Hi Swistle,
You helped me name my firstborn many moons ago, and he and his little brother are about to have a little sister! My wife and I are a bit stumped on names though, not least because girls names seem full of endless possibilities after naming two boys.I’m a big fan of the Favorite First Name + Family Middle Name equation, and to that end, Baby Girl’s middle name will either be Wells (my wife’s maiden name) or Parker (to honor my brother). We have a definite preference for Wells except that we can’t decide if it sounds weird next to Ellis0n. Too many L’s?
We like old-fashioned names that aren’t too popular. We can’t use Wells as a first name because my wife’s sister already used it for her eldest. Both of my older children’s names start with E (Eli and Ezra), and we’d like something in that same vein, but my wife would like to avoid another E name because she feels it was a “thing” my ex and I did (it was more of a coincidence, but I get it). Our last name, Ellis0n, is a little tricky to work with because it’s vowel-heavy and L-heavy, and so are lots of beautiful names we love, like Eleanor, Millie, Lucille, Amelia.
Our current favorites:
Juniper nn June
Anne/Annie (call her Annie Wells?)
Lucille nn Lucy (too much with Ellis0n?)
Louise nn Lou
Margaret nn Mae
Susanna nn Sosie or Sunny
CoraOther suggestions? Is Wells as a middle a terrible idea?
Thank you!
My opinion about middle names is that the sound/flow matters MUCH LESS than with first names, and ESPECIALLY if we’re talking about using an important honor name: Important Honor Name VASTLY outranks “the sound of the names said together, which they pretty much never will be.” In this case, the honor name is your wife’s maiden name, which in my own personal ranking system outranks ALL OTHER POSSIBLE HONOR NAMES. Yes, use it! If it merged to make some sort of terrible word with the surname, that would be a different situation, but “maybe too many L sounds” is not in this category.
I do think that once you have two L’s and a short-E in the middle name and two more L’s and another short-E in the surname, it would be a good idea to avoid adding even more L’s and short-E’s with the first name. …Well, unless you want to really lean into it, which I think is an option. Eleanor Wells Ellis0n just says “You know what, L’s and short-E’s is what we liked,” and that has its own kind of magic. I see what your wife means about the initial E, but on the other hand I like the way the matching initials tie all the kids together—but obviously I think we should defer to her feelings on the subject.
I am completely charmed by the idea of naming her Anne and calling her Annie Wells. I realize this brings back into discussion the issue with how it sounds with the surname but I am TOO CHARMED AND I DON’T CARE
Margaret is one of my own personal favorite names, and I perish from how good it sounds with Wells Ellis0n. Margaret Ellis0n! Margaret Wells Ellis0n! I want that name for myself!
I am very drawn to the name Louise as well. I like the way it faintly echoes the L in Eli and the Z-sound of Ezra. It does lean into the sound repetition by also echoing the Z-sound of Wells and the L-sounds of Wells and Ellis0n, but I really do think there is a point where an overload of certain sounds crosses from Too Much into Distinctive/Cool. If I think “Would I want to be named Louise Wells Ellis0n?,” I think “YES.” I don’t think “But it’s so many L sounds.”
Really, all I’m doing at this point is going through the names on your list one by one and praising them, because I think they’re all good choices. Susanna! Cora! Sylvie! The only one I don’t feel like devoting a paragraph to is Juniper: it feels to me like it strikes a radically different note than the other names on your list, and also your sons’ names. I wonder if it might be an outlier for your usual style.
Name update:
Dear Swistle,
Much to our surprise, our baby girl arrived two months early on March 12th—so we just went with all our favorites at once. Susannah June Wells Ellis0n (“Sosie”) is happy and healthy and finally home with her big brothers. Thanks for all the naming help!