The current refugee/immigrant situation in our country is heartbreaking and appalling and infuriating, if those words were strong enough to describe it, which they are not. I can’t believe we’re choosing to treat people this way. I can’t believe people are ARGUING for it and JUSTIFYING it (as if there were ANY circumstances that would justify treating ANY people that way), instead of briefly imagining themselves and their children as the refugees/immigrants (it is how most of our ancestors arrived in the U.S.; it could happen to us again) and then immediately realizing through the power of empathy that the situation has gone from dicey/unkind to actively inhuman/cruel/evil.
All over the place I see people saying we MUST help, we MUST act, it is immoral NOT to help/act, and I AGREE—and yet, I’m not seeing many ways to FUNNEL these whipped-up feelings into effort except to write to my government representatives and donate money to RAICES and the ACLU and ActBlue Kids and Families at the Border. Those are good things to do, but they feel tepid: they don’t have that ring of HELPING/ACTING I’m looking for and that activists are calling for. The urge, I think, is to go to a camp and take care of the babies, or to sneak food through the camp fences, or to bring towels/sheets/food/clothes to a refugee family setting up a new home here, or to offer up a section of my house as temporary shelter, or to be a lawyer/doctor and donate my services, and those more hands-on options are not currently available to me.
I looked up what IS available to me in my area (@TheRaDR recommends typing “immigration justice” plus your location into a search engine), and the options seem limited to fundraising/advocating. I can make calls, I can answer phones, I can show up to protests, I can volunteer at a fundraiser, I can talk other people into having a fundraiser. This brings me to despair: those are mostly sales/marketing skills, and sales/marketing is the opposite of my skill set. Not only am I very, very bad at it, I HATE it. It is fine for me to experience some misery for this cause, but the misery has to MAKE SENSE: if I am miserable and not raising a single dime, it is a giant waste of time for everyone.
Which made me think, what IS my skill set? What can I DO? I can’t lawyer, I can’t doctor, I don’t want to make phone calls, I don’t want to knock on doors. I am good at caring for babies, but I can’t go to the camps and care for the babies. I am good at shopping for household bargains, but I’m not seeing anywhere near me that is collecting for that (maybe in the not-too-distant future!).
What do I OWN that I could use/give? I have about twice as many sheets and blankets as we need, and I have extra food in the pantry—but again, I’m not seeing anyone near me collecting those. I have some money, and I can give that—but seeing how large the need is, my contribution is puny, a drop in the bucket; I’ll do it, but it’s not enough. I have TIME, but I need to find a way to use it. I have two blogs, which gives me two platforms. I have a box full of Swistle Skirts.

I have a box full of Swistle-made pottery.

I have a box full of brand-new cloth napkins. I have a giant box of postcards. I can write baby-name advice. I can bake. I like to make care packages. I like to send postcards/cards. Can I turn these things I have and can do into what is needed, which is MONEY for LEGAL AID and MEDICAL CARE and REFORM?
Even though I hate the usual kind of fundraising (phone calls, door-to-door, arbitrary emergency goals/deadlines, making children sell overpriced items so that the school gets a teeny percentage of the profits and the merchandise company keeps most of it), that’s not the only kind of fundraising. You know what my favorite fundraiser is? The kind where you make a donation and you get a little prize or treat for doing it: maybe you donate $100 and they send you a t-shirt as a thank-you. My top favorite is where you get to CHOOSE your prize/treat from a selection. Like when NPR says that for THIS donation level they will thank you with your choice of a bird mug or a bird tote, but for THIS donation level they will thank you with a bird mug AND a bird tote, and for THIS donation level they will thank you with a t-shirt. I love that. I know the cost of item gets deducted from my donation—but I end up increasing my donation to get the item, which is what is supposed to happen. The organization gets more money than they would have; I get my bird mug; seeing the bird mug daily reminds me of the organization so I’m more likely to donate again; we’re all happy.
And that is something I can do. It is shopping and it is mailing and THAT IS SOMETHING I CAN DO. And I can do it NOT USING A PHONE. I don’t know if what I have is what you would want, but if it is, you can have it as your prize/treat/thanks for making a donation to one of these charities. And instead of the organization having to take the cost of the incentives out of the donation they receive, I will pay for that part.
I am very concerned that even after explaining it in the paragraph above, someone reading this idea will still misunderstand the concept and think that I am valuing the things I am offering at the donation amounts I am pairing them with—like, that I think a birthday card from me is WORTH $20. *HUGE PAINFUL CRINGE*. So I want to emphasize, perhaps OVERemphasize, that when NPR sends you a mug for donating $60, no one is saying the mug is worth $60: the mug is a little $6 thank-you gift for donating the $60 to a good cause. If NPR sent you something WORTH $60, it would eat up your entire donation and not make any sense for them to do that; if I sent you something WORTH your donation, we’d both be better off if I just sent the money directly to the charity and didn’t get anyone else involved. So that is all I am doing here: sending small gifts as thank-yous/incentives. The main difference is that I am not the organization receiving the money, so nothing gets taken out of your donation, only out of my bank account, which is nicer for the organizations: this is me buying you the $6 mug for your $60 contribution to the charity, so the charity doesn’t have to buy it.
Here is how it will work, if you want to participate: you will make a donation directly to RAICES or The ACLU or ActBlue Kids and Families at the Border. (DON’T SEND ANY MONEY TO ME.) [Edited to add: Amy in the comments section reminds us all to see if your employer has a matching program for donations.] You will email swistle at gmail dot com a screenshot of your donation confirmation, plus the name and mailing address you want to use for the thank-you token, if applicable. You will choose your item, and I will send it to you (or I will put it in a spreadsheet so I remember to send it to you at a later time, if applicable).
If you would like to donate a certain amount of money but would prefer a prize from a lower category (say for example you’re going to donate $100 but what you want is the Calendar Twins prize from the $75 category), you can do that. You could also donate $100 and choose Calendar Twins + Greeting Card, or choose FIVE Greeting Cards. Maybe it’s already obvious that you can do that. But I wanted to say it specifically, so that I don’t accidentally reduce someone’s donation with the prize categories.
Some rewards are limited; I’ll make a note of it here on this same post if they are no longer available.
As usual with giveaways, they’re a real bummer for anyone who doesn’t live in the same country as the giver-awayer (in this case, the United States of America), because international shipping prices make things impractical to the point of ridiculous. I know this sucks. There are only three that work internationally: the greeting card, the every-other-month postcard subscription, and the Swistle’s Favorite Bee Earrings. Or you can have the item shipped to someone you know in the U.S.
$20 donation option:
• Greeting card. I will send you (or someone you choose) a greeting card on the occasion of your choice: birthday, wedding, congratulations, Valentine’s Day, anniversary, Christmas, Easter, pretty much whatever though let’s not test the limits of that. I will write something Swistley in it; you can specify what you want, if you have a preference, though I’ll have override power on what I’m willing to write in my own handwriting and then sign. (But, like, if it’s something I said on the blog once and you liked it, that’s a likely Yes.) This one can be international.
$50+ donation option:
• Treats. I will fill the smallest flat-rate box (it’s quite small: 5-3/8 x 8-5/8 x 1-5/8) or a similarly small box (I’m still working with the logistics on this one) with your choice of homemade cookies, homemade brownies, or an assortment of store-bought treats from my own secret stash of favorites that I hide in a cabinet on my personal sunporch (DO NOT TELL THE CHILDREN). I will send it to you, or you can choose someone else for me to send it to. We might want to wait for cooler weather for shipping.
$75+ donation options:
• Calendar Twins! When I choose my annual wall calendar for the year after the usual long deliberation via blog post, I will have the same one shipped to you. It will be a surprise: I won’t say on the blog which calendar I’ve chosen, not until after all the calendar twins have received their calendars.
• Cloth napkin starter/supplement kit. I will send you eight assorted cloth napkins from my unnecessarily vast collection of brand-new extras. (I like a non-matching assortment, so I buy a four-pack of cloth napkins on clearance, put one or at most two from the pack into rotation at my house, and put the others in a box in the attic to use as replacements when napkins get lost/stained—and/or, more realistically, to wait for the executor of my estate to deal with them.) If you want to, you can mention preferences (colors you like, whether you prefer solid colors or patterns, etc.) and I’ll see what I can do, but let’s be frank about how hodge-podge the results are likely to be. (VERY.)
• Favorite Christmas book. Nearer Christmas, I will send you a used copy (new copies aren’t available anymore) of my favorite Christmas book: This Year It Will Be Different, by Maeve Binchy. I will write a gift inscription in it if you want—like, “To Marigold, Christmas 2019. I hope you will love this book as much as I do! Merry Christmas! Love, Swistle.” Or I can leave it unwritten-in, if you prefer. I can send it to you or someone else of your choice. My default will be to gift-wrap it in Christmas paper, but I can also leave it unwrapped, wrap it in birthday paper, wrap it in non-Christmassy wintery paper, etc.
• Favorite baby-naming book. I will send you a new copy of the latest edition (just came out this year) of my favorite baby names book: The Baby Name Wizard, by Laura Wattenberg. I will write a gift inscription in it if you want—like, “To Megan, July 2019. Happy baby-naming! Love, Swistle P.S. Your friend Jen says USE MINERVA!” Or I can leave it unwritten-in, if you prefer. I can send it to you or someone else of your choice. If it’s a gift, let me know: I have some cute baby gift-wrap I haven’t had a chance to use yet.
$100+ donation options:
• Postcard subscription. I will send you one postcard every month for a year (twelve postcards total) from my unnecessarily vast collection. If you want to, you can tell me a list of your interests and I’ll see if I can find any postcards to match; it’s fun for me to search through my supply for any owls/wine/trees/medicine/books/stamps/flowers/cows/Christmas/Harry-Potter postcards. I can stamp/write them if you want, or if you prefer I’ll send them blank in an envelope so you can use them yourself.
• Postcard subscription INTERNATIONAL! I will send you one postcard every other month for a year (six postcards total) from my unnecessarily vast collection. If you want to, you can tell me a list of your interests and I’ll see if I can find any postcards to match; it’s fun for me to search through my supply for any owls/wine/trees/medicine/books/stamps/flowers/cows/Christmas/Harry-Potter postcards. I can stamp/write them if you want, or if you prefer I’ll send them blank in an envelope so you can use them yourself.
• Bee Twins! I have three favorite pairs of bee earrings and I have three different vinyl bee stickers on my car. I will send you (or someone you choose) your own pair of bee earrings matching a pair of mine and your own vinyl car sticker matching one of mine (you don’t have to put it on your car; it also works on laptops, notebooks, etc.). [Edited to add: OR, if you would prefer a bee Christmas ornament instead of the earrings, you can have ornament + sticker instead.] There may be a shipping delay, because I’ll get a break on shipping costs if I order multiple pairs of earrings / multiple stickers at the same time, so it would be worthwhile to wait a bit and order all together once I know how many people want this one. ALSO, one of my three favorite pairs of bee earrings ships from England, so it takes extra time. (If you need your Bee Twins kit earlier for any reason, though, like if it’s for a friend’s birthday and it’s coming right up, say so and I will see what I can do.)
• Bee Earring Twins INTERNATIONAL! My top favorite pair of bee earrings can be shipped internationally, it looks like. I checked half a dozen countries and they were all reasonable. So this would be JUST the bee earrings, NO bee sticker, but it looks like it can go anywhere!
$150+ donation option:
• Swistle pottery. I’ll send you (or someone you designate) one of the pieces of pottery (pictures on those posts) I made in my beginner wheel-thrown pottery classes. (The key word here is BEGINNER: these items are…let’s call them “charmingly imperfect.” Or “thick and uneven.” Or “frankly childish.”) You can have me surprise you with which one I send, or you can say which pieces you like best from the pictures and I will attempt to send you one of those—but some of the pieces have already been given as gifts (frankly: most of the best ones), and the seriously defective ones (big cracks, or entire bottom of piece missing) have been discarded, and others may go to people who beat you to the donation option, so if none of the ones you mention are available, then I’ll revert to the idea of surprising you. This option has a risk of breakage: I will package each piece well, but it is still possible it will break on the way, and we will accept that as the universe’s decree of what is for the best.
• Swistle skirt. Here’s the first mention of it, back in 2008! I was mourning that it was out of stock, but I’ve since found a number of them on eBay. All of them are in nice used condition; not perfect, but good enough that I was willing to spend money to acquire them. Here’s a picture of my niece wearing one many years ago. I have at least one of each of these sizes: 14, 12, 10, 8, 6x/7, 6, 5 [size 5s are gone], 4T [4T is gone], 24m, 18m, 12m, 6-9m; or if you don’t care what size, I’ll pick one for you; or you can say “I don’t care about EXACT size but would prefer a larger/smaller one.” I strongly suggest emailing me BEFORE making the donation to make sure I still have the size you want, and to reserve it, so that you don’t make a donation and then find out the one you wanted is gone.
$300+ donation options:
• Private baby name consultation. A single emailed response, similar in style and length to a post on the blog. (If you like, you may choose instead to have the consultation posted on the blog in order to get reader feedback as well.) A letter with fewer issues will have each issue addressed at greater length and in more detail than a letter with a larger number of issues; i.e., if you have twenty issues/questions/concerns, you will get a whole bunch of quite short answers and I’ll divide my total thinking time among them; if you have only one or two main issues/questions/concerns, each one will have a longer and more thorough answer with more time spent on each. (And keep in mind that I am not knowledgeable about baby name usage in other countries/languages, so if for example you live in France and you need a baby name that works for your U.S. and Spanish relatives, you may not get good value out of this.)
• Swistle care package. [Closed for now.] Timing/type up to you: birthday, Valentine’s Day, Christmas-stocking-items care package so you don’t have to fill your own stocking again this year, etc.; or you can ask for a randomly-timed delivery of care package so it’s a surprise. (If you want chocolate/melty things included, we should wait until fall at the earliest.) I can send to you or to someone you choose (one fun request so far: a care package for a new college student).