Baby Girl Rhymes-with-Truck, Sister to Logan, Abram, Henry, Miles, and, Possibly in the Future, Freya

Hi Swistle!

Nine years ago you helped me name my fourth little boy! That’s right, all four kids are boys!

My husband and I love having a big family. I am able to homeschool our boys and my husband works from home. We recently purchased a home with more property and we are loving this stage of life. Now we would like to add another babe! My husband had a vasectomy too long ago to be reversed so we have undergone IVF. I am now 18 weeks along with our baby girl!

Here is the kicker, we have more female embryos, and God willing, we would like to give this a little girl a sister and a sibling closer to her age. My favorite name is Freya Florence, but we would like to save that for the youngest sister.

This little girl, we would like her namesake to honor her Great-Grandmother Marys’ name who passed away this year. Baby girl is due the same week as Grandma Mary’s birthday!

Other children names (last name rhymes with truck):

Logan Clark
Abram Bradley (Abe)
Henry Samuel
Miles Thomas
***** Mary
Freya Florence (God willing)


Ava Mary (lovely, but overly popular and too close to brother “Abe”)

Edith Mary (love the sound of Edie/Edee for a nick name but don’t love how the spelling looks like Eddy).

Bonus but not necessary: Swistle noticed that all my children have a 5 letter first name and that would be true again with Freya. Any suggestions that would keep with the five letter trend with this little girl?

Thanks to Swistle and community!


This is an interesting task. If Freya were already with us, I would be looking for a name that coordinated more with Freya than with the other names, since I don’t mind so much if the brother names don’t coordinate with the sister names, but I do like all the brothers to coordinate and all the sisters to coordinate. But Freya is POSSIBLE FUTURE Freya. And the boys are here now. So I also want to make sure that the sister name goes nicely in this sibling group as it is.

It is striking me as fun rather than oppressive/restrictive to find another five-letter name, so I am going to play it as that game (which is not to say that we should not all feel free to suggest non-five-letter names if we think of them). If you find yourself struggling, though, it’s one of the very first restrictions I’d suggest dropping. “How many letters do my siblings’ names have?” is such a rare topic of conversation, and such a rare area for competition or hard feelings.

I’ve recently been informed that Nordic names have become popular with white supremacist groups. I mention this because WITHOUT that information, I might have been inclined to flip straight to the Nordic section of The Baby Name Wizard to look for names to coordinate beautifully with Freya; but WITH that information, I am more inclined to look for something that coordinates without being specifically Nordic, to avoid giving the impression that that was the theme I was now going for. But…my ear is not attuned to Nordic names, so it is very likely I wouldn’t NOTICE two Nordic names in a row to know that they were Nordic; and also, there are many names that are used in multiple cultures (Greta and Clara, for example, show up on multiple lists, including the Nordic one). I mention it just to make you aware of it in case, like me, you were NOT aware of it but would certainly want to be keeping it in mind.

Logan, Abram, Henry, Miles, _____, and Freya:

Eliza (maybe too many shared sounds with Miles)

As I was making the list, I was disinclined to add M names, because of it being the next name in line after Miles. But the way you love Freya Florence makes me wonder if you might like alliteration for this baby as well:

Mabel Mary (probably too much -abe- with Abram/Abe)
Macey Mary
Madeline Mary
Maeve Mary
Malina Mary
Margaret Mary
Marilla Mary
Matilda Mary
Melinda Mary
Millicent Mary
Minerva Mary
Miranda Mary

53 thoughts on “Baby Girl Rhymes-with-Truck, Sister to Logan, Abram, Henry, Miles, and, Possibly in the Future, Freya

  1. Kerry Clifford

    Looking for something you might like as much as Edie, without the looks-like-Eddie concerns…

    Maybe Audie, short for Audra (or Audrey, if you’re willing to sacrifice 5 letters)

    Maudie as a nickname for Maude (five letters and alliterative, and I’m going to keep telling people to watch the Investigators on Netflix to fall in love with this name)

    Ady, short for Adele? (Five letters, similar to Ava but less popular)

    Evie, short for…any number of things, including Evita or Evora if you want five letters.

    1. Cait1982

      My daughter Maudie freaked out when she heard her name on that show!! We rarely encounter other Maud/Maudies. I love the simple punch of this old fashioned name. It’s strong and smart and our Maud is alliterative: Maud M-Irish last name here. I highly recommend it!!

    2. Kim (poster)

      Evora! That is one that is lovely and unique with a vintage feel. I hadn’t thought of that one :) Evita is interesting as well. Thank you for the suggestion!

  2. Stephanie

    To my mind Ava Mary is too close to “Ave Maria”, unless that’s something you are doing on purpose.

    Tessa (!) on Swistle’s list also -I love it with your group.

    1. Laura

      This was the first thing that came to mind for me as well, and though it’s not a negative association, it would still be a dealbreaker for me personally.

  3. Ariana

    Delia or Willa. Two of my daughters’ names! I was hoping Swistle would suggest them as they both fit so nicely! (Five-letter girl names are a fave/specialty of mine, heh.)

    1. Kim (poster)

      Ooohhh…Five letter girl names are your specialty? Feel free to share other favorites! Your daughters’ names are lovely and flow/contrast nicely! Delia has a nice sound to it and would compliment Freya!
      Thank you for the help!

  4. Cupcakes

    Personally, I’d use Freya Florence now. If you like that name, might as well use it now instead of saving it for a potential future child. If you don’t end up having another, you might be sad you didn’t use the name. So maybe just use it now.

    Or if not, then maybe Mabel? Mabel Marie as a nod to your grandma. (Mabel Mary doesn’t sound quite as nice to my ears as Mabel Marie). Hazel is also a nice name in a similar style!

    1. Kit

      I would be really interested to know the reasoning for wanting to save Freya Florence. In general, unless there’s a really specific reason along the lines of “Freya is unusable because of a current family situation but should be better later,” I would 100% go ahead with it now.

    2. Kim (poster)

      Cupcakes, I hear ya! I am considering that as well! My husband and I had discussed perhaps honoring Grandma with using her middle name and then the baby’s due date was right around her birthday. If the baby came on her namesake that would be quite special. I am struggling with that!

      Mabel is a lovely suggestion as well. As a nickname, shortening to Mae is a nice twist on the more classic May.

      I like Hazel as well. Great suggestions to think about,

      Thank you!

  5. Maree

    I know it’s not five letters but Mary is my all time favourite girl’s name. It’s classic, streamlined but not often used now. I love Mary Florence or Mary Freya if those are options.

    Eve Mary is like Edie without the ‘Ed’.

    As a disclaimer Maree from my profile isn’t my real name!

  6. Elisabeth

    Freya Florence/ Freya Florence-Mary. After all, there’s no guarantee
    Talia Mary
    Elena Mary
    Alana Mary
    Lucia Mary
    Lucinda Mary
    Eula Mary
    Alisa Mary (is that a mom name? idk. But it’s always been one I like)
    Siena Mary

    1. Kim (poster)

      Lucia Mary is wonderful name suggestion. There is a Saint Lucia that keeps with the religious name of Mary and the Nordic origins like Freya.
      Lucia (Lu-see-ya) means light and in Sweden they celebrate St. Lucia day. Lucia Day – also called Saint Lucy’s day – can be traced back to the 4th century. A Christian feast day, it commemorates the martyr Lucia of Syracuse, who, as legend has it, brought food to Christians hiding in Roman catacombs, lighting her way with a candlelit wreath on her head. It is a sweet holiday where girls wear white gowns adorned with a red sash to and a crown of candles to light the way and offer trays of baked goods to people.

      Random oddity: We have a pet goose named Loosey (loose goose) and a goose can live for 20 years, which we didn’t realize when we got her. The nickname for Lucia is Lucy and it would be odd for my goose and daughter to have the same name! I would consider renaming the goose but she comes when called! lol

  7. Renee

    I really love Maude (another Inbestigators fan here) and Pearl a lot in this set. I could see a Maude Mary called Mimi which sounds a lot like your favoured Edie (yet far enough from Miles IMHO.) I’d like to add:

    Calla Mary
    Olive Mary
    Briar Mary

    Although, not to make this challenge more challenging (but why not, who am I kidding) I notice your boys names are all surnames too (and for now who knows if Freya will be, so let’s see what comes up):

    Ellis Mary
    Quinn Mary
    Riley Maryn (maybe?)

    1. Kim (poster)

      I do like Olive and Quinn. Quinn is my husband’s brothers name so this one has to be out. I love this for a girl name and a middle name for a girl is lovely!

  8. Angela

    I like the three-syllable suggestions best with Mary personally.

    Emilia Mary (nn Mia? This was in my top ten girl names)
    Madeline Mary (gives you “Maddie” which sounds a bit like “Eddy” without the spelling issue, and also alliteration which makes me swoon) (I also like it with Miles. Miles and Madeline would be great twin names!)
    Cordelia Mary (nn Cora)
    Luciana Mary (nn Lucy?)

    Also, one of my boys has a name in common with yours and we also strongly considered Mary as a first name for our daughter, so perhaps you will like the girl name we chose: Rosemary

  9. Cass

    I kind of love Maryn for you. 5 letters. Puts the honor name up front (though I would pronounce this Mare-en, so it doesn’t end up sounding like Mary in my head.) Has a Y like Freya, but has a different sound. The only thing that gives me pause is that all of the others have their own initials, and this would be the second “M” name. Maybe not a dealbreaker, but something I’m aware of. If you went with Maryn as a first name, you’d have a lot of flexibility with the middle.

    1. FE

      Funnily enough, I initially read that Grandmother’s name was Marys … like Carys with an M … and I kind of like that alongside the sibling group and especially with Freya.

  10. Katie

    We named our daughter Alice, which I think works nicely with your sibling set. I also came to suggest Elise or Elisa, which has a similar feel but with a new initial. But I also kind of want to ask you to write the name Edith Mary and Edie all over a sheet of looseleaf as if you were daydreaming about a crush or something and see if maybe you don’t dislike the way Edie looks after all because that is a really great name.

    1. Kim (poster)

      Alice is a sweet name :) Thanks for the suggestion to doodle the name. After I submitted this, I saw a show on Netflix or Amazon called “Edie” and it was written in cursive and it looked lovely.

      “EL” names are a nice suggestion as well. I think a more formal name with “Ellie” as a nickname would be nice. My husband wasn’t sure about Elise but conceded to consider Eloise.

      My Grandma and Mother-in-law really dislike the name Edith; they say it is an old lady name. Younger people I mention the name to seem to like it. It is still a top consideration, thank you for the support!

  11. Gloria

    Margo (or Margot, if you don’t mind having a six letter spelling!)

    Elise Mary

    Norah Mary

    Flora Mary (probably too similar to Freya)

    Fiona Mary

    Arden Mary (this reminds me a little of Edith)

    Viola Mary

    Aoife Mary

    Diana Mary

    Bella Mary

    Pearl Mary

    Claire Mary

  12. StephLove

    I had the same thought as a previous commenter about Ava Mary sounding a lot like Ave Maria. I also wondered why not use your favorite girl name now, as you don’t know for sure if you’ll be able to use it later.

    From Swistle’s suggestions I am most drawn to Hazel, Maeve, and Pearl for this sibling set. How about Delia, either as a standalone or short for Cordelia?

    1. Kim (poster)

      Ohh…Cordelia/Delia is something I hadn’t thought of! Perhaps Cora as a nickname for Cordelia as well?
      Cordelia Mary
      Delia Mary
      Cora Mary

      Writing these down! Thanks!!

  13. Beth

    Beautiful names! Congratulations on your little girl, how exciting!
    I suggest Clara.
    Good luck and can’t wait to hear what you choose.

  14. The Mrs.

    Pearl is so ideal!
    She’s five letters, begins with her own different letter (just like the other kids), ENDS with her own different sound (just like everyone else), AND sounds great with Mary.
    Pearl Mary “Truck”
    Logan, Abram, Henry, Miles, Pearl, and Freya “Truck”

    If you did not have a specific (and sweet) reason to want to use Mary this time, I agree that you should use Freya now. But since you DO have some touching reasons to use Mary, it seems perfect, doesn’t it?

    Congratulations and best wishes!

    1. rlbelle

      I second the idea of a different ending sound – you’re already so close, and there are lots of great ones ending in “L” or “R” or “Y” or even “O”!

    2. Kim (poster)

      You broke that down perfectly! It does fit, just not sure if my husband will go for it.

      I agree that Freya should still be a consideration :)

      Thank you!

  15. Iris

    Since you don’t mind non-5 letter names, here is a mix:
    Keira Mary
    Naomi Mary
    Juniper Mary
    Petra Mary
    Teagan Mary
    Willa Mary
    Diana Mary (Greek mithology to add to Freya – Nordic mithology)
    Lillian Mary
    Magnolia Mary
    Harper Mary
    Hazel Mary
    Georgia Mary

  16. Jamie Addy

    Logan, Abram, Henry, Miles, _____, and Freya

    What do you think about Rosemary as an honor name? You’d have to find a new middle. Or Rosemary could be a middle option as well, especially with a shorter first name. Marigold is another option that reads less traditional but still captures the spirit of an honor name.

    Iris Mary
    Imogen Mary
    Stella Mary
    Agnes Mary
    Anna Mary (too popular re: Frozen?)
    Jessamine Mary
    Isadora Mary
    Felicity Mary
    Lorelai Mary

    With Rosemary as a middle:
    Malia Rosemary
    Elsa Rosemary
    Isla Rosemary
    Leda Rosemary
    Oona Rosemary
    Harriet Rosemary (nickname Hattie)
    Helena Rosemary

    1. bethann28

      I was going to also suggest Rosemary as an honor name! nn: Rosie, which is 5 letters.

      My other suggestion would be to use Mary as her first name and call her by whatever you choose as her middle name.

    2. sbc

      I was thinking Stella Mary, as long as the relationship to Stella Maris is positive for you. 5 letters, doesn’t repeat an initial from your other kids.

      Also I like Marie as a first name. And I support using Freya now because you don’t know if you’ll be able to have another. Freya Mary is nice!

      1. Jamie Addy

        Marie is so underused as a first name! It’s my middle name and super common as a middle in my age group (I was born in 1985)

  17. Deedee

    My very favorite (suggested above by Katie) is Alice Mary.
    Second favorite is Edith Mary.
    Elise Mary or Hazel Mary are also really nice.

  18. ab

    Without reading others’ suggestions, so likely lots of duplicates, I like:
    Agnes Mary — Aggie is an adorable nickname.
    Alice Mary
    Eleah Mary — pronounced uh-LEE-uh
    Gemma Mary
    Greta Mary
    Hanna Mary
    Irene Mary
    Isabel Mary / Isobel Mary
    Julia Mary
    Leana Mary
    Mabel Mary
    Margo Mary
    Lilah Mary / Lylah Mary
    Lydia Mary
    Sofia Mary
    I really do like Edith Mary, nicknamed Edie. I know two women named Edith — one goes by Edie and the other by Ede, both pronounced EE-dee.

    Best wishes to you!

    1. Kim (poster)

      Greta is a nice suggestion, my sister in law like this one too. Mabel (Mae) keeps popping up and it is growing on me!
      Thanks for the support on Edith. I am wondering if anyone named Edith goes by Edith or if they all go by Edie? Interesting.
      Thanks for the response!

  19. FE

    Ellen Mary?

    I also like Heidi, but not with Mary.

    And love Lydia, but also like that all the other names are two syllables. But maybe now is not the time to notice or add more restrictions.

      1. Kim (poster)

        Woah! Flipped the script on that one! Swapping the middle names is a fun idea! I will have to play with that. I was fixed on Freya and Florence together but Florence as a middle name is fun and I could use that later and keep Mary to honor my husband’s grandmother now..

        Thanks for the idea!

  20. onelittletwolittle

    Another vote to use Freya Florence now! You know you love it, and it’s a wonderful name.

    If not, Edith (Edie), Lydia and Tessa seem like real winners!

  21. RPS

    Want to echo a commenter above: if this turns out to be your last baby, how will you feel about never having used Freya Florence? If the answer is “devastated,” use it now. As a fellow IVF mama (although for very different reasons) … you just never know. I hope you get everything you wish for <3

  22. Cait1982

    Sorry if duplicates! I’m not necessarily a fan of all of these, but I thought they deserved a say:


  23. Cait1982

    I combed through and I don’t think anyone suggested this name, when spelled the Irish way: Clare. I love it with your sibset and it’s neutral enough that it fits with the boys and with Freya. It has 5 letters. I love many of the others we’ve all suggested, but I think Clare is special.

    Clare Mary Truck

    Logan, Abram, Henry, Miles, and Clare

    Logan, Abram, Henry, Miles, Clare and Freya

    1. Kim (poster)

      The spelling of Clare the Irish way is a great suggestion! It fits with the five letters and doesn’t have the “a” at the end like Clara to make it too similar to Freya. It is very clear, feminine and strong.

      Adding to the list!

      Thank you!


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