I am expecting baby #4 (a girl) end of October and cannot make up my mind on this baby’s name. This is my 2nd girl and my other children are already Ryder (boy), Lyndon (boy), Ellison (girl).
I am debating between Rowan and Harlow, both with the middle name Christine. Our last name is a 1 syllable common last name that start with a C.
I prefer the name Rowan, however I am worried that it is too matchy by starting with an R like my first son’s name, and ending with an -n like my other 2 kids’ names. Also when I googled the name Harlow with our last name there is a romance author that has some smutty romance novels published, not a complete deal breaker but not ideal.
Please let me know if you think Rowan Christine is a complete no-go based off the other sibling names and saying them all together. If that’s the case then I would switch and consider Harlow as my main choice. I’m about 60/40 at the moment.
Thank you!
If you were equally split between Rowan and Harlow, I would vote for Harlow: I like that it introduces a new first letter and a new end-sound, and I like the way the whole sibling group sounds together.
But since you prefer Rowan, I think you should use Rowan: in the long run, I don’t think it’s going to matter that it repeats a first letter from one name and last letter from two. And I think Rowan Christine is a smashing combination.
I agree that you should use Rowan. You like it more and the reasons for not using it are pretty trivial.
You have maybe already thought of this, but Bowyn is out there if you want a different first letter and a little more difference in the ending sound, and I think it has similar vibes to Rowan.
I don’t know if you do nicknames, but Elle/Ellie and Ro/Winnie give you a less matchy option too.
Both Rowen and Harlow have a prominent “o” sound. Maybe look for other names with an “o” sound?
I have extensively exhausted the search, and even paid a baby name consultant which didn’t come up with many other names I liked. Other ones that have come up are Ansley, Henley, Isley, Renley, but I’m not loving the “ley” ending as I feel like it’s trendy. I also more recently considered Devin and Avery but my husband doesn’t like either of those! Other ones I’ve considered and eliminated for various reasons are Mercer, Merritt, Palmer, Tatum, Piper. I keep coming back to Harlow and Rowan!
Rowan Christine is great. I actually slightly prefer Rowan with the sibset; Harlow is great but exclusively girl in my mind, while Rowan is a bit more gender neutral like Ellison.
This is a good point. I agree. When I read “Ryder, Lyndon, and Ellison” I thought they were all boys. Harlow is all-girl to me, whereas Rowan is more gender neutral.
Use what you love. Rowan works, the issues are minor. I think that Harlow is better in the sibset.
If you’d like to consider other options, it seems like you’re into the long O sound, try:
Margot/Margaux (Mar-go)
You prefer Rowan, and the reasons for not using it are the kind of thing I don’t think you’ll be thinking about in a year. The only reason I wouldn’t use Rowen in your situation is if you were really attached to putting the kids’ first initials on things.
I second Marlow. To me, Ellison is leaning girl, while Rowan and Harlow sound more gender neutral.
Marlow has similar sounds, but, to me, is leaning girl, like Ellison.
I like Rowan much more than Harlow.
If you’re looking for other neutral options, I’ll suggest Channing.
I like Rowan but I do get a little tongue tied with the siblings. Nothing that isn’t a deal breaker.
Have you considered Munro (or Monroe).?
I have considered Monroe! Wish I could love it, but I’m not crazy about it! Plus it’s another president name and one of my sons is Lyndon! One of the reasons I can’t use Kennedy for this baby girl either 😩
But you could use Kenna, Kendra, Mackenna , Kinley or Kinsey though, and it wouldn’t have the same start or end sound as the siblings 🤔
Out of left field – would Darcy appeal?
I know you’re probably not after more options but people can’t help it!
Oh and Delaney keeps popping in my head for you. Seems I think you need a D…y name! In which case maybe Denby, Darby or Dacey may also appeal.
I don’t think anyone will make the president connection with four kids, one presidents first name and one last name. The Scottish spelling Munro will avoid that too.
I’d use Kennedy or Monroe without hesitation
Sometimes I read the post title and try to form an opinion before I have any of the context. When I did that I thought Rowan, just because I like it a little better, as you do. I do see the point of the sound repetition, though. I could go either way really, but I usually advocate for using the name you like best, unless other concerns are really compelling. So, I’m still with Rowan at the end.
I liked Rowan just from reading the title. With 2 kids in between 2 “R” names didn’t bother me. Repeating n didn’t bother me.
I guess you could try Rowana to add an ending?
And then that makes me think of Rowena, which might be a slightly different style, but maybe in a good way?
Ramona instead of Rowena?
I slightly prefer Harlow, too, but if you love the name Rowan more, then you should use it!
I love Rowan! I know a 22 yo Rowan, and I think the name ages well. It’s nature-y, sophisticated, fresh. And I agree, Rowan Christine is great.
Rowan is great! And it sounds like it’s your top choice! But if you’re concerned about another R name, you could do Browyn (Bro-win). I also like Harlow, Marlowe, Vada (Vay-da), Haven, Sutton, Harper, Teagan, and Sailor for you!
These are all such helpful comments thank you!!
Delaney is a cute name, I’d have to ask my husband what he thinks. But I do like that it starts with a different letter and works well with the other siblings. But my husband is totally over me trying to suggest new names and just wants to stick with Harlow or Rowan! All of the other suggestions I’ve run by him before and we’ve eliminated for one reason or another. I told him we will consider Harlow as our first choice, and if it doesn’t grow on me before the baby comes then we can officially decide on Rowan in the hospital.
Rowan and Harlow- either works great! BUT… what if… you went with an -er ending to bookend the sibset? Other endings being -er, -on, -on…
The obvious would be Harper… or…
Ever (with Christine- I kinda love this as a tribute)
Another vote for Rowan here, I think it sounds great with your other names.
Other names that came to mind were Morgan and Marlowe.