly toward Paul. And he’s right, they DO last a long time: he only just finished up the bar he got for Christmas. And they do smell nice. And the packaging is amusing, and I like to reward amusing packaging. Still, this is the purchase that got me thinking how awkward it can be to talk about prices.