I know I have mentioned before that one of the good things about Tipsy Swistle is that it is very easy to talk her into doing chores. For example, I recently persuaded Tipsy Swistle to sweep and hand-mop the entire floor area under and around the cats’ litter box, just so you understand how very useful Tipsy Swistle can be. Consider hiring her to come to your house for the low low price of several gin-and-tonics, sometime during which you can say “Oh DEAR I seem to have eight loads of laundry to fold!” and then sit back and sip your OWN gin-and-tonic as she goes to work. (I warn you that Tipsy Swistle likes to sing along with the radio while she works.)
ANOTHER useful function of Tipsy Swistle is that she will hit the Buy button on things Sober Swistle has been reluctant to order due to excessive anxiety / unnecessary fretfulness / a frugal upbringing. One such order arrived today, and it was a very happy order to unpack; I wish to show it to you.
A bag of Andes Peppermint Crunch baking chips
and a bar of Ghirardelli semi-sweet baking chocolate
because @devivo says the recipe on the back of the Andes peppermint crunch package is a good cookie, and I do what she says. (When tipsy.)
A bag of Mint M&Ms
and a bag of mint truffle Hershey Kisses
because commenter Chris mentioned white chocolate peppermint Kisses and mint M&M’s on the most recent grocery shopping report, and that reminded me.
Two bags of Popcorners White Cheddar chips, because I have been craving them and my grocery store didn’t have them.
Vanilla chai tea, because I used up a box of caffeinated Constant Comment and it was pretty okay but I wanted something different this time.
This cute Christmas plate, because I don’t do a whole lot of parental holiday activities, but I will buy a wide assortment of plastic Christmas plates and put meals on them. (I am waiting for the annual batch of plastic snowman/tree/Santa/reindeer plates, of which I always buy the snowman, tree, and reindeer, and only very occasionally the Santa.) (I did not grow up with the Santa tradition, and find him only intermittently appealing.)
Tin foil, both regular and heavy-duty, because KC mentioned on the recent grocery shopping post that there was an aluminum shortage and that it would not be a bad idea to have a back-up roll or two just in case.
O’Keeffe’s Exfoliating foot cream, because Nicole recommended it (HI NICOLE) and I do what she says (when tipsy), and because my feet have been sad of late.
Books two and three of the Murderbot series, a series which COUNTLESS of you recommended and YOU WERE RIGHT (though so far I think the Ann Leckie Ancillary trilogy was better, if you’re waffling between the two). I already read book one, and our library system doesn’t have the series, and there was another buy-two-get-one-free deal, so I bought these two for myself along with a Christmas present for someone else. (I will say to those of you considering a purchase that these books are VERY SLIM for the price. Like, if you are thinking, “Wow, a hardcover for $12-15??”—it’s because the books are small and just over 150 pages each. More like novellas.)
A refill of Bona Hardwood floor cleaner: the spritz bottle I bought back in March because this is what our (now former) housecleaners used on our floors and I needed to take over—that bottle is nearly empty now, and for awhile I was in denial and thinking the housecleaners would be coming back SO SOON, but…Tipsy Swistle knew we needed the refill.