I am on Day 3 of a slump. At work yesterday, I was sitting on the floor to sort a shelf of books that were not in the right order, and it took a fair amount of effort not to just lie down right there on the nice cool industrial carpeting. Here is what my brain looks like:
• Elizabeth got her driver’s license. She is certain to be permanently injured and/or killed in a crash, and/or to permanently injure / kill someone else in a crash, and we will have to live with that forever; WHY do we let SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLDS drive CARS???? And the tracking device we put on her phone is not working—and I mean ACTUALLY not working, as in Paul is a computer person and could not get it to work, not as in “Oh, she claims it weirdly stops working when she leaves the house” or whatever.
• Afghanistan appears to be stopping education for girls, just on top of everything else they are doing to women. There is no way to pretend that kind of thing can’t happen here. It’s only within the last 100 years that women in the U.S. could vote, have credit cards in their own names, work after marriage, purchase birth control without a husband’s permission. Women still don’t get equal pay, and many don’t have equality even within their own homes. It is only VERY RECENTLY that there has been pushback over using “he” as gender-neutral. We’ve still LITERALLY NEVER HAD a female president, and that’s not something that is viewed the way it should be. Imagine if we’d had 45 female presidents in a row, never a single male president, and men barely noticed, and just talked hopefully about how neat it would be to have a female president someday. Imagine if until recently, men hadn’t been allowed to vote. Imagine if it used to be that men could only have a credit card if it was jointly held with a wife or mother; imagine if men had been expected to quit their jobs (teaching or nursing or secretarial work) when they had children. Imagine if up until RECENT MEMORY “she” had been considered a gender-neutral pronoun. Imagine if all of that was LESS THAN 100 YEARS AGO, and if one of the two main political parties was talking extensively about getting back to traditional family values.
• Rob is not coming home for Thanksgiving, and the reason he gave us (he gets carsick) seems flimsy. He doesn’t love us, probably, and will never come home again. This is going to be one of those stories where the grown child goes around talking about their Brave Estrangement from their parents, and meanwhile we are never going to know WHY. (In college, I stayed on campus for several holidays, never because of my parents, always for other reasons, and had a marvelous time. I spent one spring break alone in the campus apartment, watching TV, eating Dinty Moore stew and Reese’s peanut butter eggs, and dealing successfully with a bunch of essays/projects that had been stressing me out.)
• Republicans in Congress. And Democrats are bumbling around LETTING THEM, despite holding control of the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, so it is seeming likely that the ENTIRE SYSTEM is corrupt and unworkable.
• People who refuse to get the Covid-19 vaccine are clogging hospitals, so that people with other issues are dying because medical care is not available.
• The kid whose job it is to unload the dishwasher keeps leaving for school without emptying it. By the time they DO empty it, it’s typical for the counter over the dishwasher to be FULL of dirty dishes, which then I end up loading into the dishwasher—and then immediately running it again, because it’s full. I don’t want to have to ACTIVELY MANAGE things so that this doesn’t happen. I want everyone to just do their own stupid chores without ME taking on the task of MANAGING their stupid chores for them.
• It’s only, like, a year, if we’re lucky, until our 45th president starts actively running for the 2024 election and the media starts covering him again all the time. It’s already starting to creep back.
• We have some sort of self-proclaimed “First Amendment Rights activist” who is bothering us at the library. He is filming us and trying to bait us into telling him he isn’t allowed to—because apparently, he IS allowed to. He is also allowed to post those videos of us on YouTube, which he is indeed doing. Relatedly: a few years ago, a patron kept taking photos/videos of my co-worker’s butt as she was working (she was a page at the time, a job that requires a lot of bending over). She eventually called the police—who told her that because she worked in a public building, there was nothing that could be done, and she had to let a stranger continue to photograph/film her butt.
• I keep a tab open in my browser to a local newspaper’s obituaries section. There have been a whole bunch of deaths recently of people in their 40s and 50s. Only a couple of them have mentioned the cause of death.
• The list that goes around sometimes of all the celebrity men over the years who openly exploited young teenage girls and didn’t face any real consequences for that.
• That terrible guy? is apparently still in charge of the U.S. Postal Service? and is still actively making it worse??
• The headlines making a big deal about all the HELPERS (medical workers, police) who are being FIRED for REFUSING TO BE VACCINATED, instead of emphasizing that over 99% of that workforce has been vaccinated, and that MANY MANY PROFESSIONS have mandatory safety regulations/requirements/equipment. We do not allow surgeons to make their own decisions about washing their hands and wearing masks/gloves. We do not allow construction workers to make personal choices about helmets.
• The Covid-19 spread in schools. Worrying about my kids. Worrying about other people’s kids. Meanwhile people claiming that masks are “child abuse.”
Here is what I have tried so far:
• Eating plenty of food, with plenty of calories, because in our culture women learn that the ideal number of calories is zero and anything else is weakness/indulgence; and so sadness/despair can actually be hunger/malnourishment—an actual lack of the actual energy needed by the body/mind in order to function, let alone cope.
• Ice cream purchased/eaten in pints. Another lesson from our culture is that there is something intrinsically therapeutic about eating an entire pint of ice cream directly from the container. I am leaning right into that.
• Mugs of coffee, re-microwaved as many times as necessary to keep them nice and comfortingly hot on cold stressy hands.
• B-complex Stress, sure to help the situation in Afghanistan and the situations here at home.
• Flowers. It is not the glorious time of $2 bundles of daffodils, but the grocery store has $5 “here’s what we’ve got today” bouquets, and today it was one red rose, one pink gerbera daisy, a bunch of interesting lime-green button-looking things, one fern frond. Who even knows what is happening in North Korea, but a vase of flowers is not going to make things WORSE.
• Staying preventatively warm. When I get sad, I get chilly. When I am sad and chilly, I can’t get myself to move from where I’m sitting. All I need to do is walk to another part of the house and get a sweatshirt and some slippers! That would make things so much better! But no. I am too cold to move. I must stay miserable.
• Less time on Twitter, more time reading books in a rocking chair. But then I accidentally read a memoir about a young woman who was beaten and raped by one of her college professors over a period of several years, and how he was never prosecuted for that. So I need to refine this technique. I got out three fresh books: Anxious People by Fredrik Backman; Upright Women Wanted, by Sarah Gailey; and Even Better Brownies, by Mike Johnson.