It has been one week since we moved. When Paul said last night that this would be the case as of the next day, at first I thought he had done the math wrong. We have slept here six/seven (last night / this morning) times? How can that be, when each night I still have to mentally steel myself for Bedtime In The New House, and also medicate? But it’s true it is not the same level of dread as it was. And when I wake up in the night, I don’t feel despair at having to find The New Bathroom. And when I get up in the morning to take a shower, I am starting to appreciate the heat lamp as something that is Better Than The Old House.
Because it was dumb to decide to move over the holidays, this weekend we have not one, not two, but THREE holiday events. Have I already told you this? I remember typing out that “not one, not two…” etc. format. Maybe I wrote it in one of my freaking-out emails to a friend.
Anyway, of the three events, I am looking forward to only one, and I am not saying that only because some of them read here: it’s my wine-and-appetizers group’s annual Christmas party with Yankee Swap, and I have acquired the gift for the swap, and I no longer feel nervous about appetizers, and one of the friends is bringing a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN, and I’m going to have William drive me so I can have multiple glasses of wine, and anyway this is going to be fun and I’m looking forward to it.
The one I am most dreading is Paul’s office party. We have never been to one before (until this year, Paul was a contractor rather than a regular employee, and contractors don’t typically attend the holiday party). It’s at the house of his boss’s boss, which feels a lot higher-pressure to me than if it were at the office. Paul had a very difficult time acquiring information about WHAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO WEAR, which was a shruggy subject to him and a subject of utmost importance to me. Finally he asked the secretaries, who said most people wear whatever they normally wear to work. “Or, like, Friday casual,” one said. UNHELPFUL. Well, a little helpful: I now know not to order a cocktail dress. But I have zero office clothes, Friday casual or otherwise. Anyway, with the help of Twitter, which said spouses are not expected to acquire khakis and blazers for office Christmas parties and are allowed to be sparklier than that, I am going in black flocked-velvet jeans, a matte-champagne-sequined tank top, a flowy dressy cardigan with fancy fluttery sleeves, velvet flats, and holiday jewelry. Plus lipstick, and maybe I can find a fancy/sparkly thing to put in my hair.
For the hostess gift, I consulted with family and friends and have decided on a box of chocolates from a local family-owned handmade-chocolates place. With one of their handmade (and charmingly handmade-looking) candy canes tied to the top of the box.
The next decision is what to BRING. The party is potluck-style. I have lots of yummy ideas from years of meetings of my wine-and-appetizers group, but the party is over an hour’s drive away, so hot things are not ideal, and also I’d rather not be trying to heat stuff up right before we leave, because I’m going to need that time to freak out about my outfit.
Ideally I’d like to bring something room-temperature, something I can make earlier in the day. I’d personally rather make a dessert, but I know from similar events that these events tend to have way too many desserts and not enough dinner food. Ideally I’d like it to be the kind of thing where no one would consider it fancy/competitive, but everyone would like it, and people who feel nervous about fancy food would be relieved to see it. Finger sandwiches of some sort? This is a downer of an example, but at my grandfather’s funeral one of the things served was little egg-salad finger sandwiches, and my mom and I commented to each other many times that we would not have thought to serve those and yet they were EXACTLY WHAT WE WANTED. But does that mean egg-salad sandwiches are the perfect funeral/grief food, not necessarily the perfect office-holiday-party food? I’m imagining that hard-boiled-egg smell permeating the room. I could make little turkey/ham finger sandwiches, plenty of mayo, fancy meadow greens or whatever instead of the iceberg lettuce we’d all probably prefer.
Or maybe a dip is the way to go? With a pretty cracker assortment? I don’t know, what would you bring if it were you?