Christmas card update: BY FAR the most cards arrived yesterday, the 16th. I now have a nice border around part of a doorway.
Some Christmases involve a lot of quiet reading of Christmas books by the lovely light of the Christmas tree, and other Christmases involve roadrunner legs spinning somewhat less than merrily, and for me this Christmas has been one of the latter kind. I am trying to enjoy it for what it is, instead of feeling as if Christmas is not as good and/or will always be like this. This year maybe it’s hard to fit in the lovely-light readings of the Christmas books; so what? Next year those books will be fresher for having had a rest year. This year maybe I didn’t do much baking; so what? Other years have been big baking years, and that was fun but it doesn’t have to be like that every single year. This year maybe we haven’t watched as many Christmas movies; so what? Last year we watched a ton of them, so maybe last year was a Christmas-Movie Christmas and this one just isn’t, and that’s fine! A few things are arriving late, so I will have to wrap little slips of paper. Who cares? So what? Christmas is not ruined! It’s fine!
This year maybe I’ve had to pay the Christmas Tax a few times: spending more for gifts/shipping because I put things off too long and then needed to fix it with money. So what? Most years I don’t have to do that; most years I save money on sales and deals; most years I ship in plenty of time. The money saved those years helps cover this year.
This year I dropped the ball a couple of times, or else a shipper did, and I had to make silly inefficient drives just to get one single thing—like driving 40 minutes each way to buy a gift card in person, because I’d ordered it online on November 20th and it still hadn’t arrived or even shipped, and the online retailer was like “Huh, weird!” and their only proposed solution was to give me a refund. But listen, it got FIXED! It may have been silly, it may have been a waste of time, it may have been frustrating—but now it’s DONE and I have the gift card.
This year I made more than the usual number of decisions to do things in a non-preferred way, in order to save time and/or mental energy. Normally I prefer to spend a lot of time carefully choosing gifts for Paul’s sister, and then have them shipped here so I can wrap them festively and tuck them into a box with little festive treats tucked into the gaps. This year I opted to have some less-personally-chosen things shipped directly, because I couldn’t seem to get it together, and because I was feeling stressed about it instead of the usual excited. That’s fine! It’s fine! I cared a little to miss out on doing that, but I didn’t care a LOT, and if she cares at all she probably doesn’t care a lot either; and the relief of crossing that entire set of tasks (ordering! wrapping! box-finding! festive-treat-tucking! taking the whole thing to UPS and standing in line!) off of my To Do list was considerable.
And so on. I am trying to focus on the things I am Getting!! Done!!, because that’s a good feeling, and better than the feeling that I am LATE, I’m LATE, it’s all so LATE!! Today I mailed Rob’s Christmas box, which was not as extensive a box as I’d planned, and was more expensive than I’d intended because one of the items was on the bulky side; but that’s okay because Done is better than Perfect, and because probably the relative simplicity is what he would in fact prefer, and because larger things just cost more to ship and that’s all there is to it. If it doesn’t get there by Christmas I will be very, very stressed and sorry, but let’s just focus on the fact that NOW it is out of my hands and on its way. Also, I had some other miscellaneous stocking things shipped directly, so at least he’ll have THOSE. And probably the package WILL arrive in time.