Guest Room

What, in your opinion, are some nice things to have in a guest room? I have made a small list already, based on the things I like in the guest room at my brother/sister-in-law’s house:


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tabletop fan, for white noise and breeze (I see I have bought this Honeywell fan seven times so far: I have one in each of several locations in our house, plus I have purchased one for each child heading to a college dorm room)

• extra blankets

• a couple pillows of various types, if possible, so the guest can choose (not necessary, but pleasant)

• bedside table

• with lamp

• and glowing alarm clock (that’s the clock I bought for each twin, after a previous purchase finked out; Elizabeth has declared it a success)


In a separate, Extra sort of category:

• a chair (fully optional, but pleasing if it happens to exist)

• luggage rack or other surface for suitcase (not at all necessary, but nice when possible)

• a trash can (not a huge deal, if a bathroom is nearby with a trash can—but it is pleasing to have one in the bedroom too)

• charging thingies, maybe? Maybe something like the bedside lamp I have, which has a USB port. I always bring all my own charging equipment, with approximately the same degree of vigilance with which I bring my own underwear, but I can see how it might be nice to have the charging built in.


1. It got chilly enough for jeans, so I started putting on jeans, and my jeans are far more tattered and ill-fitting than I remember them being when I put them aside at the beginning of summer. I would say ONE of the pairs is acceptable to wear to work.

2. That one pair was in the laundry.

3. So today I wore a skirt to work. It is a long, tiered, dark-grey skirt, with a hot pink liner that shows under the bottom edge and also through the eyelet lace of the bottom tier of the skirt. I do not remember when/where I acquired this skirt but it was an amount of time ago that would be measured in decades rather than years. The last time I remember wearing it, Elizabeth was in kindergarten and the mothers were invited to a Mother’s Day event.

4. Anyway, I wore it (with a pink rose t-shirt and green Converse and one of these to prevent thigh-chafing), and it worked well even for the physical parts of my job, and it felt kind of cute and swishy to wear, and it seemed like the exact right amount of witchy for this time of year.

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5. But it does not have pockets, so it is dead to me. I came home from work and ordered new jeans from Maurices and from Old Navy. We’ll see if any of them fit at all. The jeans-fit problem feels like it has really leveled up in perimenopause.

6. Do you know of any long skirts with pockets?—ideally ones you yourself have tried and found good and lined and swishy and full of pocket? I looked briefly on Amazon but got overwhelmed—and also frustrated by the ones that looked good so I clicked through and oh actually they don’t have pockets.

7. Would you like to recommend good jeans for perimenopause and beyond? I wear a 16, and I am a fairly classic pear-shape.


I am drinking instant coffee because the coffeemaker broke. And this was the back-up coffeemaker! The first one broke completely a few months ago, and I was so happy we had this one (my parents’, which they gave us when they moved) all set to go! And now this coffeemaker too has shuffled off. This is not a good time to be alive, for coffeemakers.

I don’t want to speak for you, but I’m not sure any of us have the internal fortitude (shouldn’t that be “intestinal fortitude”? never mind, I prefer internal) for another “What coffeemaker should I buy??” discussion. I will probably just repurchase one of the two that broke.

One of them was a Cuisinart, and here are the things I didn’t like: it was hard to pour water into the reservoir without spilling it everywhere, which I blamed on myself until I was using a different coffee maker and I did not spill; it took a long time to brew; it was made of fast-rusting material, so that the heat plate rusted immediately and also a metal plate on the UNDERSIDE of the coffeemaker rusted, so that there were rust stains on the counter; it broke after four years, which according to the reviews was about two years longer than I should have expected. I liked that it made 14 cups (Paul drinks the leftover coffee iced), and I liked how easy the maker itself was to use, aside from the water issue, and how easy the carafe was to clean, and I liked that I could set it up to brew automatically the next morning (especially considering how long the brewing took).

The one from my parents was a Braun, and it was the kind with a thermal carafe. I liked that it kept the coffee hot for a long time, and I liked that it was FAST-brewing—though I found I trusted a fast-brewing machine less, like maybe it’s not really giving the grounds TIME. I liked that it DIDN’T TURN INTO A HEAP OF RUST. I didn’t like the difficulty of cleaning the carafe and lid, and I felt like the maker itself was difficult to use: a lid that screwed on in a certain way, a swing-out basket for the filter/grounds that didn’t snap back into place in a confidence-inspiring manner.

boring post about coffeemakers;
quick: add kitten picture



(holding back paw with front paw)


(yelling at me from the top of the stairs)


It was not my intention to get a kitten.  Kittens can be challenging, and they have the danger-seeking instincts of human toddlers, and also they tend to be adopted quickly, and also I think of them as being better adopted in pairs. And kittens get into drawers and cupboards and dryers and closing doors. But we have been trying to replace our dear departed Third Cat since about January, and I kept refreshing the shelter’s cat section, and it kept being cats who were, say, already 12 years old or, even more importantly, not good with other cats. Or there would be a great cat, but it would be available right before we were about to leave for England for a week.

Anyway, finally I became willing to consider kittens, and then a couple weeks ago the most perfect kitten was on the site: cute as heck, but more importantly it said she was very good with other cats. I made an appointment to see her. And the shelter employee led me into a room with half a dozen kittens, and I met the kitten I had in mind—and she didn’t seem right for us. First of all, she was 8 weeks old, which I knew but hadn’t fully processed; an 8-week-old kitten is about the size of a large baked potato. But also, she seemed like she was a baby sassy queen, and we already have a sassy queen.

I continued to hang out with the kittens. There was a very sweet little orange-and-white boy one, just exactly as perfectly sweet and dumb as boy-oranges can be—but we already have two orange-based cats, including one sweet/dumb boy-orange, and Elizabeth has said no more orange ones for now. Elizabeth is not the boss of us, but three orange-type cats does start to seem like the beginning of a hoarding issue, in a way that three cats of assorted colors does not. Plus, this was another baked-potato-sized kitten. They seem so unformed at that age; I felt nervous to deal with something so tiny.

Gradually I became aware of another kitten hiding under/behind some Hiding Furniture. I noticed two things about this kitten: (1) the kitten kept snuggling up to a sleeping friend, which seemed like a good sign for getting along with other cats; (2) the kitten was hiding, but kept LOOKING at me—and not cringing or turning away, even though it was hiding and wasn’t coming out to meet me.

I talked with the shelter employee for awhile about it; she looked in the kitten’s file and said he was a boy, and that he was available, and that he was 4 months old—which feels to me like a MUCH better age for a kitten. At 4 months, they’re more like a bag of flour: still little danger-seekers, but there’s a whole category of places they can no longer get into. I had a good feeling about this kitten, and adopted him without even really seeing what he looked like: I could tell he had black and white fur, but that was it.

Well. I don’t want to speak too soon, but he’s just been THE BEST. He’s interactive with people, which is not required but we do enjoy that. We don’t require cuteness, either, but I think he’s VERY cute; he often has this wide-eyed Blown Away expression on his face. But best of all, he seems to understand Cat Politics: when one of our two adult cats hisses at him, he stops/drops/rolls and shows his belly, almost bored—like, “Oh for real? Oh, okay, fine, yes, I will assume the posture; there, are we done? can we play now?” Our bossy queen is not going to want to play with him, probably (she’s the kind of cat who likes to interact mostly with people, not other cats), but she will co-exist with him as long as he doesn’t cringe and run: when our former cat cringed and ran, she HAD to chase him, it made her so angry. This kitten defers to her but isn’t scared of her, and I think that’s going to work well for them. She licked his head this morning, though she then immediately hissed at him again.

And we hardly dare hope that this kitten could be a friend for our boy-orange, our boy-orange who has been sad and lonely since his friend died in December. But it looks as if that relationship is starting out well so far: there has been a lot of nose-sniffing and tail-sniffing, and one tentative play session. My hope is that soon there will be snuggling.

College ER Visit

During college orientation, Elizabeth tested positive for Covid and missed her entire first week of classes. Then she texted us photos of two consecutive negative tests, and said she and her roommate had stopped wearing masks in their room, and we felt considerable relief. The next text we got was that EVERYTHING WAS FINE but she was in the ER. She had gone out for ice cream with friends, and had accidentally eaten a flavor that contained tree nuts, which she is allergic to. She took benadryl, which is the first step for her: it’s a relatively mild allergy, so small exposures caught early can often be treated with just benadryl. But she threw up the benadryl, which is one of the list of signals the allergist gave us that would indicate the benadryl was not sufficient in this case. So she called the campus emergency number, and they talked her through self-administering her Epipen which she had never done before, and they called her an ambulance, and she went to the ER.

That could have been broken into two to three paragraphs, but I packed it into one because THAT WAS HOW IT FELT.

We were texting back and forth with her while she waited out her time in the ER: they give her a bunch of medications to counteract the allergic reaction, but then she has to stay there for a certain number of hours so they can make sure those medications were sufficient to fully stop the reaction. This is when she mentioned casually that her release time was 10:30 p.m. (and we know from experiencing Hospital Time on numerous occasions that this could very well mean 11:00 or 11:30), and that she would need to find her own way back to campus BUT DON’T WORRY because the very nice nurse said he would help her figure out Uber.

Well. Well. Lots of good Life Experience happening these first couple of weeks.

She said while she was in her dorm waiting for the ambulance, her R.A. came by to check to see how she was recovering from Covid. She was like “Oh, yes, good news: two negative tests. But also, uh…”

She did manage to set up Uber and arrange a ride back to her dorm. We stayed up until she texted that she was safely back, which was right around 11:30 p.m. Paul then went immediately to sleep, and I lay awake feeling the kind of freezing cold where you know you have to get out of bed to get something warm but you’re too cold to do that. Eventually I had to pee (#evergreen), so I used that opportunity to put on a hoodie and get an extra blanket, and then I could sleep. I’d turned off Do Not Disturb on my phone in case there were further texts, but I worried I’d sleep through them; I worried about her going right to sleep in her room and maybe sleeping through signs that the reaction was back.

First thing in the morning, she texted to say she was fine and had lived through the night. Our insurance card has an instruction on it, saying that if you use emergency care you should call your PCP within 48 hours, so I had her do that. The PCP’s office bungled the whole thing as usual, insisting Elizabeth needed a virtual appointment with the PCP even though Elizabeth explained she was away at school and also didn’t need an appointment, and then calling back to scold her for trying to get away with making a virtual appointment when she was not in the state. So we will see how this shakes out, insurance-wise. My understanding is that ER visits are covered even if they are outside the coverage area, but we’ve never had to test it before, so I don’t know how many hoops there will be.

Down to One Child

William is back at college now, and we are down to one child in the house, and I will tell you I am not altogether cool with these developments. I am experiencing a time of making non-equivalent comparisons: that is, I think to myself, incorrectly, in an attempt to self-soothe, things like “This is what families with only TWO children feel after the VERY FIRST child goes to college!!” But in a family with two children, when their first child goes, they are down to HALF THEIR CHILDREN, whereas when my first child left I lost only 20% of my children! And, in a similar vein, when a family with two children is down to only one child, they are down to HALF THEIR CHILDREN, whereas I am down to 20% of my children! And you may wonder, why is she all worked up NOW, when she already went from five to four to three and now to one?—but all summer I have had FOUR children at home, which is almost my FULL ALLOTMENT, and now it feels very abrupt to be suddenly down to one. Anyway what I’m saying is that in this frame of mind it’s tempting to make inaccurate/unuseful comparisons, and I am not in the right frame of mind to sort them out, so I beg your indulgence as I spin out a little.

Here is something I noticed RIGHT AWAY. Normally, when Paul and I are going on an errand, let’s say to the grocery store, or maybe we want to see if we can replace the recliner the cats have absolutely CHEWED UP; when, as I say, we are going on an errand, we say to the nearest child, ideally the O.A.T. (Oldest Available Thistle—this is taken from O.A.P., Oldest Available Penderwick), “Child, attend to this announcement: your parents are going on an errand,” and we assume that child will alert/inform the others as needed. If no children are in our vicinity, and/or if all children are sleeping, we will leave a note: “Mother and Father have gone on an errand 9:15 a.m.” or whatever.

But here is what I noticed within an hour of being down to one child: when Paul and I were thinking of going out to replace the recliner, I thought of notifying Henry—but then my overriding inclination was to INCLUDE HENRY. Like, INVITE HIM ON THE BORING ERRAND. I wonder if this happens with Only Children. In the years since the children were old enough to be left on their own, it has felt only LIBERATING to leave them alone as we go on errands without them; now, suddenly, with only one child left, it feels Unsettling. And this happened, as I say, within hours of dropping the other child at college: it was an almost immediate and automatic adjustment—and perhaps not a permanent one. My guess is that my parents, who had two children, did not feel this way after dropping me at college—but perhaps they DID!! Perhaps they felt similarly unsettled about my poor brother, a small sad helpless baby junior in high school, as Henry is!

Similarly, it suddenly feels weird to imagine going on a Date Night, unless Henry has plans of his own for that evening. I’m not saying it SHOULD seem weird, and please remember I am literally less than 12 hours into this new frame of mind so this is not where I’m planning to STAY—but it feels to me like there is a WORLD of difference between the scenario where Paul and I leave three or four or five kids to eat pizza and watch a movie while we go out alone for dinner, and this new scenario where we leave Henry alone while we go out for a special dinner. If you see what I mean.

Even GOING TO BED feels different, or it does on this the first night of it! Normally when Paul and I head for bed, we have been leaving THREE TO FOUR CHILDREN still up! We have locked up, but we have WORRIED NOT about the lights, or about the overall emotional stability/support of the household! No, we go to bed before 10:00, and they stay up later, and we don’t any of us fret ourselves! But now: now! The two of us go to bed, leaving, what, Henry alone? in the house? to figure out the rest of the evening?? the lights?? ALL OF IT??


I have three things to recommend:

1. The Barbie movie. Perhaps you have heard of it! If it seems like it could remotely be your thing (I did not like Barbie as a child, and yet the movie was still very much my thing), I suggest seeing it in a theater, because I think it is fun to have been part of a huge cultural event/reference, and this seems like a huge cultural event/reference, and I think you will be glad to be able to say you saw it in the theater.

2. Trader Joe’s dried mandarin oranges. They don’t look as good as they taste. I need to mention, though, that although I went absolutely wild for them and am going to buy like six bags the next time I’m there (our Trader Joe’s is about 40 minutes away, so it’s a rare visit), I made three family members try them, and none of those family members liked them at all. It was baffling to me. I also love the Trader Joe’s dried orange slices, which are a different flavor: bitter along with the sweet, because you eat the peel. But the mandarins are so tart and sweet, and not as pithy as they look like they’d be! Why didn’t anyone else like them?

3. The book Shark Heart, by Emily Habeck (Target link, Amazon link—but I recommend getting it from the library).

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It’s an ODD BOOK, and it is the kind of odd that sometimes I like and sometimes I can’t tolerate. This time it was the kind I really liked. I think it would make a fun gift, because the recipient would read aloud the flap description and everyone would say “whaaaaaaaaaa,” and that would be some Gift Value right there, even if they didn’t end up liking the book!

Workplace Halloween Costume for a Middle-Aged Woman

I work in a workplace where a lot of people dress up, and where the customers/patrons/children seem to appreciate/enjoy costumes, so I would like to wear a costume to work on Halloween.

I own these two wigs (link to the pink one; blue one apparently no longer available):

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I am willing to buy:

• clothes I can wear again for other occasions
• especially a froofy dress, like this one or this one that have been in my cart anyway
• small, inexpensive accessories
• a tutu, because I’d enjoy the excuse
• not much; I don’t even really LIKE Halloween normally


The costume does not have to involve the wigs or a dress or a tutu. The costume must be:

• work-appropriate (library) (shouldn’t be scary to little children)
• moveable and not warm (I move around a lot and get overheated)
• relatively easy to understand/explain


Here is a costume I have already used twice for this purpose and could theoretically use again but would probably buy new wings because the wings I’ve been using were made for, like, a gradeschooler, and are snug and uncomfortable:

• bee (yellow-and-black striped shirt no longer available to link to; wings from a child’s costume we had in our Halloween costume box; antennae made from a headband and black pipecleaners)


Here are some costumes I have considered:

• Barbie! I could wear a pink gingham dress and add a daisy necklace (it’s pink-centered white flowers in the movie, but daisy is close enough and I’m more willing to buy it) and put my hair back in a pink bow! But even though I VERY MUCH enjoyed the Barbie movie, I am not sure I want to…dress as Barbie. Or maybe I do! I go back and forth. I won’t/can’t wear heels, so would have to figure out shoes.

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• Crayon, using a t-shirt that roughly matches either wig. But I don’t really like…t-shirts made to be costumes. Even though they seem like they would EXACTLY fit my issue, which is that I want to wear a costume but I don’t want to spend much money or be too overheated.

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• Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz! I could get the blue gingham dress and put my hair in two weird ponytails and wear red Converse and carry a stuffed animal in a basket! This would be a leading contender except that I don’t like The Wizard of Oz! or Dorothy! But it meets all of my requirements: easy to recognize/explain; I can buy a dress I don’t mind buying; I already have the other items. And does it really MATTER if I don’t like her/it?

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• Princess Bubblegum! I could buy the pink gingham dress (she wears solid pink but gingham is close enough and I’m more likely to re-wear), and wear the pink wig (it’s not her hairstyle/length, but it’s pink), and figure out the crown using cardboard or something. But…I am not sure Adventure Time / Princess Bubblegum is well-known enough to be easy to explain.

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• Cat or mouse or whatever! I could wear the ears and the tail, and put a pink-lipstick nose and black-eyeliner whiskers on my face! I have not seen cat/mouse ear/tail sets I like, but I could keep looking.


• Just wear a pink or blue wig and call it a day! There’s no law that it has to be a whole costume!



I would love to dress as something I am an ardent fan of! But…I don’t think I am a fan of anything that works as a costume. I could dress as Love Nikki Dress Up Queen, but that is not anything most people would recognize. I could dress as a Pokemon Go character, but that is not a costume I can assemble out of items I already have and/or can use again.


It is fair to say I am a little emotionally fragile right now. I am returning to some of the basics I remember relying on in the early days of the pandemic: eat! exercise! take vitamins! do something social—and that includes a quick text or email! clean something—and that includes doing something small that takes one minute, or throwing away one expired bottle/jar/can of something! notice when I’m scrolling/refreshing beyond the point of usefulness and do something else instead! Other soothing little thoughts: Go Easy. Give It Time.

I am despairing about Elizabeth missing her first few days of her very first year of college, and I am attempting (1) to put that into perspective (no need for me to list for you all the ways in which things could be worse, I feel we all have over-ready access to those thoughts) and (2) to remember how I have felt similar despair over other things that have Gone Wrong, and then gradually with time have felt less and less despair, until sometimes later I say “What? Oh yeah! I vaguely remember being upset about that!” It is likely that before too long I will feel less despair about this situation, too. I will wait for that.

I am trying not to despair over the certainty that soon Edward will have Covid: the goal all along was to push that inevitable event DOWN THE ROAD, which we have done; we have already succeeded in that goal. If and when it happens, everything/everywhere is set up to be More Ready to deal with it—and Edward has been given extra vaccinations because of being immunocompromised, and those vaccinations have been shown to lessen the severity of the illness. I will not think of all the various ways in which Covid could make the first semester of college difficult; I will not catastrophize and say “Well, ‘More Ready’ except if we are just plunging RIGHT BACK into overwhelmed hospitals and unfamiliar variants!!” And I will not rant about how we as a society decided we were Done dealing with Covid, and so now we get to keep dealing with Covid. Instead I will say again that the goal was to push Edward’s inevitable infection down the road, and we are down the road.


I keep forgetting that the twins are not home, and it keeps resulting in painful little stabs. It also keeps being ridiculous, such as when I am dealing with something over text with Elizabeth, and it is a SPECIFICALLY LONG-DISTANCE-RELATED issue we are dealing with, and yet in the middle of that exchange I go to the kitchen for a snack and somehow get surprised by remembering that she is not home and also far away.

Henry and William are the only two kids home right now, and it is an odd combination. This is one of the things I continually find interesting about a larger sibling group, having come from a sibling group of only two: the way there are so many COMBINATIONS. And it’s not ages that make combinations compatible or not: the two closest siblings in this particular sibling group–the two who get along best and I’d predict would be most likely to deliberately live near each other as adults–are Elizabeth and William, and there is a four-year gap there; William has a two-year gap with Rob, and Elizabeth has a two-year gap with Henry and a one-minute gap with Edward, but it’s William and Elizabeth who are chummiest.

Anyway, Henry is the baby at only 16, and secondborn William is 22; and that six-year gap, combined with their own particular personalities, combined with WHO KNOWS WHAT, has meant they haven’t spent much time together except as part of the larger group. I don’t generally push, but in this case they were both bored and both running out of summer, and also I am aware that unexpected/unplanned combinations can lead to good fun memories, so I tried a little PUSH, and now they are watching movies together every day, and teaming up for meals/snacks. It is very gratifying.

I am fairly busy with working extra hours at work to make up for all the hours I missed the last couple of months, and with sending panicky packages of Covid tests and Kraft Mac and KN95 masks and cookies and so forth to the twins. Not to compare the situations, but do you remember in the earlier days of the pandemic how TEARILY HAPPY/RELIEVING it could be to have a package of some essential or useful item ON ITS WAY or ARRIVED? I remember feeling WEEPILY GRATEFUL to successfully receive a box of, say, trail-mix and hand soap and rolled oats and chocolate chips—or even to see that it had shipped. This is similar to how I felt today, when a box of Covid tests arrived to Elizabeth at college; and how I feel knowing a box of Milano cookies and Kraft Easy Mac is waiting for her to pick it up tomorrow morning when the mail center re-opens.