I had a very bad spirally sort of mood that started Friday afternoon when one of my feet started to hurt and swell. I was going to try to make this short, but that is evidently impossible, so I will at least bracket-summarize what can be bracket-summarized.
The gist is that all Friday evening and all Saturday, including a long session in the wee hours of Saturday morning when I should have been sleeping, I was thinking along these lines: “I can’t even take my morning walk, and that has been the ONE THING that I feel has been holding me together physically and emotionally, and I’d FINALLY gotten to the point where I didn’t have to practically force myself to do it. And in fact, maybe it was my morning walk that hurt my foot: maybe I am being thwarted by the very things I am doing to make myself better. And I can’t do my daily housecleaning chore today, either, and without those daily chores, the house falls apart, and even without this injury I can’t keep doing it, I just can’t, I can’t keep this house clean, we never should have moved to this house. [Short mournful thinking session about The Old House, fairly quickly squelched by (1) not liking to think about the old house and (2) the unavoidable benefits of this new larger house in a pandemic.] And no one else is doing their share of housework, except Elizabeth, the only other girl, and that is a sad, sad, sorry state of affairs. And why do I have to INCESSANTLY NAG for anyone (except Elizabeth) to do what they OUGHT to be doing completely on their own even if no one ever nagged them, just because it is Obviously The Right Thing that everyone who lives in a place should be helping to clean that place? Why are they ALL (except Elizabeth) turning out just like Paul on this issue? It is clear I am not an effective parent. And now they will all (except Elizabeth) go on to make their spouses/housemates miserable! whereas Elizabeth’s spouse/housemate(s) will make HER miserable.
“Maybe I should go to the doctor about my foot: the online stuff said that if it’s just one foot, and there was no known injury to the foot, that’s a reason to see a doctor. But there’s a pandemic. And I canceled my annual physical with the doctor because of the pandemic, and in the past her office has been salty about scheduling sick visits if you’re not up to date with your well visits, so [long imagined argument with receptionist] [reliving of another argument with a doctor’s receptionist over ten years ago, with rehearsals of how it could have gone instead]. I could go to Urgent Care. But some of the online sources said that one reason a foot might suddenly swell was “alcohol abuse.” So they will almost certainly ask me about alcohol, and I don’t want to tell them, because when my mom told her doctor she had one measured 5-ounce glass of wine daily with dinner, he wrote “Excessive Drinker of Alcohol” in her file, and that caused so many problems. [Imagined conversations with doctor in which I try out every way of declining to answer / lying / explaining what happened to my mom / etc.] [Long upset thinking session about how my doctor, when I told her I did drink alcohol, lectured me for far longer than she has ever addressed any of my medical issues, about how I should not drink, including telling me that if I drank alcohol, it would teach my children that drinking alcohol was okay. I DO THINK DRINKING ALCOHOL IS OKAY. THAT IS WHY I DRINK IT.] [Long upset thinking session about how doctors accuse patients of lying about alcohol use, but MAYBE YOU HAVE GIVEN US ABUNDANT GOOD REASON FOR THAT, DOCTORS.] And I have already given up coffee because my reflux apparently can’t handle it right now, and I have mostly given up sugar and bread and pasta and potatoes; if I have to ALSO give up alcohol, IN AN ELECTION YEAR, then I give up. I give up!
“Besides, my foot is just kind of swollen. It’s not a weird color, there are no weird streaky lines, it’s not hot and red, I’m not feverish, it doesn’t feel as if anything is broken—this is not a Doctor Situation yet. I would feel silly. And it’s a pandemic. But what if I wait, and it turns out I should have gone in RIGHT AWAY. Maybe this is happening because of a blood clot, and I will die in the night! [Brief thought of how nice it would be to bail on All This, quickly overwhelmed by thoughts of things I DON’T want to miss. Plus, I have to vote first.] Maybe it is the beginnings of a terrible infection, and If I Had Just Seen a Doctor Sooner, I Wouldn’t Have Lost the Foot. [Long upset thinking session about how badly I have plummeted into despair over This One Small Probably-Temporary Physical Thing, when people deal with MUCH MORE SERIOUS AND/OR LENGTHY things; and how I hope I would not be such a terrible baby if something long-term/permanent happened to me, as it so easily could, and how I hope I would RALLY rather than SINKING INTO DESPAIR FOREVER.] [Long upset thinking session about how many things would fall apart without me, since apparently no one in my family (except Elizabeth) can do a single damn thing without being nagged.] [Long agitated mental rehearsal of the things I would need to do/prepare if I knew I were dying.] [Long upset thinking session about how much I HATE to be helped and/or waited on when I am sick or injured, and how I may very well end up having to have it happen anyway—if not now, then when I am older. If I survive This Foot.] [Long resentful thinking session about how PAUL, on the other hand, LOVES to be waited on, and if HE were disabled permanently or long-term, he would REVEL in requiring my continual service, and that he and his ilk are THE VERY REASON for that part of the marriage vows, and that I should not have married him-in-particular under those terms.]”
Anyway, this morning my foot was noticeably less swollen, and almost normal to walk on; progress like that makes me think I won’t need to see a doctor. I have returned, relieved, to my relatively cheery baseline levels of This Current Administration despair.