My cousin Lee writes:
I have a good friend from college who has had a bone cancer disease and it is getting the best of her now. her entire face from the nose down had to be basically taken apart to get the cancer out of the jaw bone.
She only drinks liquids now…and can’t smell very well.
So here’s my question for you and possibly for your blog readers if you want to pose it….
I want to send her a care package. Smelly things are out….food is out….
What could I assemble that would bring her joy and happiness?
She loves flowers…but flowers die quickly….I want some things to cheer her up.
and I need help figuring this out.
I’m stumped.
Are you on it for me?
Aw, GEEZ, Lee, this is really SAD! And a little gross BUT MOSTLY SAD.
Flowering plants are good, if you think she’d be up to caring for them. When Henry was born, my parents brought me a gorgeous shiny splendid geranium for my room. Admire:
Also admire little Henry on the bed.
How eensy is he? VERY eensy.
In fact, indulge me for a minute. Look at THIS:
I took this from behind my own head, and it is SO evocative for me. The familiar fabrics of the hospital! The way the bendy, birdlike newborn feels all curled up and rumpled and falling out of his clothes, and the way his entire butt plus both feet fit into one hand. That “Oh my god, you’re HERE!!” feeling. The soft, soft newborn hair, and the way it feels during snuffling.
…Where were we? OH YES. Gifts for a friend. So, a big shiny geranium. Or, our supermarket has some really nice Gerbera daisies. I bought one on impulse and finally had to re-pot it because it’s getting so big. Cheery, and they seem to do well indoors, or at least mine does. Or one of those cute little tea-rose plants!
Or a small framed picture of flowers might be nice. I’ve framed greeting cards before, and it doesn’t cost much (especially if you find a frame on clearance, and I saw some nice colorful ones on clearance at Target the other day).
Or stationery? I always like pretty stationery.
A paperback, maybe, or a whole bunch of them if your library does cheap book sales like mine does. And those can go book-rate which is pretty cheap, if you send them by themselves.
Oh, a journal!
Or a “learn to” book: I had a lot of fun doing Drawing for the Artistically Undiscovered. It comes with the pencils, and you draw in the book itself, so it’s like a drawing kit.
(image from
Which reminds me of a journal by Sark I FLIPPED over when I was in high school. I’m pretty sure it was this one. I haven’t seen it in years so I don’t know if it would appeal to adults as well.
(image from
Music! A tape of you playing songs she likes?
Okay, next idea. There are sites that offer support to people with illnesses, and what they do is they assign a “mail sender” to each person, or else they post mailing info for all the people and anyone can send them mail. The idea is that getting regular little surprises in the mail (a letter, a postcard, a greeting card, a little gift like soap or a box of tea or stickers, a medium gift like a mug or a hat or stationery or a $5 gift card) is good for morale. I can’t remember any of the names of these sites (it seems like all of them involve the word “angel”) (oh, here’s the one I read about in People awhile back, and here’s one for children), but it’s the sort of thing you could do for her yourself: a steady stream of small things in the mail might have more impact (on your postage budget, too, unfortunately) than one big package.
Furthermore, you may be able to recruit others to work on this with you. I can’t even tell you how much I love buying gifts and mailing them, so I’d LOVE to help—and maybe other bloggers/readers or others of your friends or her friends/relatives would want to help too.