Two things:
One is that the new(ish) EBay dispute-resolution system is so rad. Long ago, in the early days of EBay, if you bought something and it arrived in crummy condition, you had to hash it out with the seller—and most EBay sellers do not have training in customer service. You could leave negative feedback if they didn’t do the right thing, but then they could leave YOU completely unfair negative feedback in retaliation. Even if they took a return on the item, many wouldn’t refund shipping either direction, so you could end up losing a chunk of money and not even ending up with an item, even though you were completely blameless. It was a poor system.
NOW, if you contact the seller, it has to be through EBay’s communication system, and EBay keeps a record of the whole conversation. If things don’t go well, you can call EBay in on it: they examine the conversation, see you being incredibly polite and reasonable and showing the issue clearly with photos, and they see the seller not responding, or being unreasonable, and they take your money back from the seller and give it to you, including shipping. It is the best thing ever.
Two is that I had it out with my supervisor about all the schedule changes and extra-shift requests. I said that I was not a flexible employee at this stage of my life, and that I considered this job my second/extra job—a way to fill a few extra hours. I said that after working for the company for a couple months, I could see what a juggling act the scheduling was, and I could understand that employee flexibility would be a huge asset for that. I said I understood if my relative lack of ability to work more/different hours meant she couldn’t use me in the schedule, but hoped she would be able to.
She answered back very gratifyingly, thanking me for telling her and saying she would try not to change my schedule anymore. Since that discussion less than a week ago, she’s asked three times if I can work extra shifts—including one text at 10:30 at night concerning 8:00 the next morning. And this is after I answered the first request by saying no, I already had too many hours this week, and didn’t want any more.
This may not work out. In the meantime, I am getting lots of practice at the valuable life skill of saying no. Pretty soon I might start getting practice at the valuable life skill of saying “Are you KIDDING me??”
I really would hate to give up the job because of this issue. It’s not as if it’s a problem with the WORK. But this may be a problem with The Way the Company Is Run, and that can affect EVERYTHING. I’m fearing that it may be the way ALL such companies are run, but it’s too early to panic about that.