This morning, Saturday, I got an email with my PCR Covid-19 test results from Thursday: positive. I also took a rapid test this morning: negative.
Would it be useful to review the timeline?
Last Thursday: Paul, negative PCR test (test and results on the same day through a workplace program; he had an additional negative PCR test earlier in the week; he was, as we were notified later, a close contact on Thursday to someone who tested positive Friday)
Last Friday: Paul and me in the car for 8 hours, Paul feeling fine
Last Saturday: Paul and me sharing a hotel room, Paul feeling fine
Sunday: Paul and Rob and me in the car for 8 hours; Paul feeling bad; Paul positive rapid test; Swistle negative rapid test
Monday: Swistle negative rapid test
Tuesday: Swistle negative rapid test
Wednesday: (no test, because not going anywhere and no symptoms, and three negative rapid tests in a row)
Thursday: Swistle weirdish throat/ears, like maybe allergies or maybe coming down with a cold; little bit of a cough; PCR test midday
Friday: Swistle’s symptoms do not worsen; Elizabeth goes to prom, wearing a mask, after five days’ worth of negative rapid tests and staying in her room and wearing a mask in the house when she had to come out to fetch food to bring back to her room
Saturday morning (today): Swistle PCR test results come back positive; Swistle rapid test still negative
Paul, incidentally, is still testing positive on rapid tests. (He used the other one in the 2-pack I opened this morning.) He was Fairly Sick (fever, just dozing and watching TV, didn’t even touch his phone/laptop) on Sunday evening and Monday, sort of middling sick on Tuesday, and mostly better on Wednesday, I think, though already I am losing track. He has felt pretty okay since then, though still napping and coughing—but basically he’s in the bored stage of isolation now.
I am now isolating with Paul, and I don’t know if that is the right thing to do. Should I instead be isolating at a motel? But that seems silly: it seems like positive members of the family would isolate together. It IS nice to have normal access to my stuff again, instead of camping out downstairs; it IS nice not to wear a mask all day every day. Other than that, it is sub par. I am new to isolation and still settling in, and also Still Pissed and so was enjoying some Time Apart despite the inconvenience; so I feel like I am just trying to put my stuff away and get organized and figure out how to manage this, and he keeps TALKING and EXISTING and BEING RESTLESS in my vicinity.
It’s too late now, but what we COULD have done is gotten PAUL a motel room near his workplace. They think he should come back 5 days after a positive test, so they could have him. Then I could have this room/bathroom to myself. Plus, what if by some fluke the PCR test is wrong (like by swapped results or notification error, if false positive results are pretty much impossible) and the negative tests are right, and now I’m positively STEEPING in the air I’ve been vigilantly avoiding since Sunday? But we’ve already been sharing air in here for 8 hours, so. And also, I am not keen on the idea of spending so much money for him to stay in a motel and eat takeout for a week or whatever, while I am here, possibly getting sicker and trying to manage the household from isolation.
So far I have NOT gotten sicker. I have a mild irritated cough that sometimes gets caught in a little cough loop where I need to cough for a little while, but no worse/different than I have with seasonal allergies or with the tail-end of a cold or even with my reflux; “endless nagging cough” is historically one of my most common illness symptoms. I’ve also had very little appetite the past few days, though I had chalked that up to (1) lingering rage, (2) adrenaline, and (3) wearing a mask in the house and being reluctant to take it off even to eat—and those all still could have been contributors. I haven’t lost taste or smell yet; no fever yet; no unusual tiredness yet. (I was up past midnight waiting for Elizabeth to get home from prom, so I am a little tired today and that keeps catching my alarm: “Wait!! I feel tired!! …Oh, right.”)
I’m feeling very uncomfortable with being so unavailable to the kids, and so unable to do things in the house. We’re lucky the kids are all older, and in fact the oldest four ALL have driver’s licenses and can do things such as grocery shopping. Really, they are basically adults, and in earlier times would all be married off by now and running their own farms. But without SEEING what needs to be done, it’s a little difficult even to remember everything I do, so that I can delegate it. I’m also feeling very sad to be positive. Just, really sad about it.
It seems as if we should take the kids for PCR tests, since my rapid tests were negative and my PCR test was positive. But for the younger three, they have to have a parent/guardian with them. We COULD go, in a car with the windows all open, wearing masks; but right now we are just going to take a minute to think it through. No one has anywhere to be until Monday anyway.
I let work know that I’d had a positive test result. I’ve been so focused on AVOIDING Covid, I don’t actually know what the work protocol is now that I’ve gotten it. I don’t know how many days I’m supposed to be out, or what the requirements are for coming back. I might have it in an email somewhere. I THINK we’re supposed to stay out for 10 days, but it’s changed a few times and may now be something else.