My goal is to keep diet-related talk very very low around here. There will be diet-related talk in this post, if you wish to skip it. I will not be hurt; I will understand: I fairly often skip other people’s diet-related posts. If it helps with the decision-making process, this will be more about “diet as in what/how I eat”—in this case, as it pertains to being ill. There will be absolutely no talk of weight gain or loss. Okay, here we go now.
You may remember that for various reasons I normally eat a keto diet. In a typical week, I eat keto foods six days per week, and have one day off to eat everything I thought of longingly the previous week. If there is a holiday, or my friend group is getting together, I will take an additional day off; for Christmas, I typically take at least three days off; when we went to England, I took that entire time off. My body has gotten pretty accustomed to this, and is good with re-entry: you may have heard that when people switch to a keto diet they get “keto flu” and feel crummy for a few days as their bodies transition from one source of energy to another; at this point (6.5 years in) my body is more like “oh this again” and makes the change-over pretty snappily. Sometimes when I take a lot of days off (like when we went to England) I will notice a day of transitional crankiness, but I know most of the tricks for alleviating it (eating plenty; drinking plenty, especially Powerade Zero; plenty of salt; remembering that it’s temporary/diet-related and not because everything is terrible), so it’s not a big deal.
I bring this up because starting two days into this 3-week+ illness, I stopped trying to eat anything resembling keto. For two days my usual foods were basically fine, but as I got sicker it was not working: I needed buttered toast, and I needed chicken rice soup, and I needed regular ginger ale, and I needed applesauce, and none of those things are permitted on keto. Pretty much every diet has an “And actually this way of eating is HEALTHIER for you!!” angle it tries to sell, but for me personally, eating keto does not work or feel healthy when I am Quite Sick. Thinking ahead, I have wondered if it will not work for me as I get older and more medically fragile. We shall cross that bridge etc.
Well. My point is that I now feel well enough to go back to my usual way of eating. But I’ve been putting it off, because it is more pleasant to eat whatever I want; and also because while I was sick but on the road to recovery I made some heartening/sustaining foods (Mairzy’s Baked Oatmeal, for example), and had Paul bring me some sustaining foods from the store (big squishy deli rolls and deli meat; seeds-and-grains bread for toast; applesauce; pineapple chunks; pudding) and wanted to eat the rest of them and not waste them. Also because, once a person is off keto, they are OFF-off (there’s no “on it, but ate a brownie and need to adjust” as there is with, say, Weight Watchers), and tacking just one more day onto the Off streak can feel like not a very big deal.
Here’s what tipped it for me. I have been having some intermittent and distressing ear pain/pressure, even after three separate doctor visits and two separate prescriptions. Paul and I were discussing it, and he was researching ears and how they work, to see if there was anything else we could try at home. I recalled that the doctors had mentioned that one issue I was having was INFLAMMATION: it’s not necessarily that my ear is filled with fluid, but more that it is all swelled up and sore in there; the doctors said I should take ibuprofen, specifically, because ibuprofen will help reduce inflammation (acetaminophen, they said, will only reduce pain). So the things Paul was finding out about DRAINING ears (I’m sorry, this is icky but I think I’m done saying icky things now) might not apply.
That was when Paul said, “Wait: didn’t you start keto because it’s supposed to reduce inflammation?” And I was like: “!” Because, yes. And because when he said that, it occurred to me that when I walked into the doctor’s office a few days ago, my knees were hurting with every step, and I was thinking it was because I have walked no further than the distance between my bed and the recliner for three weeks. But it was 6.5 years ago while on a walk with Henry that I thought “I can barely walk with this knee discomfort, and I am too young for knee replacements” and impulsively tried keto, not believing it would work but believing it was worth a shot. And although it was no miracle, it DID significantly reduce joint pain for me, and I no longer had trouble going on walks with Henry.
So perhaps it would also reduce the EAR kind of inflammation? Maybe, maybe not. But since I was intending to get back onto keto any day now ANYWAY, this idea made it motivating to do it now and find out. I am still on day one, so it is too soon to know. My ear feels pretty okay right now, but the pain was already intermittent.