Baby Girl Mewchi, Sister to Thomas and Emmett


I’ve been an avid baby name maniac for over 20 years: Picture a middle schooler obsessively reading and rereading Linda Rosenkrantz’s book- Beyond Jennifer and Jason. In high school beside my doodles, I was constantly updating my favorites list. I remember going through a Kayla phase and pondering the proper spelling amongst the variants. Thankfully I was never presented the opportunity to name a baby girl Charisma or Serendipity. Although I’m still quite pleased with the moniker bestowed upon my precious chihuahua received for my 18th birthday- Señorita Dulcinea (after Don Quixote’s most beautiful women in the world).

Fast forward to my late 30’s, now a mother of two boys, ages 10 and 7, and expecting a little girl in October. I’m left feeling unenthusiastic. After decades of researching and contemplating girl names, nothing feels like the one. I have a lengthy list of names I love, but loving a name in theory and using it for an actual human are two different scenarios. I feel like I’m experiencing baby name burn out. I’ve never stopped reading the baby name websites and anxiously awaiting May for when the SSN releases the list for the prior year. However I have gone into overdrive, borderline hyper fixation since those two pink lines appeared earlier this year.

With such a big age gap between my sons and baby sister, I’m not too concerned about matching their names stylistically. My older son is Thomas James. I succumbed to the notion that dad’s are very idealist about their first born son’s name and agreed to pick from his 2 top choices. Thomas being ex-husband’s middle name and a string of great Grandpaps’ first names going back 4 generations and James being ex husband’s dad’s first name. Coincidentally, James is my maternal Grandpap’s first name and my mother is a Jamie so I felt partially represented even though it would not have been the name I’d select on my own. It felt odd to call an infant Thomas so instead I opted to call him baby for the first nine months of his life, then briefly going through a TJ phase, before ultimately settling on Tom, with occasional TomTom or Tom-a-long. Only rarely is he called Thomas.

For my second son I reclaimed power and insisted I get 100% naming rights. Another passion of mine is ancestry so I scoured the generations looking for a name that stuck out. My fondest Grandpap was my dad’s maternal pap, William Emil. William was too plain, and Emil (they pronounced it EE-mull) was too different. I’m not a huge fan of changing honor names too far from the original, but while pregnant, I was watching a show with an Emmett and felt the Em beginning was close enough to add the name to the list. Ultimately I went to the hospital with 3 first names- Emmett, Weiland (maternal gram’s maiden name with nickname Wylie), and Abraham (paternal great great pap’s name- thinking Abe or Abram for a nn). When I saw his little face I knew he was an Emmett. There were several family names I contemplated for a middle- Ash, Blaine, Clyde, Russell, but boldly decided this October baby’s middle would be Caspar, after one of my first ancestors to arrive from Switzerland in the 1840’s. He’s often now called Emm or M&M, sometimes Nemmett when he’s being ornery.

If new baby were a boy, the name would have been Frederick Joseph III. I know, I know, giving into to another archaic tradition. However this time I would have agreed out of the love and admiration for my father-in-law, with only the slightest twinge of annoyance that women are so often left out of the naming convention due to patriarchal ideas. But alas, it’s a she!, and again I have full naming rights, but of course I respect my other half and won’t select something he loathes.

A little fun fact- my birthday is Halloween and I was always upset I didn’t have witchy powers. This little one is due on 10/20 but due to a 3rd c-section will likely be scheduled for the 13th. I tossed around ideas of Sabrina (Brina), Matilda (Tillie), and Winifred (Winnie) but one reason or another opted not to add them to the list.

Let’s get down to names. The last name sounds like MEW-chi so I’m not really running into too many flow issues and I’m in the pro-alliteration group. My all time favorite girl name has been Amelia, nickname Millie. I loved reading about Amelia Earhart’s heroic nature and once knew a spunky spit-fire 70 yr old that went by Millie. All qualities I’d love to inspire in my little girl, however the overwhelming popularity has turned me off.

In my head I envision the name to convey feelings of whimsy, wild forest fairy, mystical lake wonder. Lol, I know that’s very subjective and it’s not a requirement, just a nod to mindset.

Top Contenders
Finola (Lola or Fia nn)
Eva (not liked by husband)

Names I love in theory
Sylvia (or Silvana)
Matilda (aunt’s cat’s name.)
Sabrina (childhood frenemy)
Winifred (equivalent to Ethel feel?)

Middle Names
Joan (husbands mothers middle name)
Pearl (my paternal gram’s middle name but my mother ruined it with her opinion so not likely)
Louise (my maternal gram’s middle name)
Mary (Recently my aunt passed away that went by Maryjo but was named Mary Joanne)

Names already in the family
Isabella (Ella)

Help! I feel like I’ve read every name possible. I’m happy with the top contenders list but can’t shake the feeling I’m overlooking one and should reconsider other names from another view point. I’m currently rereading your archives from 2015 and forward!

Thank you,


Millicent (Millie) Erica Mewchi; Thomas, Emmett, and Millicent; Tom, Emm, and Millie.




Name update:

Viola Joan has made her arrival. I combed through the comments several times and truly appreciate all the input. For the week prior to birth, Marigold was the front runner. However after seeing her dark hair, it just didn’t suite her- no matter how much I loved the name for a way to honor my Aunt Mary Jo. For 24 hours I cycled through the other contenders- Finola, Tallulah, Callahan, and Matilda. But ultimately I loved the simplicity of Viola. Not obscure or odd as a word- but certainly not common for a name.

39 thoughts on “Baby Girl Mewchi, Sister to Thomas and Emmett

  1. Elisabeth

    I like Amelia; it plays well with her big brothers’ names, has a nice sound & namesake, and I wouldn’t let popularity get in the way if it’s always been high on your list. Maybe she’ll have 3 in her class, maybe she won’t meet another until high school. (The latter actually happened to me. I didn’t know a single Elisabeth/Elizabeth child besides me until I went to our regional high school.)

    Miriam Joan? It’s a direct honor to your mil and a sidewise one for Mary Joanne since Mary is an English version of Miriam. nn Miri, Merry, Ree, even Millie perhaps?
    Beatrix Pearl?
    Beatrix Josephine?

  2. Renee

    I assume you’ve already thought of Frederica as a tweak on the boy choice (and a tie-in to YOUR name!) and if you wanna rock the system, why can’t she be Frederica Josephine ?!(Seeing how Josephine is on your list already.) Freddie Jo would be so flipping adorable. Or if the Freds are too abundant, Derry?

    I like Viola or Vera off your list! Cute tie-in to be the 5th member of your family… V!

    Camilla to get to Millie? Or Camelia – you seem to like the nature names? Ooh I love Camelia Joan!

    1. BSharp

      Oh my goodness, I thought Frederica too but didn’t realize it contains Erica! YES, DO THAT.

      Frederica Amelie, perhaps? Frederica Sabine? Mila could get you Millie and something a little more adult.

      Gwenllian, Elin, Verena, hrm…

      Millie Mewchi isn’t my favorite.

  3. Kerri

    Ok, reading this long, well-thought-out question, with lots I background and explanation, then reading Swistle’s one sentence response, made me laugh. But Millicent is perfect. An uncommon but sweet name, with the nickname you love. So many of your names feel a bit old-fashioned or offbeat (i mean that in the best way possible!), and this fits right in. Perfection.
    I’m curious about 2 of the names you rejected. Winifred is amazing, and it doesn’t feel too much like Ethel to me. Winnie! I love it. 😍 And Matilda is also great. If it’s only your aunt’s cat that’s the concern, I wouldn’t worry about that at all.
    As far as Amelia, if it’s just the popularity, I wouldn’t let that bother you. But if it just doesn’t feel as fresh, I completely understand. That’s how I feel about Eleanor, which I always planned to use (after my great grandmother) if I had a daughter.

  4. Nine

    I’m here for your witchy/forest fairy needs.

    Gwendolen / Gwendoline
    Nimue [NIM-oo-ay]
    Aveline (AV-el-een)

  5. Sargjo

    I love Viola from your list. I think it is a name that always hides in lists but is a STEALTH name. Shakespearean usage makes it timeless, but it’s hidden flexibility (nicknames can stretch from Vi to Lola to Liv or Libby) makes it modern. It’s a name you will never tire of.

  6. Kerry

    I think you’re going to get a lot of “But why not Winifred?!?!” because your letter is basically a lot of reasons why Winifred is the perfect name for you (You really want a family connection! But also a feminist twist! And maybe a little bit witchy? And not too popular)…but then add that you don’t want Winifred but don’t give much reason aside from that you think it might be like Ethel. It is not like Ethel.

    But taste in baby names is allowed to be arbitrary, so have you thought about Freida? Or deciding that Finola connects to Frederick by way of starting with an F? Could Faye be a first name? Could Margaret or Margot or Greta be for Pearl without being Pearl?

    1. FE

      My thoughts exactly. Definitely thought Winifred would be perfect as a nod to Frederick … even Winifred Josephine (Winnie / Winnie Jo) has a few layers of honour.

      Ethel is different in that it has nothing cute to fall back on. Nothing much to fall back on at all, except maybe, possibly Elle/Ellie but the emphasis is all wrong for that to be intuitive. Winifred has options: Winnie, Freddie, Freda; and so much more that you are looking for in a name as well.

  7. Meg

    Well I have a Beatrix and just had a second — named Elowen. Is nature-y (means Elm tree), also whimsical and fantasy (Tolkien-esque) to me! Has great nicknames like Elle, Ellie, and Winnie :)

    Lots of good options already mentioned, thought I’d throw out a more uncommon name to consider :)

  8. Marisa

    Wild forest, mystical lake, October/Halloween baby names to me:

    Marion or Meriona

  9. Another Celestial One

    I’m very much liking the suggestion of Frederica.

    But I think Serena might do very well for your forest/whimsy inclination.

  10. Saraya

    My favourite full name for nn Millie is Camille.
    Works with all middle options except maybe Louise. My favourite is Camille Josephine (Millie Jo?)

    Thomas, Emmett & Camille; Tom, Emm & Millie.

    Genevieve (nn Evie?)
    Minerva (Minnie?)

  11. StephLove

    Millicent is a great idea from Swistle.

    Finola Louise has a nice ring to it. Also, I like Winnifred and Viola for you. Or Willow, as someone suggested.

    How about Tabitha Pearl? Depending on what your mom said about Pearl to ruin it. Unless it was something horrible about the namesake in question, I’d put it back into consideration.

  12. Joanne

    Camille was what I was going to suggest too. Camilla, Camille, Emeline, Milla, all nn Millie. Something about October made me think of the name Wendy, which I think it’s so interesting because it was a named coined by the author of Peter Pan. Maybe Winifred and Wendy/Windy for a nickname? Best of luck!

  13. AJ

    Maybe Opal or Marigold? Opal is October’s birthstone and Marigold is October’s flower. Both have that kinda stands out while fitting in sweet spot naturey retro vibe other names on your list have as well.

    1. AJ

      Wanted to circle back to Marigold…

      Marigold Joan Mewchi sounds wonderful and Marigold itself can also be a bit of a nod to your Aunt MaryJo. Marigold can be used in full but also gives you nickname options Goldie (this gives me major fall vibes!), Mari, Mary, or even MJ.

      Other fun suggestions
      Marigold Amelia (Millie could totally work as a nickname still)
      Marigold Faye (major autumnal fairy vibes!)
      Opal Josephine
      Opal Louise (Ollie could be a cute nickname!)
      Opal Minerva!
      Opal Octavia
      Opal Amelia
      Opal Winifred
      Opal Terese (Theresa means “to harvest” )
      Minerva Marigold “Minnie”
      Marigold Beatrix
      Octavia Pearl “Tavi”

  14. liz

    Millicent or Frederica (I particularly like the commenter above’s note that your name is hiding in Frederica, and I also like that if you eventually have another son, Frederick Joseph III is ruled out by Frederica Josephine, breaking that weight of expectation for the next generation.)

  15. Cait1982

    Helena? Pronounced Helen-a?

    I love Finola, Matilda, Gwendolyn, Freya, Fia, and definitely Viola!! Here in Canada, Viola Desmond is like your Rosa Parks. A wonderful name with great nickname potential (Vi, Vivi, V).

    Aoife? Gaelic and pronounced E-fa.

    Thomas, Emmett, and Alice – love that!

    I too was the young girl pouring over the naming books!! I think it was the first book I bought by myself lol.

    Maud is a diminutive of Matilda – you could nickname her Maudie

    Thomas, Emmett, and Maud

    Thomas, Emmett, and Iris

  16. Amanda

    I would consider trying to walk away from names entirely for while. Maybe a month? Get back to it in September.

    I don’t think an Aunt’s cat is a reason to eliminate Mathilda.

    All this said, if I were naming for you, I would go with Frederica, I love it so much!

  17. Sarah B

    I was reading your letter and thinking of a secret love name of mine-Endellion. It just reminds me of dandelions, even though I know there’s no etymology connection. My theoretical girl is Edith Endellion. Then imagine my surprise when I saw that name on your list! Use it please!

    My second thought is Marigold makes a beautiful middle and gives you an October connection. Millicent Marigold gives you alliteration which I also enjoy. If you wanted her to have different initials Amelia Marigold called Millie Marigold sounds like a tiny forest fairy.

  18. Riley

    Winifred!!!! LOVE!

    I think M/Am/Em names are out because of your son’s names.

    Fredericka is fun, but it’s a mouthful for me. I find myself saying it too fast or skipping over some syllables.

  19. Maree

    Wood nymph names always feel Gaelic in my mind.

    Orla or Oona?

    Dianna or Phoebe? (Greek, I know but nature based).

  20. Megz

    Putting in a vote for Minnie (a bit like both Millie and Winnie on your lists).

    Could be short for Wilhelmina on your maybe list, or short for Minerva for a witchy feel.

    Frederica is also a great suggestion.

  21. Zoe (Baby Van Der Laan's Mom)

    Firstly, I think you have a lovely list and that your baby will grow up with a beautiful name, whichever you choose. Your two sons have good names that are serving them well, so please take some pressure off yourself and know that you’re doing a great job.

    Okay, onto the naming suggestions!

    Millie Mewchi is both alliterative and rhymey. Do you like that?

    Whimsical forest fairy vibes lead me to suggest Faye, a choice from your middle name list. It’s beautiful, classic, familiar, and very fae.

    Other whimsical choices that remind me of Amelia and Clio:

    Stella (maybe too close to Ella, in your extended family)

    Again, you can’t go wrong! You’ve considered so many amazing names, now you just need to trust that you’re the very best person to name this sweet baby of yours and feel confident in your choice.

  22. Genevieve

    Millie Marigold as a family nickname! The essence of fall fairy. Amelia Marigold Mewchi or Camilla Marigold Mewchi or Frederica Marigold Mewchi. Love it.

    Callista (Callie, Lissie, Lista) Marigold
    Gwenda Joan or Gwenda Marigold (Gwen, Gwennie)
    Thea Marigold
    Ginevra Marigold or Ginevra Joan or Ginevra Frederica
    Viola Marigold, Viola Joan, Viola Lou
    Dahlia Joan, Dahlia Winifred, Dahlia Beatrix
    Aster is another fall flower and could be a forest fairylike middle name. Winifred Aster, Millicent Aster, Viola Aster.
    Thilda if you don’t want Matilda? (But Matilda is so good, and gives you Tillie, Tilda, Mattie, Til)
    Emmeline, Marilla, Amaryllis, to get to Millie? Amaryllis has Mary hidden in it, too.
    Amaryllis Joan, Amaryllis Faye (or Faye Amaryllis).
    Sabrina would be so good!! Tom, Emmett, and Bri/Bree? Sabrina Joan Mewchi, Sabrina Mary Mewchi, Sabrina Faye Mewchi.
    Miranda Joan Mewchi (Mir, Miri, Mira, Ran)
    Miranda Faye.
    Violetta sounds forest fairylike if you don’t go with Viola. Violetta Joan, Violetta Faye, Violetta Mary Mewchi.

  23. Lisa

    I love Amelia Erica Mewchi, nicknamed Millie. I’ve known an awesome little girl named Millie for 5 years now, and it wasn’t until I was volunteering in her classroom and updating some files that I noticed her full name was Amelia. My opinion is that you should embrace your long love of the fabulous name Amelia and that spunky nickname, popularity be darned (surely you’ve seen Swistle’s posts about how common the “popular” names actually are). I only know one other Amelia, and I don’t think of those two kids as having the same name at all. And I think it would be beautiful for your daughter’s middle name to be a nod to you. I have the same middle name as my mom (Anne – super generic, except for the fact that we share it!), and I regret not giving my own daughter a name link to me. Now 11 years old, she has said as much to me! Maybe we’ll add my last name as a middle for her yet. Anyway – Amelia Erica Mewchi. Love. Please update us with what you decide!


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