Baby Naming Issue: Out of Touch with Babies

I have been thinking about how I am now out of touch with Today’s Babies. For a long time there, I knew lots and lots of families having babies, and my kids were all young and in school with a lot of young kids, and I knew their friends’ siblings’ names too, and I felt pretty In Touch. But now, I keep getting surprised by trends happening outside my view. This is surely what happens to every grandparent-aged person, which explains why so many of them(/us!) say things like “But that’s an Old Person Name!!” and “Wow, THAT’S an unusual name!!”—often about names currently in the Top Ten.

Recently someone told me they’d chosen a very old-fashioned name for their baby, and I was surprised to find out the name was Millie. I would not have put the name Millie in the category “very old-fashioned”—but I am a full generation older than these parents. It made me wonder what other names current parents might think of as Old Person Names—and which of the names I’D consider Old Person Names they’re getting ready to surprise me by bringing back!

I was wondering if some of us who ARE still in touch with Babies and Baby-Havers would share with us what they’re hearing. Not just the statistics we can see by looking at the Social Security Administration’s baby name data—but actual on-the-ground, in-the-daycares/preschools/friend-groups data.

This could be answered in a variety of ways: you could say some TRENDS you’re seeing, or you could say some particular names you feel like you’re hearing everywhere now; you can say just one name that’s caught your attention or you can make a long long list.

41 thoughts on “Baby Naming Issue: Out of Touch with Babies

  1. Alice

    One of the littles at my kids’ daycare is named Barnaby, which I initially found surprising (and then charming)!

    1. Renee

      Amazing!! I wonder if they got it from The Willoughbys movie?? The ultimate naming fail where the parents just don’t care enough to give their twins separate names aka Barnaby A and Barnaby B….

  2. Sara

    Oh, shew. I was afraid this was going to be a retirement announcement, and I want to be around while all of us are rejoicing or lamenting the names of our grandbabies!

    I’ve seen a return of 80s-style boy names on my younger cousins and in-laws who are now in the baby phase: Zachary, Brandon, Justin. It’s kind of weird. I also met a new little one with the name Crow, which I thought was so close to Crew that I was surprised I hadn’t heard it before.

    Alas, I am not really in touch with Babies and Baby Havers, but I shall hit post instead of deleting this comment :)

  3. Maria

    Dorothy is a name I’ve heard surprisingly frequently- I know three 3-4 year old girls named Dorothy. Lucia is another name – I know three 0-2 year old Lucia’s and another infant with it as a middle name.

  4. Rose

    I am in it the thick of it. Everyone I know is having babies! But so much depends on geographical location/urban vs. rural/cultural hotspots anyway. You said you wanted the looong list, right? Here’s many of the babies I know born in the last two years:

    Frances (born this week!)
    Joseph x2
    Nicholas (this one surprised me)
    Millie (from a young hip couple…see, not old-fashioned!)
    Peter (x2, one called Pete)
    Leland (called Leo)
    Kit (boy)
    Bodie (boy)
    James x2
    Josephine (called Jo)
    Sierra (surprised by this one also)

    Wow, when I type it out I really do know a lot of babies!

    1. Rose

      I guess I should add that there were a few unusual names that I didn’t include for privacy reasons, (but I thought I’d mention it because otherwise the list appears a little strangely to be all top 1000 names.) I met as well a newborn pair of twins from Mali that had the most gorgeous names, full of l and r and sh sounds. I am embarrassed to say that I cannot for the life of me recall them, which is my loss because they were stunning!

  5. Emily

    I work in the church nursery at a big church, and also still have youngish kids and siblings with babies and toddlers. So I feel like I somewhat know the local flavor of baby names.

    I feel like I see different categories.
    One is the kind of trendy, “made up” types of names:
    Braxton, Paxton. Knox is VERY trendy here.

    Then there are classics, some trendier than others, but like William, Charlotte, Rose, Elliot, etc.

    And then lastly would be the kind of clunky old-fashioned names like Beatrice, Arthur, Harvey, Harriet, Mabel, etc.

  6. The Mrs.

    Lyla. Two in a month! This is kind of shocking to me. That’s OLD to me.

    I have a span from grandchildren all the way down to our own one-year-old. So I am in-touch but outside the trends.

    Every once and a while, someone will make Jennifer an honor name in the middle, and I feel like Jennifer needs a LONG break.

  7. Katie Shore

    The under 2s in my social circle include Robbie, Brooks, Lucy, Sam, Addison, Blair, Briar (boy), Austin (girl), Elwin, Isabella, Natalia, Oliver, Eliza, Monroe, Daphne.
    I heard a mom call her toddler son Maverick today at the grocery store.
    I know probably half a dozen little girls named Hazel.
    My mom, who is the principal of an elementary school, says she’s been noticing a lot of Maeves in the younger grades (although I know that’s not quite “today’s babies”.)
    Other than Hazel, I feel like I don’t actually run into very many repeated names so it’s hard to identify any trends.

  8. Catherine

    My co-worker just named her baby Bernadette (and seems to be calling her the full name AFAIK). B’s older sister, still a toddler, is Marilyn.

    Another baby I know is Cordelia. She has very young parents which seemed relevant to me when I heard her middle: Aphr0dite.

    1. Ariana

      Oh my goodness! I literally named Bernadette in my comment below without seeing your comment. 😂 It’s happening!

  9. Ariana

    I haven’t really noticed a shift in the past ten years or so! It’s still the same kinds of names where I live.

    I am expecting a shift when these Gen Z-ers start having more babies… I think we’ll see names from the 50s and 60s like Dolores, Linda, Norma, Muriel, Bernadette start to make a comeback. They’ll be the new hip “old lady” names. And I can’t wait for the eventual resurgence of Amanda and Ashley and Jessica and Andrea and Christine and Melissa. Then I’ll know I’ve lived a full life. 😂

    1. Sarah

      I met a baby Nancy a few months ago! That’s my own mother’s name and, to me, very tied to her generation.

      But then I thought that it’s an old name, with plenty of history behind it, and that grandparent names often seem fresher than whatever you generation thinks of as parent names. I wouldn’t be surprised if Linda, Deborah, Judith, and a few others come back in style soon enough.

      1. Annie

        I know a baby Judith! It struck me as very fresh! Unclear whether the nickname Judy would catch on but I guess you never know!

      2. Susan

        I hope my name comes back. I’d love to meet a few baby Susans! To my ears, the name has worn very well, with sounds I still find fun to say out loud.

  10. Portia

    I have no idea if this is an actual trend or just a weird coincidence, but my 4-year-old daughter’s daycare is full of sibling pairs who have names that are SO similar that I would have thought they would rule each other out:

    Kinlee and Caylee (sisters)
    Emma and Ella (sisters)
    Brielle and Brinlee (sisters)
    Annabelle and Abigail (twins)

    And another set of twins whose names are super similar, but so distinctive I don’t want to put them here. I don’t know how their parents keep them straight!

  11. Annie

    I was thinking of some of the ones already named by previous commenters, like Frances.
    I would also add Cecilia.
    One other trend I am noticing a lot of is the name James as a middle name for girls. I have seen it so many times (including by Blake Lively who may well be the trendsetter here).

  12. M

    People age 65 and up thought Levi was a really strange name in 2022. I had to tell them “like the jeans” multiple times. But the name is in the top 20.

  13. Sara too

    I just got a new grandbaby, as did 3 of my friends and relations on 3 continents.
    I have been surprised by two girl names; Elsie x2, and Nellie! My newest granddaughter is Fae. Which sound old, but with a different spelling.
    The one boy is Jack, so nothing surprising there.

  14. Erin Beth

    Right now I know multiple baby girls named Hazel and baby boys named Leo. Previously, I was encountering lots of young Lilys, Noras, and Margaret and Finns, Landons, and Olivers.

  15. Sarah

    Small children I’ve run into recently, besides the above-mentioned Nancy, seem to have a lot of smushes ending with -lyn (Adalynn, Braelyn) and what I think of as new vintage names (Sofia, Georgia, Norah). Boys often have surname names (Greyson, Connor) or names with that -o ending (Theo, Leo, Mario).

  16. Elisabeth

    A lot of the names you guys suggest on the regular sound old lady to me since they’re from my eldest grandparents and my youngest great-grandparents’ generation. in fact, the women were Edith and Frances, lol.

    1. Annie

      My daughter is Edith and I would consider Frances for a second daughter!! Hahaha
      I love the name Edith and was worried it would be too old-lady when my daughter was born, but I don’t have any regrets using it. We haven’t met any young Edith’s personally but I have heard about friends’ nieces named Edith or other friends of friends connections.

  17. Jean C.

    I am personally related to 2 girls named Everly who are 4-5 years old. I know 2 Millies and 2 Judes in the under 5 age range as well. I know at least 3 young Augusts.

  18. Evie

    Here’s the babies under 3 who I know:
    David x2
    Casper (boy)
    Emmilene (rhymes with bean)
    Noa (girl)
    James (girl)
    Perry (girl)

  19. Berty K.

    Best friend wanted Vera for her baby recently. I was shocked. That seemed very old to me.
    In general, a lot of Layla/Lila/Isla.
    Boys – I must not know a lot of toddler boys because I can’t come up with trends!

    1. Ess

      10+ years ago, three different couples we knew all named their baby girls Vera. It amazed me then and it still amazes me now! It’s such an older woman name to me and was jarring for me at the time on a baby. But clearly, others felt differently!

  20. E

    I have two three year olds so I feel pretty in touch with the baby/toddler set here in the Northeast US! I see a lot of longer feminine names: several Elianas, two Ophelias, Estelle, Ariella, Aurora, and Aurelia. For old-fashioned names, we had Helen and Billie (girl) in our toddler library class and recently met a young Agatha at a birthday party. There’s a young Goldie at their preschool and I love her name. Nature names abound, we know Willow, Winter, Luna, and Rose. The name we encounter the most for girls is Lily, we know three (only one is Lily officially, the others are Lilith and Liliana). For boys, Liam, Ezra, Levi, Theodore, and Henry are big. I feel like I meet a lot of young boys with surname names too.

  21. Amy

    I’ve heard lots of surprising boys names recently: Leon (x2!!), Wade, Leopold, Eugene, and Jeffrey.

    The baby girls in my circle all seem to have pretty standard top 100 names other than my own daughter (Bernadette who goes by Birdie). I see Bernadette has been mentioned a few times in the comments and we recently met another one at the zoo, so maybe its poised for a comeback?

  22. Lemon

    I know a new baby named Joanne (after her great grandma). I was charmed. I guess it makes sense that we’ll start hearing more “Baby Boomer” names, at least for girls – Barbara, Linda, Sharon, Joanne, Sally, Susan… I think these names will sound new and appealing to young parents, just like Olivia, Emma, Ava, Sophia, and Isabella did when I was having babies.

  23. A

    The names I hear on repeat in my area:

    JACK!/Jackson/Jaxon, Henry, Theodore/Theo/Teddy, Oliver, Alexander/Alessandro/Alejandro, Gabriel, Sebastian, Luca, Lorenzo/Enzo, Gael, Max/Maxwell/Maximus/Maximilian, Maximiliano, Leonardo/Leonidas/Leo

    Amelia, Sophia, Olivia, Leilani, Eleanor/Ella/Ellie, Isla, Addison, Malka, Charlotte. Lots of flowy A names: Ayesha, Aisha, Amaya, Ayra

    Surprising names I’ve encountered on kids under 5: Seymour and Mitzi (twins!), Barbara, Lois, Agnes, Sally, Helen, Karen, Melvin, Elaine, Hal, Edna, Richard, Lawrence “Larry”

  24. Maggie2

    I know a Frances and a Nancy, both under 2. Lots of Hazel and Nora, and recently met my first baby Esther which definitely feels more “grandmother” to me. I too hope Susan and Susanna make a comeback, I wanted to use it but my husband couldn’t deal with the thought of her being called “Susie”.

    1. Catherine

      My sister is a young Susan (Gen-X, not Boomer) and has never been called Susie. I would have loved to use Susannah to honor her but never got the chance.

  25. Rayne of Terror

    I work in child welfare so the parents tend to be young, and they use a lot of Disney names. They also love the letters X , the K sound, ending the name with an eee sound and apostrophes are still in fashion. Even when they pick a traditional name like Michael, they will zhuzh it up or individualize it somehow.

  26. Meredith

    Nora & Hazel for girls; I’ve also met multiple Eloises (!).
    Elliot(t) and Theodore for boys. I’m in a Midwestern city.


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