Why Did I Order This Book?

I was about to write a post asking if by any chance anyone knew why I had ordered a certain book, but then I tried one more idea and that was the one that let me figure it out.

Here is what happened. A book arrived for me in the mail; I wasn’t expecting a book but I wasn’t NOT expecting a book, either: I’ve ordered a few used books from eBay and Amazon recently, and sometimes they take a long time to arrive because of media mail being slower and also because of the current administration sabotaging the United States Postal Service. So I opened the package, interested to see what it was, and it was this:

(image from Amazon.com)

A Jeweler’s Eye for Flaw, by Christie Hodgen. I didn’t recognize it at all. No bells ringing. “Maybe someone sent it to you?,” suggested Paul, and I thought that was possible, but there was no gift information on the receipt. I looked in my email inbox for the name of the company and the name of the book—no match. I looked in my Amazon orders—and there it was, an used copy purchased from a third-party seller. So I’d ordered it. BUT WHY.

The order had been placed just over two weeks ago, so I thought it MUST have been as a result of the book recommendations post. But I searched the comments for the name of the book and the name of the author: no matches. I checked on Twitter, because sometimes people comment there instead of on the post: nothing.

Maybe my sister-in-law recommended it? I don’t remember her recommending a book lately, but on the other hand I’ve been pretty distracted with all the news about schools putting a bunch of people together in closed rooms during a huge outbreak of a virus that appears to spread primarily via shared air. I searched my OTHER email inbox, the one I use for family: nothing.

Well, who ELSE might have said something about a book that made me immediately order a copy? Maybe I saw it on Shelf Love? No. Maybe Nicole recommended it? (HI NICOLE.) No.

Could I have read about it in a news article? Maybe there was recently a story about it? Feeling like it was a real long shot, I searched online for the title of the book, but just got a bunch of hits for sites that would sell it to me and/or sites that had reviewed it; nothing looked familiar. Then, just in case, I searched the name of the book again but added the word “Swistle.” And there it was, the person who had recommended it to me: ME.

A couple of weeks ago, when I was writing that recent post looking for book recommendations, I went through my blog archives looking for any mentions of books I’d read, to see if I could add more to my “Books I’ve Liked” list. I found my old review of Christie Hodgen’s other book, Elegies for the Brokenhearted, which apparently I’d loved, and I’d said in that post that I was going to get her second book from the library and, if I liked it, order the third book, which our library system didn’t have a copy of. I have no idea how that whole thing turned out! I wrote the review in 2012, and never wrote anything about how I liked the second book; and I looked up the second book just now, and I have no memory of reading it. (To be fair, I don’t remember the first one, either.) But I thought, “Oh, that seems like the perfect kind of book to order during a pandemic, since our library doesn’t have it so I’d have to buy it ANYWAY,” so then I impulsively found a cheap used copy and ordered it and went back to writing the post and forgot all about the order! Perhaps now I will read it and remember I already did this same thing back in 2012, didn’t like the book, and got rid of it!

Cleaning Out My Sock and Underwear Drawer: THE SEQUEL

I had to clean out my sock and underwear drawer. Again. Last time I did this, I said that I was not someone who rotated clothing seasonally. I am still not. But this drawer is so frustratingly full, and it’s so hard to find things, but I still like and wear pretty much everything, so I am willing to ATTEMPT seasonal rotation. We will see if I can maintain it. My money is on Perhaps.

Here is the drawer as we begin our journey, too full to close:


And here it is after I took everything out and put it on the bed, except for the back-up bottles of L’Artisan, which have expanded since the last time we peeked:


Here is everything sorted on the bed (it’s a little misleading, because the D pile actually came from a different, smaller drawer, which didn’t seem interesting enough to mention except then I added a list to the end of the post that means the clarification is necessary), with a map key below the picture:

A: Underwear I dislike and wear only one week a month
B: Underwear I like
C: Underwear I like, but it’s a little too big
D: Nylons, dressy socks, shapewear, cartwheel shorts
E. White cotton crew socks, worn year-round
F: Socks without twins
G: Fleecey and wool socks of the kind I wear over other socks for extra warmth
H: Ankle socks, worn only in hot weather
I: Crew/boot socks, worn only in cold weather
J: Wool socks I can wear without another layer underneath
K: Holiday/theme socks


I had more pairs than I needed of Group A underwear, so I got rid of a few, and I put Group C up in storage with my other too-big clothing. I set aside Group F (single socks) in a bag that hangs from my closet door handle and serves as a last-chance area before I throw the socks out. I evaluated Group G (fleece and wool), realized I’d bought too many when we moved to this chilly house, calculated that I could get rid of half and still have plenty, and did so. I looked through Group K (holiday and themed) and got rid of a couple pairs.

But things were still pretty good from the last time I did this, and these minor edits weren’t enough for the kind of significant results I wanted to see. Systemic change needed to occur.

The nylons, dressy socks, shapewear, cartwheel shorts—I wear such things HARDLY EVER. Like, once or twice a year. But when I DO need one or more of them, I don’t want to have to go BUY them. This was the perfect use for a Hello Kitty shoebox I’ve been saving:

I put it up in my closet next to the shoe boxes of dress shoes I wear hardly ever (but don’t want to go out and buy when I DO need them).


Next, finally, a reluctant and tentative commitment to seasonal rotation:

I almost accidentally labeled the box “cold-weather socks” but then realized “out-of-season socks” means I can use the same box for whatever socks I’m not currently wearing. (If I’d accidentally written “cold-weather socks,” I would have written “warm-weather socks” on the other end of the box, and then I could have just put it facing a different way in my closet.)



This is the best it’ll ever look, since the hot-weather socks take up less space than the cold-weather socks.


And the trash can:


And a list of things found in the different, smaller drawer that contained the nylons and shapewear and so forth (which I apparently didn’t go through the last time I did this project):

• An iron-on Jeep logo, apparently torn out of a magazine.

• An old packing list that included “powder.” It’s been so long since I’ve worn powder, I couldn’t even think what the word referred to at first, and only figured it out because it was in the same list as lipstick and under-eye pencil. Matte skin used to be very In, which was difficult because I am naturally rather dewy. Happily, trends change.

• A 2005 packing receipt for nursing bras, which I saved because they were hard to find and I didn’t want to forget which ones they were if I needed to order them again later on.

Possibly Unnecessary Back-to-School Shopping in a Pandemic

I am weepy because I got an email from Target saying items I ordered YESTERDAY will arrive THIS MORNING already, and one of the items was something someone should have put on the list before my last grocery store trip but didn’t, and I went to the store recently and am not going back for awhile, so I was feeling some despair about how can I keep the house stocked during a pandemic IF PEOPLE CAN’T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO PUT THINGS ON THE LIST, and now I am feeling so GRATEFUL to online stores, and to warehouse workers, and to delivery workers, and *WEEP*. So clearly the emotional fragility continues.

Shopping is one of my coping methods, and another recent example of this is that I impulsively ordered a whole lot of notebooks and folders, even though I don’t know if the kids will even need them or use them. Mostly it seems like school supplies are for carrying information back and forth between home and classroom, but also they’re for keeping things organized, and if I were doing classes online I would still want to have a separate notebook for each class, and ideally a folder to match that notebook, and so forth, and buying school supplies is so fun and I’m sad at the thought of missing it, and also I was worried about things selling out and this is not really the year for going from store to store, and so I placed the order.

The three younger kids were all in bed (these days they go to bed about when I do, but I was up late because I couldn’t sleep) so I couldn’t ask them what colors they wanted as I usually would, so I just got two each of every color and we’ll let them cage-match it out: there’s a certain fun in choosing your own stuff, but there’s another kind of fun in figuring out how to divide pre-chosen stuff. Normally I would buy Mead notebooks and folders in hopes of higher durability, but this year I got the store brand of both. These supplies don’t have to survive being shoved into a backpack/locker every day, and I don’t even know if we’ll USE them, so I went cheap: paper-cover notebooks, vinyl cover notebooks; and folders (on clearance!) with and without binder holes (we still have some serviceable binders from last year).

We don’t really need anything else, I don’t think. Normally I want/need to buy more pencils and pens, but we have tons. Normally I would buy new erasers and new pencil cases and new highlighters and basically new anything that seemed fun or was on the teachers’ lists, but this year I don’t have that impulse.

Low; Teachers in a Pandemic

One of the interesting things about my boring blog-fixing project is seeing how very predictable I am with my mood slumps. I work on a month’s worth of posts in a day, generally, and it seems like in every batch there is just ALWAYS at least one post about how low I feel and what I’m doing about it with food and exercise and moping and shopping.

I am in another low time now, and I am coping by re-reading Maeve Binchy books, buying too many kinds of tea, eating extra vegetables and extra treats, buying extra non-perishables, and openly weeping while listening to Michelle Obama’s podcast on walks.

Our school district has taken a step in the direction of rejecting the hybrid option (which, as commenter Liz aptly put it, was actually “a 40-page document explaining why they just can not open at all”). They haven’t come to the final decision yet, but my feeling is that one way or another we are going to be going remote: either from the beginning, or after we try the hybrid option and a lot of people get sick and we have to shut it down.

But apparently first we are going to do the intermediate step of making sure teachers and other school employees know how little we care about them and their families, and to what extent we consider them daycare workers rather than educators, and how entitled we feel to that daycare, and how entitled we feel to normality even when normality is not currently an option. Some parents are threatening to sue the school district, the principals, the school board, the teachers themselves. One parent said that in her opinion teachers and other school employees should feel grateful to still have their jobs when so many people are out of work, and another parent responded that they didn’t see why teachers and school employees should get to stay home when other people have to work, and that was when I gave up on having a happy life.

Considering ALL the options are terrible and there is NO good option where things are normal and there’s no pandemic and everyone keeps their jobs, then surely choosing the option where we turn this whole thing against teachers/schools is our worst and most short-sighted idea yet; and it won’t even WORK. We will lose some of the teachers and other school employees at the very start, as they quit in the face of parents/administrators insisting they go back when it’s not safe; this alone may be enough to leave the school too understaffed to open. But if, after the first wave of quitting, we still have enough staff to open, we will lose more teachers/employees shortly afterward, as they get sick and/or die, or else quit from the stress; at that point, the school will certainly be too understaffed to remain open, and possibly now too understaffed to do effective remote learning. We will have pushed pushed pushed to get schools to open, and it will result in schools being closed anyway soon afterward—but only after losing people we didn’t have to lose, and traumatizing/demoralizing the rest, and leaving the whole school system worse off than it was before.

Old Dentist Appointment Fret; New HIPAA/POA Fret

I had a low day yesterday, and then had trouble getting to sleep even though I took benadryl, and then at 2:00 in the morning my phone rang and that is just never going to be good news. And I could see on the screen that the caller was my eldest son, which was weird; this happened once before, though, when he’d gone outside to get something out of the car and locked himself out. But when I answered, he didn’t say anything, which gave me visions of him badly hurt (calling me RIGHT BEFORE LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS!!) and/or kidnapped somehow. But no: butt-dial. Time it took for me to get back to sleep after this drama: roughly 1 hour 45 minutes.

I have what I find to be a pleasing though boring update on my fretty dentist situation. That post is just a giant tangled ball of stress, so I suggest NOT clicking the link, and instead I will summarize the relevant part by saying I’d canceled Edward and Henry’s routine dentist appointments, then regretted it because Henry has braces and it really seemed as if he ought to have a cleaning, especially since the DAY I canceled the appointment we got a pre-appointment letter from the dentist that made it sound really really safe. And anyway it made me feel as if every decision I make is wrong, and I’d continued to fret about it, but felt too sheepish to call the dentist and ask for a new appointment for Henry. Then I saw Elizabeth’s routine cleaning coming up on the calendar, and I called the dentist office and asked if it would be possible to give Henry that appointment instead of Elizabeth (I’d been planning to just cancel it), and they said yes, so now the kid with braces will get his cleaning, and I feel better.

A friend brought to my attention that kids 18 and older have to sign HIPAA authorizations and possibly medical power of attorney forms, or else their parents can’t have access to their information or make medical decisions for them if they’re incapacitated. That seems…rather crucial, in a pandemic or even not in a pandemic, and had not occurred to me at all. My hope is that at some point someone ELSE, like the kids’ colleges, realized that this was something that needed to be done, and that Rob and William have already signed such forms. Looking at the HIPAA form, I vaguely remember them being given one like it (with some ceremony about it, like, “Now he’s 18 he gets his own HIPAA, Mom!”)—but I don’t FULLY remember if that happened (1) at the pediatrician (as opposed to at an eye appointment or something), and (2) if they filled out our names on it, and (3) if it happened for both Rob and William. So there’s my new/current fret.

Grocery Shopping; Two Coleslaw Recipes

It has been awhile since we have checked in about grocery shopping! Partly it’s because there’s been less to report. Supplies have seemed steadier overall, with a few persistent exceptions: usual bread still not available, usual pizza sauce still not available, disinfecting wipes/sprays and my usual disinfectant cleaning spritzes still not available, still only a few kinds of chicken nuggets, still very little yeast, still only unfamiliar-brand hand sanitizer in what looks like water bottles. Frozen fruit is still patchy, but better. Vegetarian meat-equivalents have been VERY patchy, but I’ve been able to find enough to get by.

I don’t think anything at my grocery store is currently limited to a certain number of items per customer: not the meat, not the flour, not the sugar, not even the toilet paper or paper towels. In fact, the paper products aisle is STUFFED FULL, with extra paper towels taking up space in the still-depleted cleaning-supply section.

I’m noticing a LOT of store-brand merchandise, including for products that didn’t used to have a store brand (or perhaps I just hadn’t noticed the store brand, and/or it wasn’t so prominent before). I’d heard online that soy sauce was hard to find, so I checked for it, and on the shelf was one single extra-large bottle of Kikkoman soy sauce, and the rest of TWO ENTIRE SHELVES was filled with store-brand soy sauce. And they were out of our usual pasta sauce, and that area of the shelf was filled with a store-brand equivalent I don’t remember ever seeing before. Most of the abundance of paper towels and toilet paper are the store-brand.

Eggs have been oddly small. We’ve had some dozens where some of the eggs are regular size but maybe half of them are so small I use three eggs as the equivalent of two.

Flour variety is still patchy. Last week I went to the smaller branch of our grocery store that’s nearer to us (during the pandemic I’ve been going more often to the larger branch further away, because they have better supplies and wider aisles), and they had only two kinds of flour, and also I noticed they were charging SEVEN FORTY-NINE for it. I know such things vary regionally, so for comparison this was for the more-expensive-brand flour that is usually right around four dollars at that exact store. I wonder how long I might have been paying $7.49 without noticing? I am normally a price-noticer, but the last few months I have not had the available neurons for that—and also, with some products out of stock and others filling in the gaps, it can be hard to even find the price. Today I went to the larger branch, and they had MANY more kinds of flour (even the unbleached version of one brand), and they were charging normal prices for it. But it makes me wonder if the reason our grocery bill has been high is not just that I’m buying more per trip, but also that things have been priced higher than usual without me noticing.

I have been craving coleslaw, so I bought another bag of the pre-shredded cabbage blend to make it with, and when I got home I noticed it said “Use by July 28” on it. (Today is July 31.) Not even “sell by,” but USE by. (Checking expiration dates is another task I don’t have the available neurons for.) It didn’t seem slimy, just extra cabbage-fragrant; I made coleslaw out of it anyway. Do you want my coleslaw recipe? It’s based on my dad’s recipe, but he uses Miracle Whip so I changed it to accommodate mayonnaise. Here’s my dad’s recipe, if you use Miracle Whip:

Swistle’s Dad’s Coleslaw Recipe (Miracle Whip)
1 lb. shredded coleslaw mix
3/4 c. Miracle Whip
1.5 T. sugar
1.5 T. vinegar

Mix all ingredients together. Refrigerate awhile to allow flavors to blend.


We used to use Miracle Whip, too, but then I was on keto so we switched to mayonnaise and we haven’t switched back, at least not yet. I looked up how to substitute mayonnaise for Miracle Whip, and found several LONG and INVOLVED recipes, including one that wanted me to COOK the mayonnaise with the additional ingredients (honey, no), but looking at a bunch of different recipes it seemed as if the gist was that if I used mayonnaise I should add some vinegar, sugar, and salt. Since my dad’s recipe already calls for vinegar and sugar, I just used more. I also added salt. And then I impulsively shook in a little bottled lemon juice. So here’s my recipe, if you use mayonnaise:

Swistle’s Coleslaw Recipe (Mayonnaise)
1 lb shredded coleslaw mix
3/4 c. mayonnaise
2 T. sugar
2.5 T. vinegar
a good pinch of salt
like a teaspoon or so of lemon juice

None of that seems like it has to be super precise. I put in more like 1.5 T. of sugar when I made it today, because 2 T. just seemed like kind of a lot; we’ll see if it makes a difference. [Update: It made a difference. Not a good difference. I added more sugar. I like non-sweet coleslaw recipes, too, but this is a sweet/tart one and it needs the sweet to balance the tart.] I like to mix everything except the bag of shreddies in a big plastic bowl, then add the shredded stuff and stir it, then spatula it into a 1.5-quart lidded glass bowl. I know that makes for an extra bowl to clean, but I don’t like to have to be careful when I’m stirring, and coleslaw is fun to stir, and the extra bowl is quick to wash.


For the past FOUR trips (remember we’re still talking about grocery shopping), the store has been out of the Gardein Beefless Ground I use for the vegetarians in our household. We have tried other brands, and none of the ones we’ve tried have been anywhere near as good. This time they FINALLY had it back in stock, and I bought three bags—but now they’re out of the Morning Star faux-chicken patties and nuggets.

I am still doing the shopping before my daily shower, so that afterward I can shower off the real and imaginary germs without feeling as if perhaps I am going a bit far with this. Also, I am much more tolerant of being hot/sweaty if I know I’ll be showering soon, and it’s always hot and humid now. Also, because of the heat/humidity, I need to get the groceries inside and put away QUICKLY, which means I end up even hotter and sweatier and stressier. A nice cool shower is a good reset button. (And I count the shopping and putting-away as my exercise for the day.)

Speaking of the heat and humidity, I was explaining to Elizabeth that I would not be able to successfully purchase the Klondike bars she was hoping for: the grocery store I was planning to go to is 20 minutes away, and I don’t like to count on the ice cream making it that long in summer. She suggested bringing an insulated bag, and I reminded her that the store is not currently allowing customers to bring in their own bags. “…But you can still use it in the car,” she explained gently. My goodness, imagine having all those fresh youthful brain cells!

So I DID bring the insulated bag, with several ice packs in it. Normally (normally during a pandemic, I mean), when I come out to the car after shopping I triage the groceries a little, putting things that don’t mind the heat so much (toilet paper, flour, cereal, canned stuff) into the trunk, and the rest of the stuff into the air-conditioned interior (this helps me prioritize things to bring in / put away soonest when I get home, too); and this time I added the extra step of putting some of the frozen stuff (the Klondike bars, the frozen fruit) into the insulated bag. It was GREAT. I have added “insulated bag and ice packs” to my pre-grocery-shopping checklist. I might purchase MORE insulated bags.


How has your grocery shopping been going lately? Do you have a coleslaw recipe you like?

At Least We Tried: School Planning in a Pandemic


Our school district recently released a 40+ page document about their plans for partial in-person schooling. They did a really good job, under the circumstances, and you can see a LOT of people did a LOT of work to come up with these plans; but it is clear to me, after reading the whole thing, that this can’t work. I could be wrong! Maybe it will work beautifully! But. The first part that made me yell out “What are we DOING???” was the part where it said that if a teacher becomes ill mid-day, they will open the door to the adjoining classroom, notify that classroom’s teacher that they are ill, ask that teacher to take care of both classrooms, and leave with all their possessions by the nearest exit. BY THE NEAREST EXIT. WITH ALL THEIR POSSESSIONS. AFTER JOINING THE AIR OF TWO CLASSROOMS. AND ASKING ANOTHER TEACHER TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE STUDENTS WHO HAVE BEEN SHARING AIR WITH THE TEACHER WHO IS NOW ILL.

(This is all assuming there is enough staff to even start the first day, let alone take over each other’s classrooms. The entire document is full of “*assuming adequate staff,” and that’s understandable, and I’m glad they seem to be aware that that could very well be a considerable issue. Already our district was very short of substitute teachers, and now they are even more short of substitute teachers and also short of bus drivers. It appears there are not many people who want poorly-paid part-time hours with no benefits and lots of people-exposure during a pandemic. And as we approach the scheduled start of school, I suspect more and more school employees will opt out. UNDERSTANDABLY.)

There is a LOT about how the school will be cleaning the living hell out of all surfaces, all day and all night, which I guess is supposed to be reassuring, but is less so with a virus believed to spread predominantly through shared air, and we are going to put the children and teachers in closed rooms with shared air, and they will have lunch in their classrooms and will have to take off their masks for that. TELL ME LESS ABOUT HOW YOU PLAN TO CLEAN THE SURFACES AND MORE ABOUT HOW YOU PLAN TO CLEAN THE AIR.

Then I got to the part where we learn that if someone in the school system is exposed to someone with a positive Covid-19 test, they and all their family members and “everyone they have close contact with” must leave the school system for 14 days, and/or until they’ve had a negative Covid-19 test. Well! So. Let’s say a teacher’s spouse has a positive Covid-19 test, so the teacher will be out for 14 days. Also the teacher’s two children will be out for 14 days. And then, what does “close contact” mean in an in-person school environment? The students in the teacher’s classroom? (That might NEED to happen, if there are no subs.) The students/teacher in the teacher’s children’s classrooms? The bus driver and other students on the teacher’s children’s bus? How many people are out for 14 days for each exposure?

The gist, which was in the 40s of pages when most people might have stopped reading, seems to be that one single positive Covid-19 test in the school system will likely mean closing down the entire school district. Maybe not! But probably. So what we are doing is spending a lot of time and effort to create a system that is expected to collapse, in order to make everyone feel that at least we tried.

Thinness Is Not the Reward

Paul has been taking Fridays off of work, as he usually does in the summer in an attempt to spend down his vacation days. Usually this is really nice: it gives us a day each week for family activities or couple activities or dad-and-kids activities such as going to the movies, or going to a museum or attraction, or going to the pool, or going out for breakfast or lunch, or doing something we don’t want to do but need to do such as mattress shopping, or…well, you see the issue, now that there is a pandemic and we’re not doing any of these things. Now that it’s just “he’s at home all day,” and he’s ALWAYS at home all day, there is considerably less thrill to it. It means that I have more trouble getting my Friday stuff done, because he keeps being AROUND. Then, on Mondays, he’s been saying the three-day weekend makes it harder to get back into work. He came to talk to me THREE SEPARATE TIMES this morning before I’d even had BREAKFAST. GO TO WORK.

Without lingering on it, I want to say that I am now up 30 pounds from pre-pandemic times. This gives me important information, which is this: if I diet strictly at least 6 days a week, eating in what is a weird and challenging way (keto) but is the only diet that has been sustainable long-term for me, I can keep my weight SO LOW that my doctor says I would ONLY need to lose another 20 pounds to be in the “””healthy””” range on the chart. If I stop that strict and weird way of eating, and go back to eating a normal array of foods, the weight comes right back to me. It’s good to know. I had wondered.

The pandemic has made me focus more on making sure we’re getting exercise and good nutrition, despite all the restrictions on us right now: the kids used to get exercise walking to/from school and walking to meet friends, and I used to get exercise at my job, but now we have to do exercise on purpose. Which I’m finding harder to do, somehow, as the number on the scale goes up. Diet/thinness culture sets up such a false binary: either we are Thin, which is understood to mean we must be exercising and eating “healthy”; or else we are Fat, which is understood to mean that we don’t exercise and that we buy two super-sized value meals at the fast-food drive-through and eat them secretly before going home and making and eating dinner with the family, after which we eat a half-gallon of ice cream and an entire bag of chips.

It is hard to shake off the feeling that if we’re not going to get to be thin we might as well not do any of the exercising and nutrition we have been taught to associate with thinness—even though we know, we KNOW, it is OBSERVABLY TRUE, that there are ALSO a lot of dubious/unhealthy things that can lead to thinness (smoking, diet pills, eating disorders, exercise bulimia, eating insufficient calories, diseases and illnesses, fad diets that may or may not be good for us, foods that have been made low-calorie in non-healthy/non-nutritious ways); and that some people are thin without doing the strict exercise/food we associate with thinness; and that some fat people are doing the exercise/food we associate with thinness and are nevertheless fat, because that is the delightful variation of the human body; and that the things we have been taught to associate with thinness (exercise, good nutrition) are well worth doing for ourselves, unlinked to what our bodies look like.

WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET THIS TO SINK IN? I feel like I have to fight it so persistently, the idea that if I’m going to be 30 pounds heavier I might as well not take a walk or do the strength-training video or whatever. As if THINNESS is the only possible reward for exercise and nutrition, rather than improved health and mood and physical ability—and it’s hard to do the work without the reward. THINNESS IS NOT THE REWARD.

Books Worth Buying

I have not been getting books from the library during the pandemic, not because I think it isn’t safe (they have curbside pick-up, and I have insider knowledge about our library’s quarantine policies that makes me feel pretty comfortable; it doesn’t seem at this point as if books are a likely way for the virus to spread anyway; and also I could quarantine a bag of books at home for a few days if I wanted to be SURE-sure), but because I feel sheepish about it. It feels weird to say “I don’t feel safe working there right now, so I am on extended leave, and please cover my hours for me—and oh, while you’re there in an environment I don’t consider safe enough for ME, could you get me some books?” And anyway it would probably be fine but I just don’t want to.

All of this is to say I have finished my To Read pile, which I’d thought would never happen. And I have been re-reading a lot of the books I’d thought many times were worth owning because they would be SOOOOO nice to have in an apocalyptic situation where we couldn’t get library books. But also I want fresh books. And what I was wondering is if you’d like to help me make a list of Books To Consider Buying. Library books are so easy: they’re free! take them on a whim! if you don’t like them, you’re out NOTHING! just stop reading them and bring them back! Books Worth Buying is a totally different thing, and can include the issue of re-readability.

Are you already feeling a little nervous? I would be, if I were you. Telling someone you think they would be wise to pay $10-30 for a book is very different than suggesting they try it from the library. But don’t be nervous! For one thing, this is low-stakes. I can check reviews/descriptions first, and if I see “lyrical prose” or “Kate White had it all: a successful career as a magazine editor, a handsome and successful husband, a beautiful home in the suburbs, and two great children….UNTIL!!!,” I already know not to buy it. And if I do take a suggestion, and it’s not to my tastes, it was still fun to try, and I have lots of people to pass the book on to, and also I know how books are: just because someone else loves it doesn’t mean I will; just because I love it doesn’t mean someone else will.

But I will start by telling you some of the books I love, and I will come back and add more as I think of more, or as books mentioned in the comments section remind me of books I should have included. If you did NOT love these books, you will know that you and I don’t happen to be compatible in this area (though definitely compatible in MANY OTHER areas!), and probably I won’t like the books you like and vice versa AND THAT IS FINE! If I list SEVERAL OF YOUR FAVORITES, then maybe you will be bolstered to recommend MANY of your own favorites! Also: it is fine to ask questions, such as “Did you like such-and-such a book, do you like such-and-such an author, do you like this kind of book, do you like that kind of book?” Everyone has their own measures for making recommendations.



• almost anything by Maeve Binchy; there are a couple of her books that I didn’t like, but I own all the rest and I re-read them (all the recommendation lists suggest Rosamunde Pilcher for people who like Maeve Binchy, but I don’t know why; Rosamunde Pilcher books are fine, and I’ve read a few, but to me they’re not like Maeve Binchy)

• Elizabeth Strout: both Olive Kitteridge books, both Lucy Barton books, but not Amy & Isabelle (I don’t remember why; I just remember being disappointed by it)

• pretty much NOTHING that Oprah ever chose or ever would choose for her book club (SO BLEAK)

• in fact, nothing that makes a point of being unrelentingly bleak, nothing where the book’s “importance” comes from “shining a light on a terrible, terrible plight none of us can do anything about”

• and nothing where a major plot point is the abuse and/or traumatic death of an animal or child—unless somehow the author pulls it off, and there ARE books where that happens

• long ago I loved The Joy Luck Club and The Kitchen God’s Wife by Amy Tan; I don’t know if I still would, but those are good examples of books that SEEM like they’d be unrelentingly bleak, and yet the author pulls it off

• the Practical Magic books by Alice Hoffman (I’ve added Magic Lessons to my list)

• NO Jodi Picoult, never again, she has betrayed me too many times

• Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman. In general I like the whole Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams kind of genre, except after awhile I get weary of it, and some of it is too much quirky/jokes and not enough plot. But overall I like it.

• Fredrik Backman: A Man Called Ove and Britt-Marie Was Here but NOT the Beartown books (I’m trying to remember why; I think I found them depressing and angering, and felt they lacked the human/character charm of the other books)

• Ann Patchett: The Dutch House, Bel Canto (but it BROKE me and I wouldn’t read it again right now even though I loved it), State of Wonder

• Elizabeth Berg: the early stuff (Talk Before Sleep, Open House, What We Keep, Joy School, The Pull of the Moon), but not the later stuff (The Handmaid and the Carpenter, The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted, Dream When You’re Feeling Blue)

• SOME Anne Tyler (I have trouble remembering which titles go with which of her books, but I remember I liked A Patchwork Planet, and that there was one about a poorly-suited WWII couple that I found good but too depressing); I’ve added Redhead by the Side of the Road to my list

• despite flaws, I loved The Rook by Daniel O’Malley

Nothing to See Here, by Kevin Wilson—a recent purchased-because-of-seeing-recommendations success

• nothing set in WWII, I just can’t, I have reached and then FAR EXCEEDED my capacity for books set in WWII, I read The Book Thief because I had to, and I was glad I did, but NO MORE, I BEG YOU, NO MORE WWII BOOKS, LET’S SET BOOKS IN LITERALLY ANY OTHER TIME PERIOD

• I generally like apocalyptic fiction (The Girl with All the Gifts, Station Eleven, The Stand, the Oryx and Crake trilogy, Girlfriend in a Coma), but perhaps not right this minute

• I enjoy a certain level of magic or time travel or whatever, but I like them pretty realistic/contemporary (like the Alice Hoffman Practical Magic books, or like Magic for Liars, or like The Rook or Nothing to See Here; I don’t usually like the kind where everyone has Futuristic Names and there are undefined made-up words you’re supposed to figure out from context (“hulaphone” or whatever)

• Some Stephen King in the past, but I may be done with it.

• I have liked a couple of Samantha Hunt books: The Invention of Everything Else and Mr. Splitfoot (I spent the whole book thinking she would HAVE to stick the landing—and she stuck the landing, and I started reading it again right away from the beginning as soon as I’d finished it)

The Power, by Naomi Alderman, was the perfect book for 2016, but I don’t know if I want to feel that way right now

Dept. of Speculation, by Jenny Offill

• Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Jane Eyre

This is How You Die and Machine of Death

• Sarah Waters: Affinity YES, The Little Stranger NO (I don’t like “Who even knows what really happened?? Certainly not me, the omniscient author!” endings)

• I don’t like YA fiction. I know lots and lots of adults LOVE it, for MANY good reasons; I know YA fiction varies so much that it ought to be impossible to make a sweeping statement about not liking it; I have many times WISHED I liked YA fiction because those are the kinds of plots I want to read; I have many times TRIED a YA fiction book that was highly recommended and that many people mentioned they liked even though they don’t normally like YA fiction—and I never, never, never like it. It is similar with romance novels: I WANT to like them, I WANT to read about romance, I have tried MANY authors and MANY types of niche and mainstream romance novels, and I never, never, never like them. This is one of those areas where normally I would not volunteer that I don’t like YA/romance, because why volunteer that kind of information, especially when SO MANY PEOPLE already volunteer that exact information about those EXACT particular categories? Whose life is enriched by hearing someone else declare irrelevantly that they dislike something you love? But in this case it is relevant to the question I’m asking, and so I mention it, and I go into some detail so that you will know I am not being casually/scornfully dismissive on misguided/uninformed principle, and I hope it will not lead to the natural/understandable but nevertheless futile path of “Oh but have you tried…??”



• Suzanne Finnamore

• 80% of Augusten Burroughs and David Sedaris

• Roz Chast

• 80% of Lynda Barry

• Alison Bechdel

• NONE of the “I grew up in an APPALLING/SHOCKING/TRAUMATIC family situation, it was RELENTLESSLY GRIM!!” memoirs; no really, not even the one where the mom dies; no, not the one where their parents are manic and the kids were constantly in danger; no, I don’t want the one where they made sweet little pets of the city rats

The Mental Load, by Emma (I have The Emotional Load on my list)

• Allie Brosh!! (I have Solutions and Other Problems on my list already, and have had it there for YEARS awaiting publication)



Update: Here’s the list that resulted from comments on this post: Books to Buy and/or Put on My Wish List

More College Decisions in a Pandemic

Just under two weeks ago, we talked with Rob and William about their fall college decisions, and both of them said they did not want to go in-person to campus. Since then, their colleges have continued to email updates about plans for the upcoming school year. William’s college is offering a full online option, with an easy and no-penalty cancellation for housing reservations. Students who do go in-person will have half-capacity college housing, and low-capacity dining-hall options. So William’s college will get their full tuition from William (though not the room and board), and he will attend classes from our house—which will help reduce the number of students on campus, for the benefit of students who must attend in person, which is how the college seems to see it.

Rob’s college is going in-person, with some classes offered online only to reduce class size, but no all-online option: that is, the students are expected to attend some classes/days online to reduce the number of students physically in the classrooms on each particular day, but the classes are not designed to be taken fully online from off-campus, nor is that an option at this point. There has been no change in housing or dining hall capacity mentioned so far (and Rob’s four-person housing is still listed as including himself and three roommates), and they are still listing the usual pre-pandemic multi-hundred-dollar cancellation fee for housing (which was reserved back before the pandemic), as if these were Normal Times and not Pandemic Times.

Rob’s college is also asking all students to quarantine in the same state as the college for two weeks before classes begin, without saying how that can possibly work. Are we supposed to…stay in a hotel? For two weeks? Carrying in all our groceries with us and never leaving our room? How many households have a spare adult who can suspend their usual life for two weeks to accompany the student? Furthermore, it’s apparently honor system! So some families will attempt to quarantine as instructed, at huge personal expense and baffling inconvenience, and others will roll their eyes and just show up unquarantined!

How glad am I that we already decided he would not go? VERY GLAD. HANG the cancellation fee! HANG it! They can HAVE it! They can keep their several hundred dollars, and WE will keep the entirety of the tuition they could otherwise have had for this semester—and possibly we will also keep the remaining tuition for the rest of his college education, if this experience has a long-term effect on our feelings about the college! How about THAT! Paul and I were talking this evening about how, until now, we would have ENCOURAGED any of our younger three to attend this college, been GLAD if they’d chosen it, REJOICED if they’d chosen it—and now we feel VERY DIFFERENTLY. It reminds me of things I’ve seen online about people planning to ask in all future job interviews “How did your company handle the pandemic?”—to see if the company valued/prioritized its employees’ safety, or no. I hope Rob’s college will feel they got a good value out of that cancellation fee!

(I do plan to attempt to have the fee waived. But none of their communications indicate that having it waived is an option—or even that they are aware that some students may WANT that option. They are proceeding as if they believe all students will be reporting back to campus next month, well-rested and quarantined and eager to get back to learning together. And if we CAN’T get the fee waived, then they are WELCOME TO IT. I consider it a SMALL COST to keep my child off of their fully-populated, no-online-option, honor-system-quarantined campus.)

We (meaning mostly Rob, but Paul and I are available to assist/nag/prompt if needed) are now looking into several options for Rob. Possibly he will take a semester off, and wait for his college to change their plans, as we suspect they will be doing even before the end of the fall semester. Possibly he will be able to get some sort of online internship. Possibly he can continue his online summer job. Possibly he will see if he can get a rapid transfer to William’s college (he was accepted there back when he was applying to colleges, and it was one of his top finalists, and we feel EVEN BETTER about that college now than we did then).