Well, I have gotten to my tipping point, where “too early to worry about Christmas” turns into “IT’S TOO LATE!! IT’S TOO LATE!!” Such a magical time of year.
I’d thought we would do our annual family photo to put in with the Christmas cards, but that went from “We need to do that pretty soon” to “Welp, too late for that now.” At first I thought I would just skip it: my feeling is that people really like to receive photos in holiday cards, because I really like to receive photos in holiday cards—but I don’t delude myself that OUR PARTICULAR family photo will make or break someone’s holiday-card-receiving experience. “In This of All Years, it is fine to skip,” I told myself. But then I thought, “…or is it In This of All Years that it’s More Important Than Ever?”
There I sat, getting a headache imagining trying to get my two college kids assembled/cooperative during daylight hours, getting the tripod set right so we’re not just a sea of underchin/nostrils, trying to get Henry to (1) look at the camera and (2) stop goofing/talking and (3) no, don’t GLARE at the camera—and I couldn’t face it. So I took a pair of Thanksgiving pictures, one that Paul took from his end of the table and one that I took from my end of the table, and I got them put together on one 4×6, and I ordered them for delivery, and they’ll be here by next Tuesday. Good enough is good enough.
I went grocery shopping in person today, to get the things we haven’t been able to get curbside. My anxiety about grocery-shopping, which had gone wayyyyy down between March and November as I got used to it, has gone back up: not to early-pandemic levels, when we didn’t know if we should be wiping down our groceries or not, but…up, as hospitals report running out of beds and as people post photos of their happy maskless Thanksgiving get-togethers. And it is frustrating to be TRYING to do curbside pick-up instead, but then to pick up the order and find a little paper informing me that they were unable to fulfill my requests for milk, meat, or bread. WHAT IS GOING ON. There are no shortages of those items right now!
Well. I will say that even after only two curbside pick-ups, I have newfound gratitude for being able to go into a store to choose things myself. The anxiety is higher, but so is the happiness. And, since curbside is giving a false feeling of scarcity by somehow not being able to acquire certain basics, finding those basics at my store (WHERE THERE IS NO SCARCITY OF THEM) gives me increased feelings of relief and happiness. My in-person trips now feel like treasure hunts where I always find the treasure.
Today, for example. The curbside grocery store claims not to have cheddar cheese in block form, in any size or brand. I go through a LOT of block cheddar cheese. So buying three nice big blocks of it at my usual grocery store was THRILLING. I came home and lovingly tucked my three bars of gold into the cheese drawer.
Curbside has had no ground beef for two trips in a row. My usual grocery store had ample ground beef in every percentage. I bought three packages and felt like I’d won a prize.
Curbside had NO WHEAT BREAD. I had checked the “any substitution is fine” box, but STILL no bread. I bought three loves (I appear to have had a Three theme going on for some reason) and felt content.
And treats! I feel more reluctant to put treats/non-necessities on the curbside list. I DO put them on there, I DO—but I put fewer than I would if I were shopping myself. It’s partly self-consciousness + unnecessary caring about what other people think, and it’s partly that it feels a little less comfortable to ask someone else to bring out a pack of Little Debbie cakes and a container of ice cream than it feels to ask them to bring out bread and milk. Whether or not it SHOULD feel that way. Anyway! Today I got flavored seltzer! And several kinds of packaged holiday cookies, including one of those “sewing supplies” tins! And a package of Pepperidge Farm Bordeaux, which are my favorites and I could not get them from curbside or from Target and thought maybe they weren’t made anymore! And a couple kinds of candy for stockings! And Christmas-themed Little Debbie cakes! And diet Coke!
Oh and! They had crushed tomatoes!! I haven’t been able to find those for over a month! I bought three cans!
And I nearly wept right there in the store as I put two large packages of frozen broccoli florets in my cart: I don’t know if I just got a bad bag or what, but my first bag from the curbside grocery store was TERRIBLE. So, so mushy and soggy, even when I tried again and microwaved another serving for much less time than usual; and many pieces had gross brown sections. Maybe it was just a bad bag! I will try again! But…in the meantime, I have two large bags of Good Familiar Reliable Broccoli.
They had Kraft macaroni, which curbside was out of and I could have gotten from Target Drive-up but I wasn’t planning a trip there soon, and it’s an Emotional Support Food for two of the kids.
They had the jarred pasta sauce we use, which curbside was out of and I couldn’t get from Target.
They had stuffing mix, which curbside said they were out of and I couldn’t get from Target. (It has to be a vegetarian one, which limits options.) Every year we eat the leftover stuffing disappointingly quickly and I wish I’d made two batches. I’ve made a note for next year—and in the meantime, where is the rule saying I can’t make stuffing as a side dish for a normal meal? NOWHERE.
And then there was The Tea Aisle. You all gave so many good tea suggestions, and some of them were not available from the places I normally get things shipped/curbside, so I was VERY EXCITED to check my grocery store to see what they’d have. I will start by saying that, sadly, they did not have any holiday teas—or if they did, I missed them in my flustered anxiety, which is fully possible because I know NORMALLY they have a cardboard display of holiday teas. Maybe I walked right past it. I might have. I really might have. Well, let’s not dwell on it. The point is that I didn’t want to LINGER but I wanted to come home with SEVERAL fun suggested teas if possible, and I DID!
I am drinking a cup of Bengal Spice right now, and I am going to try the Ceylon Orange Pekoe this afternoon when I need a little caffeine!