I really didn’t think I would ever have the need to write in with another question after you helped name our daughter a few years ago but here we are. =)
I am currently pregnant with our third (and last) baby, a boy, due in mid-September and we are absolutely stuck on a name for him and can’t find any names that we both love and agree on.
Our oldest son is 4 and named Jameson Penn after both grandpas and my husband who all share the name James. We call him both Jameson and James equally. Our daughter is 2 with the full legal name of Natalie but exclusively called Tilly. From our last pregnancy, I emailed you with the dilemma of loving the name Tilly for years but both my husband and I not liking the full name Matilda for the nickname, You suggested that Tilly could be a stretch for Natalie and we fell in love with the name combo immediately. Even to this day, I still get so giddy (and so many compliments) on her name. Her middle name is Juliette named after my mother-in-law for an honor name.
And now almost three years later, we have found ourselves in a very similar bind somehow. It is rare for my husband and I to agree on a name so we both end up just putting our favorites on a list which now includes 29 names which only seems to be growing as time goes on. His front runner is Samuel which I do love but I can’t stand the nickname Sam which I know it would inevitably turn into. MY front runner is Lance. I love, love, love the name Lance. My husband also really likes it and says that it would definitely be our top choice if it wasn’t for the nickname issue AGAIN.
Our last name is a one-syllable, short, harsh-sounding German name sounding like a mixture between Trout and Trash. Lance T________. Just doesn’t have the same flow as Jameson or Natalie and seems too harsh. And, just like Matilda, we don’t like Lancelot to get the nickname. I went online to look for alternatives and there really doesn’t seem to be any for Lance except I saw one Reddit commenter say that she used Lawrence with the nickname Lance. And again I fell in love! For so many reasons, this seems to be the perfect solution! This final baby will be named after my mom as the last grandparent honor name with the middle name of Beck for Becky. So that means all three of my babies will have an honor name covering all their grandparents and dad and I am the only one left out as the mom. I’m so happy we did the honor names and don’t regret them at all but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little salty that, as the mother, I kind of get left out.
My first name is Courtney and before becoming a stay at home mom, I worked in the legal field which was always a joke with the name association with teasing of “Courtney goes to Court” etc. I LOVE that LAWrence and COURTney would have a very small connection (and I am in no way implying that he would be in the legal field as well or pressuring him into that) but I find it a cute name-match that probably only I would think of.
This time around though, I’m surprised at the push back I am getting from my husband and other close family members about it being too much of a stretch to use Lance for Lawrence compared to using Tilly for Natalie. I feel like it’s the same amount of stretch and unusual for both but workable. I’m hearing comments that it will be too confusing, people won’t get the association, Lawrence and Lance are two different styles while Natalie and Tilly aren’t, etc. So I’m curious what your readers and name-experts think. Is Lance too much of a weird stretch to come from Lawrence? Is it weird that we would have two kids with longer names but nicknames only used for them while our oldest doesn’t have that issue? Are there any other problems you could foresee with this name combo? I’ve never wished for a longer last name more than I do when I’m pregnant because it would solve so many of my problems with my love for short nicknamey-type names as first names. I appreciate your help and I promise to update you when the baby comes in a couple of months!
Courtney T.
I agree with you: I don’t think Lawrence/Lance is any more of a stretch than Natalie/Tilly, and I think it’s a clever solution to the problem. I greatly dislike the argument I’m about to make (when people make this argument to me, I INVARIABLY think “sure, theoretically this makes sense, but on the other hand those other nicknames came about naturally and this one didn’t, so”), but if this is the perfect time and place for it, then here is how it goes: “If Meg and Maggie can be nicknames for Margaret / If Betsy and Libby can be nicknames for Elizabeth / If Ned can be a nickname for Edward / If Ted can be a nickname for Theodore / If Hank can be a nickname for Henry / If Dottie can be a nickname for Dorothy / If Kit can be a nickname for Katherine / If Jimmy can be a nickname for James / If Nell can be a nickname for Eleanor / If Larry can be a nickname for Lawrence—then what’s so much stranger about Lance?” (And I’m trying to choose the more familiar ones, here! I’m not even getting into Sadie and Sally for Sarah; Polly for Mary; Daisy for Margaret!)
Furthermore, I think having a nickname that’s a different style from the given name is not only Highly Desirable but also Typical: it’s one of the APPEALS of a long formal name, that so many of them come with different-style nicknames! Maybe Margaret feels like it’s a bit much for a baby, but Daisy/Maggie are just right; maybe Charles seems a little formal for a toddler, but Charlie works beautifully; Theodore is so dignified/elegant but cute Teddy is perfect for now; Leopold is heavy but Leo is light. Etc. That’s the way nicknames WORK! No one says “Oh, but Posey is such a different STYLE from Josephine”! On the contrary: around the world we have parents saying “I’d love to use my grandparent’s name, but it’s so old-fashioned; can we think of a good nickname for it, to make it more usable?” Which is what, as it turns out, you’ve reverse-engineered in this case, if reverse-engineered is the term I want. (Do you have a Lawrence in the family tree anywhere? I think that would make this EVEN BETTER.)
I don’t think it’s weird to have two kids with near-exclusive nickname usage and one who uses both a given name and a nickname: this is the kind of thing that can feel important during the naming process, but later on no one notices/cares. It helps, too, that one kid with a nickname solution is a girl and the other is a boy. And that a lot of people won’t even know Tilly/Lance are nicknames: we know a bunch of Liams, and for most of them I don’t know which are given-name Liams and which are short for William; we know a fair number of Bradys, and for most of them I don’t know which are given-name Bradys and which are short for Braden. And perhaps Jameson will choose to go exclusively by James in the future, and people won’t even know it’s a nickname and will think THAT is his given name. I don’t think this matters, is what I’m trying to say.
I hesitate to mention this issue, because I find I don’t want to say anything against the name Lawrence, but with your surname I believe it could be misunderstood as the name Lauren. We have a family friend whose name is Liam Mason, and it is almost uncanny how often people even in our own household think someone just said Leah Mason. Lawrence Tr____ is not as blendy, but could still be heard as Lauren Str_____. But it sounds like you’d be calling him Lance almost all the time, so it would not come up the way it does with our friend Liam.
I would also like to add that I think Lance T____ works fine (similar to the famous singer Lance Bass), and that it’s not necessary for sibling names to share similar flows. But I see what you mean about preferring something longer and perhaps less consonant-rich. Still, I think if I were you I would go for the name I really wanted rather than finding a work-around. It’s just that at this point I like your work-around so much—but NORMALLY I would be saying no, just use Lance, don’t use a name you don’t want to use in order to get the name you DO want to use, when the problem you’re trying to solve (two one-syllable names in a row, like Brad Pitt or Glenn Close) doesn’t have to be a problem.
I don’t think it’s better than Lawrence, but I should mention the possibility of Clancy. I personally prefer the jump from Lawrence, though: the -Cl- blend at the beginning of Clancy makes it more difficult for my mind to separate out the nickname.
I wonder if you would like Lanson. Clearly there is a repeating-endings issue with your first son’s name, but I see a fair amount of this in the wild, and no one seems upset by it. Jameson/James, Natalie/Tilly, and Lanson/Lance. It loses the one small part of the name that could theoretically be said to relate to his mother, and that bothers me, but on the other hand the Law- connection feels like SUCH a small thing that it’s almost worse than nothing, a crumb.
Or to lean into that crumb: skip Lance, name him Lawson. James has his Jameson, you have your Lawson. (This is making me feel crabby, even though I like the name Lawson.)
Or Landon. You know how people call Prince William “Wills” sometimes? It could be like that, kind of, but…Lance.
Or Landers? A surname name like Jameson, albeit a much more unusual one. I am not keen on the way the -s blends into the T- of your surname.
I don’t like it, but I know it’s a common thing to do with names: you could name him Dylan or Declan or Rylan or Nolan or Lachlan or Alan or Holland or something, and get Lance from that. Especially in the case of Holland, people would understand why you wouldn’t want to nickname him Holly. (But I think this is just as true of Lawrence, where people would understand that this was not the era for Larry or Laurie.)
I just read a book with a good Langston. Could we get Lance from that? Langston, Langst, Lanst, Lance?
Okay, wait. Cortland/Courtland. The Cort-/Court- from your name, and then the -lan part that, since the full name is a namesake name, is perhaps more understandable to use as a nickname? “We named him Courtland after me, but he goes by Lance so it’s less confusing!” Can we make that fly? Jameson/James, Natalie/Tilly, and Cortland/Lance?
Or to abandon Lance completely: first name Beckett for your mom, Court as the middle after you. Or even middle name Courtney after you: as usage of the name decreases in the U.S., its unisex nature becomes more pronounced (according to the Social Security Administration, there were 156 new baby girls and 61 new baby boys given the name in 2020; at the name’s peak in 1990, it was given to 15,379 new baby girls and 675 new baby boys). Jameson/James, Natalie/Tilly, and Beckett/Beck.
Daniel came to mind when I was just sort of saying Samuel and Lance and looking for sound similarities, so I thought I’d mention it just in case. I know it’s a very different style of name than Lance, but it’s similar in style to Samuel.
Also Vincent, nickname Vince.
But really, when I read your idea of Lawrence/Lance, I thought “YES” and was impressed. It seems to me like the nickname Lance makes the name Lawrence fresher and more usable: I know you were working from the other direction, but I think that’s the outcome anyway, and in fact I expect this post to lead to more little Lawrence/Laurence/Lances as other parents search online and find your work-around.
Name update:
I wanted to update you and thank one of your readers for helping us decide on the name for our 3rd and final baby. After reading through your response and going through the very helpful comments, we came to the conclusion that while we both loved the name Lance, my husband couldn’t get on board with Lawrence as the legal name. One sweet commenter came up with the name of Lanston and I loved the sound combined with our last name. Lanston “Lance” Beck was born last week and we are settling into our family of 5. Thanks again for all the advice and naming wisdom!