You know what, I am doing this early. We are going to need plenty of time this year to order things, and calendars are not something that can arrive late and still be fine.
Ballparks calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). I realize this could seem off-brand for Swistle, and indeed it’s not a top contender. But it caught my eye because “watching baseball” was one of our summer projects this year, and I enjoyed it, and so now baseball stuff catches my eye, and I have some small assorted opinions about several ballparks. I am also considering the calendar of the particular MLB team we followed.
Happy Hedgehogs calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). Brace yourself, because this is one of TWO hedgehog calendars in this post.
Kawaii Kitties calendar (Amazon link). This is not the only cat calendar, either.
Avatar: The Last Airbender calendar (Target link). This gives me nostalgic feelings for the years when this would have been a top contender at our house.
Spacecats calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). Every year it is a contender. Most years it sells out before I decide. THIS YEAR I AM EARLY.
Everyday Herbs calendar (Target link). I enjoy the look of this calendar. I like the idea of having something to read while I’m in the kitchen waiting for a timer to ring or whatever. I’m not sure I would enjoy having every page look so similar.
Harvest Mice calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). The mice we regularly catch in traps at our house would be so surprised to know how cute we think they are.
Corgis calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). There is strong pro-Corgi sentiment in this household.
Great Danes calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). I think Corgis are adorable, but Great Danes are the dogs of my heart—despite the internet telling me they are short-lived heartbreakers who are much too much dog for a first-time dog-owner.
Men and Cats calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). Why, yes. Yes, I do love cats!
Can’t Kill Me Plants calendar (Target link). Elizabeth chose this calendar last year, and I noticed it each time I went into her room. It was visually pleasing, and also somehow really did give the feeling of having a plant in the room. I might get it for the kitchen this year.
She Sheds calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). Aspirational for those of us who do not already have their own personal little sunporch rooms as part of a spousal house-buying deal.
’80s Flashback calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). I am absolutely the right age to appreciate this concept, but not old enough for some of the captions, which have a more Boomer-ish vibe (e.g., picture of lawn-mower with the caption “Growing up in the ’80s, this was your GoFundMe”—as if GoFundMe is used for new toys The Youth don’t feel like working for, rather than for crippling late-stage-capitalist-society-breakdown medical expenses).
Cross-Stitching calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). Oh, this is pretty and fun! And possibly inspiring? I have been meaning to learn how to embroider, so that I can embroider things on my jeans. I wasn’t thinking cross-stitch, but seeing ANY embroidery might be motivating, and might keep the idea at the front of my mind.
Patina Vie calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). This has a restful palette that makes me feel pleasantly calm, and reminds me of the wallpaper-themed calendars I’ve liked in the past. The squares are a little skimpy, though.
William Morris calendar (Target link). This too is reminiscent of the wallpaper-pattern calendars I’ve liked. I had a William Morris one year next to my desk and it was a success.
V&A William Kilburn calendar (Amazon link). One more with patterns; I like this even better than the William Morris. This is a strong contender.
Flower Fairies calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). I like all the colors of this, and certainly would have chosen it for Elizabeth’s room when she was little. The squares are skimpy, which makes it nice as a bedroom-wall-decoration calendar and less nice as the kitchen calendar where I need to write things.
Pre-Raphaelites calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR there are calendars featuring the Impressionists; it’s fun to see the pre-Raphaelites for a change!
Redouté calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). Oh, I really like the look of this one. I have added it to the cart.
Dogs as Animals (i.e., in Animal Costumes) calendar (Target link). I think this would be very popular with the household overall.
Hedgehogs! calendar (Amazon link). This one too would be very popular in my household. It’s hedgehogs wearing cute little clothes and doing cute little things with cute little furniture and other cute little props.
Siolo Thompson Greenwitch calendar (Amazon link). Oh, this is very sweet/storybook.
Feathered Friends calendar (Amazon link). A contender every year. In fact, I actually can’t remember if I’ve chosen it or not at this point, it’s so familiar and so beloved just from this annual post.
Floriography: Secret Meaning of Flowers calendar (Amazon link). I like the look of it; I like the idea of learning some flower meanings; it has good squares.
Esté Macleod calendar (Amazon link). This was my choice for 2021, and I am tempted to repeat it for 2022. It was a very pretty calendar, very colorful.
Masha D’yans calendar (Amazon link). I’ve had a calendar by this artist twice, and would choose it again; very pleasing pictures, and a nice variety.
Flower Crown Animals calendar (Amazon link). I completely love it but the squares are too small (squashed by an oversized picture, and then ALSO huge numbers). Perfect as a bedroom-room-decor calendar, or for someone who only needs the squares to record very small appointments.
Klimt Landscapes calendar (Amazon link). A strong contender again. I like that there’s more variety in the pictures this year.
Star Trek Cats calendar (Target link) (Amazon link). YES. Kirk is ABSOLUTELY a male orange cat.
The Curious World of Catrin Welz-Stein calendar (Amazon link). It is more surreal than I want in the kitchen—but I looked at it for a long time.
Feline calendar (Amazon link). I had this one next to my desk one year and really enjoyed it. Nice and colorful; interesting to look at; cats but not quite SO cats as when it’s photos of cats.
I think for me it’s most likely down to: Klimt Landscapes, Esté Macleod, Masha D’yans, Can’t Kill Me Plants, Floriography, Feline, V&A William Kilburn, or Cross Stitching.
If you use a wall calendar, what are you considering or what have you chosen?
And one of these is going to be my desk calendar for next year, replacing the wall calendar I used to put next to my desk, which doesn’t work well in this house so I switched to a page-a-day:
The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America (Amazon link)
Effin’ Birds (Amazon link)