I meant to do a lot more gift-idea posts this year, but time got away from me. I did a lot of my own shopping last-minute, and now I have that frantic feeling of the final days just slipping down the drain, with most sites already no longer possible for Christmas delivery. I will at least post a jumbled assortment of some of the things I have recently ordered, just in case I am not the only one who seems to be about to drop the ball this year.
Set of three Fidget Jr. toys for William. I don’t know! I don’t know! He said he needed fidget things, and that they had to be quiet ones because of his roommates, and I didn’t know what to choose, and so I wasn’t going to choose anything, and then I was looking over his gifts and they were ALL practical (boots, meal-replacement powders, an educational book), so I panicked and spent $15 on this set of three little toys. The reviews were good, at least.
Two pounds of chocolate-covered espresso beans for Paul’s sister. Paul’s sister isn’t married, doesn’t have children, isn’t very social, and she and Paul have hardly any family left, so I am really careful when choosing her gifts: I try to do an assortment that could Make A Christmas (something cozy, something fun to do, something to read, some treats), in case they’re the only gifts she gets. I was going to put a regular-size package of chocolate-covered coffee beans in the box we sent, but I couldn’t find them at the store where I got them last time, and I thought that was fine and we just wouldn’t do those this year, but I KNOW she loves them, and so I panicked and ordered two pounds of them shipped directly to her. Also these slippers from her wish list.
Word-a-Day calendar for Rob. I picked up Rob from college and we were driving home and he mentioned casually that a word-a-day calendar would be a good gift idea for him. He is IMPOSSIBLE to buy for, and also his birthday is close to Christmas so all the year’s impossibleness is clumped together, so although I didn’t order the calendar while actually still driving the car, I did order it within fifteen minutes of arriving home.
Pretty Ticonderoga pencils for kids’ stockings. This is the brand I always buy, but I hadn’t seen these pretty ones before. Target had four packages of them and I needed five, so I ordered a fifth along with the word-a-day calendar.
Working Hands hand cream for Paul. Paul was using some of my hand lotion and he said wistfully “I like that round tin you got for my stocking last year, but I have that at work.” I couldn’t remember if I bought that at Target or at Home Depot, and I wasn’t sure I was going to get to the store before I needed it, so I ordered it. I impulse-added the matching manly lip balm.
Dungeons & Dragons Spellbook Cards for Henry. I thought I’d already ordered them!! I’d added them to my “gifts purchased” list!! Then I saw them in my cart, way down the list in items saved for later!! I double-checked to make sure it wasn’t something I’d re-added to the cart instead of taking them out of saved-for-later, but no!!
DreamSky radio alarm clock for Edward. Edward has had “radio alarm clock” on his list for like three years now, ever since his old one broke (via top-bunk plummet), and I keep dithering and not finding any with familiar brands and not wanting to risk it, and this year I was like “THE CHILD WANTS A RADIO ALARM CLOCK, THAT IS SUCH A PITIFULLY REASONABLE AND PRACTICAL REQUEST, GET THE CHILD A RADIO ALARM CLOCK,” so I bought this one. The reviews are pretty okay. We’ll see.
Mpow wireless Bluetooth earbuds for William and Elizabeth. They both wanted some wireless Bluetooth earbuds, and that is sooooooo boring to choose and there are sooooooo many choices and I have no idea what’s best, and finally I just chose some that were the same brand as the extremely successful over-the-ear kind that Paul and Rob and Edward all use and love, and we will just hope for the best.
404 Not Found coloring book for Henry. He’s had this on his wish list since his birthday, but I once saw it as low as $8-something so I kept waiting for it to go back down, and finally a couple of days ago I thought “SAVING TWO DOLLARS IS NOT WORTH SIX MONTHS OF MONITORING” and ordered it.
Cat wizard t-shirt for Henry. Pretty much all of Henry’s Christmas gifts were last-minute this year; I just had a particularly hard time deciding on what to get him. I needed a clothing gift for him, and nothing seemed right, but then I saw this shirt and ordered it so fast. He is very into wizard-type stuff and also cat-type stuff, and we have a fair number of shirts by The Mountain so I know they’re nice and cottony.
How To by Randall Monroe for everybody. This is another item I thought I’d already ordered, then found it still in my cart. I do not know what my problem is this year.
Dungeon Mayhem game, for a gift-swap party. Henry was invited to a somewhat impromptu party for 7th grade boys who like D&D, and there will be a gift-swap, and this is what he chose to bring.
20-pack scrunchies, for Elizabeth. Love of scrunchies continues in her age group; she wears one or more from this pack of velvet scrunchies every day (in her hair, on her wrist, littering the entire house). I saw these and considered them, but the fabric looked a little iffy—kind of slippery/dressy rather than what I thought she might like. Then she and I were in Claire’s yesterday shopping for her friends’ gifts, and she saw scrunchies JUST LIKE THESE and said she loved them and that she liked the fabric, so I went home and ordered them. I’m also writing “$25 Claire’s shopping trip” on an index card; I was going to buy a gift card, but Claire’s wanted $6.95 to ship it to me, and this way we don’t end up permanently carrying around a Claire’s gift card with, like, $1.27 left on it.
Wee rolling pin, for Paul. He was making pizza and said with some exasperation that what he really needed was a small handleless rolling pin for getting the crust how he wanted it. I made a bored, not-really-listening sound, and then scooted sneakily into the other room and ordered this.
Garnier rose facial mist, for the cleaners. I primarily gave them cash, because I have read enough articles now on that sort of topic, but at the last second I wanted something slightly more festive and fun than a couple of envelopes, so I added a rosewater mist and a bar of nice chocolate each, and it did look much more festive and fun.
(Also, I cannot proof-read this because my family all came home while I was writing it, and they keep walking into the room as if they’re doing it on purpose to mess with me. So if any links don’t work or pictures aren’t right, I will fix it later!)