Hi Swistle,
I’m due at the end of October and until just recently thought I had my daughter’s name settled. As a teacher a lot of names got marked off the list quickly for either a) negative associations or b) not wanting to seem like I was naming my child after a particular student. Before I knew I was expecting a girl I had considered August Pierce for a boy’s name (with the nickname of Auggie or calling him Pierce, depending on what felt more suitable). This pregnancy was unexpected and I am going to be a single mom so by the time I had come around to the idea of thinking about names I had only really come up with the one boy option before I found out I would be having a girl. I’ve settled on the first name of Vada (inspired by the spunky little girl in the “My Girl” movies, but loved entirely because it’s unique and highly unlikely that there will be more than one in her classes or any in my future classes; also, my paternal grandmother’s name is Vanetta and I like the connection of the V names between my Memaw and her only-to-date great-granddaughter). The middle name I’m currently thinking of using is James, simply because I like how Vada James sounds and for pretty much no other reason (which I don’t really like; I like having a story behind a name, even if it is just a favorite movie from my childhood).
My dilemma comes, however, from a recent strong urge to honor my maternal great-grandmother. Her name was Minnie Louise and her nickname was Polly. Depending on who you asked she was either known as Minnie or Polly and the names were fairly interchangeable. Minnie’s descendants are all still fairly close (all six of her children are still alive and there’s a breakfast reunion each month) and while a couple have honored my great-grandfather (Troy Hoover), none have tried to honor Minnie/Polly. Toward the end of my great-grandmother’s life, after my great-grandfather had passed, my mom and I spent a lot of time helping her and making sure she was taken care of. A lot of Friday nights were spent spending the night at her house with my grandma and mother and they’re some of my favorite memories.
I’m open to using a middle name that could be nicknamed into Minnie or Polly, something that doesn’t necessarily scream either of those names at first, but I would know the connection and have a story for the use of the name). I had considered Minerva (which I know you’ve suggested in the past with the nickname Minnie), but it doesn’t seem to go with Vada very well. Completely sad, too, because Minerva (aside from the Minerva McGonagall connection, which is awesome) was the original mascot of my college alma mater back when it was an all girls institute. It would be perfect if it just sounded okay with Vada. Vada Minerva…am I crazy not thinking it goes?
Do you have any other suggestions?
Other girl names I’ve loved, if it helps:
Elizabeth (which is my middle name and where my nickname of Bess comes from, so I’m okay with using a nickname that comes from a middle name)
CharlotteMy last name rhymes with memory, but starts with a K (assuming you pronounce memory like I do: two syllables, mim-ree–I’m from the south, if that pronunciation sounds odd).
Thank you so much for any ideas/help you can give!
This is going to be a short answer, because I think Vada Minerva sounds GREAT. My friend Miss Grace and I have had multiple conversations about how much we like it when there is a repeated sound within two names: that is, not necessarily alliteration (Veda Victoria, for example), but rather the exact thing you’ve got going on with the repeating V sound of Vada Minerva. I think it makes names fun to say, and also ties them together. So I’m doing double-thumbs-up for the Vada Minerva idea, for the sounds and the associations, and don’t see any reason to look further.
But “sounds GREAT” is a very subjective thing, and if it doesn’t sound good to you, you may want to continue looking. In that case, I’d next go with Vada Polly. I think that’s super cute. Or Vada Louise: I like that even better for sound, but less well for connection to the original name.
This is a bit of a reach, but did you by any chance love the Anne McCaffrey books as a child, the ones about a harper and dragon-handler named Menolly? It’s been a long time since I read those, but I used to LOVE them, and I remember Menolly as a good strong character. Also, her name sounds to me like Minnie + Polly. Veda Menolly. (I’d prefer Minerva, though, for the associations and for the more direct reference to the honor name.)
In your circle, is it common to call a child by first-and-middle? That too would influence my advice. If NOT, then I’d be much less concerned with how it sounds, and much more interested in getting the honor name in there. But if SO, then I’d still be interested in the honor name, but would put much more emphasis on it sounding well together.
Name update:
Hi Swistle,
I’m sorry for the delayed update. Thank you to you and your readers for your input on my daughter’s name. I ended up going completely out of left field and choose a name that wasn’t suggested or even thought of at all: Siobhan.
Siobhan first came from an extremely minor character in a novel I teach to my 9th grade English classes each semester. The first year I taught it I couldn’t pronounce the name to save my life. It was the first time I realized I had to be extremely prepared when it came to even the smallest things in education. I was discussing names with my mother and threw Siobhan out almost jokingly. We both ended up loving the sound of Vada Siobhan. A nice bonus is that she shares a middle initial with both my mother and father.
Here’s newborn and 3 month old Vada.
I like Vada Minerva, too. But maybe Vada Hermione or Vada Wilhelmina could get you Minnie as well. And Vada Louise is nice, too.
Oh and I know Pauline is not a traditional source for Polly but how about Vada Pauline?
Molly! I just had to say it. Minnie+Polly=Molly, right?
SO cute!
Also, FYI, Fiona is my all-time favorite name for a girl. Do you have any good nickname suggestions?
At first I was inclined to agree with you that Vada Minerva didn’t sound great together, but Swistle convinced me that it does! LOL And I agree that unless you’re planning to call her by her first-and-middle frequently, the idea of “flow” doesn’t matter so much as the meaning and significance of the name to you, since middles are very rarely used or acknowledged nowadays.
I like all of the other suggestions so far, too.
As soon as I read “Minnie” my mind went straight to Vada Minerva. Maybe because they are both names I’ve considered for my daughter. Here’s another vote for that combo!
I’m going to suggest Vada Louise Memory! Is there a reason why you aren’t considering this since it is an actual part of her name?
I love Vada Minerva and Vada Louise. I think you need at least two syllables so I’m glad you nixed James.
I find this so interesting. Personally, I would stay away from two syllables because typically I don’t like it when all three names have the same amount. Naming styles and preferences are so subjective! :)
Vada Minerva!!! Yes yes yes aka Minnie, SO CUTE I LOVE IT!
Minnie Driver’s “real” first name is Amelia, so Vada Amelia?
It used to be a nickname for Mary…Vada Mary?
I love the way “Vada Minerva” sounds. And I ALSO love “Vada Louise.”
Vada Louise is my favorite. Vada Louise Mimree, Little Vada Lou. Love it. I also like Etta Louise Mimree.
I think Vada Minerva is great! If not, what about:
Vada Louise, nn Volly? or Lolly?
Vada Millicent nn Minnie
Minerva Louise, nn Vada/Minnie/Polly?
Or name her Vada James and call her Minnie/Polly as a nn because you want to. So many people have nn’s that don’t match their name and this is an important honor name for you.
OMG Vada Lou just make me smile. I am now Team Vada Louise.
My daughter is Maggie because my grandmother was Maggie, so I am always biased to using the original name instead of an alternate with a connection. I just love the history of the name. I think Vada Minnie or Vada Polly are both wonderful names (and both fun to say!).
I love Vada Lou also!
Vada Minerva feels like too much to me personally – too close in style and sound, so I would go with Vada Polly. Vada is so cute. Or name her Minerva/Minnie or Polly which are both adorable and uncommon.
Just chiming in to say Vada Minerva is great! It’s memorable and has a lot of flair. Any chance you’d actually call her Minnie? I also think this sing-songy quality of Minnie “Mimree” is really appealing.
I like Vada Minerva. I actually have a cousin named Clar@ Ved@ Beck@ (Becka is the last name, obviously all @=a) and while all those “a” endings may seem less then ideal in theory, in person her name is lovely and distinctive, as is she. She is named for two great grandmothers. I say, go for name with the most meaning for you, you won’t regret it.
I’m just popping in for double thumbs up to Vada Minerva. As Swistle mentioned, this is one of my favorite THINGS about the sound of a name. My boys both have repeating sounds in their names (sort of an internal alliteration) and I LOVE it.
Oh! One more thing. Polly and Minnie are both traditional nicknames for Mary.
What about minette? It also seems like a combo of both grandmothers names.
I also like Vada Louise.
Voting Casa Minerva here! Love love love and awesome connections. All the best on your pregnancy and new arrival <3
I like Vada Minerva, but if you’re not sold I thought I’d throw out Vada Clementine as an unconventional way to get to Minnie. Vada Opal?
Also, the fact that your grandmother was called both Minnie and Polly makes me suspect that her name was somehow “connected” to Mary. If you like the way Vada James sounds, maybe you’d also like Vada May…yet another old fashioned nickname for Mary?
Yes Vada May is perfect.
I also love Vada Mary.
Polly is a traditional name for Mary
I also like Veda Minerva “K imree”.
However, if you don’t…. what about ..
Veda Minuit
Veda Minetta
Veda Poloma
Veda Pollyann
I love Vada Minerva best. It’s a beautiful name. Vada is similar to one of my favorite names, Vera, and I love both the sound and the classical wisdom association of Minerva. That said, I loved those Anne McCaffrey books as a kid, too, and like the whimsy of Menolly.
I love Vada Minerva! Even without the family/school connections, it’s a fantastic name with strong feminine role models.
If you just aren’t sold on Minerva, the Baby Name Wizard says that Minnie is traditionally a nickname for Mary, Hermione, Wilhelmenia & Amelia. Since you are open to being flexible, I also think something like Millicent or Mirabel could work (and would take the 1st 2 letters from the honor name like you did with Vada/Vanetta).
Vada Polly works, though I don’t love it as much as Vada Minerva. Similar to Polly, perhaps Poppy, Posey, Pippa, Paloma.
Since Polly is also a traditional nickname for Mary, I think any of the other Marian names or Mary diminutives would work as a nod to both your grandmother’s names. Mary, Miriam, Maria, Marie, Molly, Mae, etc.
Have you considered using your grandmother’s middle name? Vada Louise is lovely. Passing down middle names is somewhat of a tradition in my family, so I think it works just as well as using something after Minnie/Polly.
I think Vada Minerva is perfect! I also like Vada Pauline/Polly or Vada Mary.
I like Vada May. The flow reminds me a bit of Vada James and the “M” could stand for Minnie and the “Y” for the ending of Polly.
Or Vada Mae depending on your spelling preference.
May/Mae is a diminutive of Mary as is Polly so that could be your connection.
When I read your honoree’s name, my first thought was Louise! Vada Louise, nn VadaLou would be so cute!
But then I read Vada Minerva and wow… that’s just a lot of awesome in one name. I don’t think it sound strange at all and the double meanings for both names (part honor, part great fictional character connection) is pretty darn amazing.
Congrats on your little lady!
I can totally understand why you don’t like the flow of Vada Minerva… I would also not want the two names to have the same “a” ending and I wouldn’t want the middle to end in a “ee” sound either because it would sound a little rhymey with the surname.
I really like the suggestion of Vada Mae and also how it ties into the name Mary, which is likely the root of both the nicknames Minnie and Polly.
A friend of mine recently named her daughter Penelope but calls her Poppy. Maybe that could work for a connection to Polly as well? I don’t mind the “ee” ending sound on Penelope because it has 4 syllables so it makes it different enough to not sound rhymey.
What about Jessamine, Jasmine, or Wilhelmine as a connection to Minnie? Vada Jessamine. I like the -mine ending better over the -mina ending. It just flows better!
Lastly, what about 2 middle names? I think Vada James Minerva Mimree-with-a-K sounds GREAT!! I think it flows wonderfully with James between Vada and Minerva to break up the sounds.
You have so many good choices!
1. Vada Minerva is completely awesome.
2. Vada Polly is very nice—I also love Vada Molly and Vada Mary.
3. To me, Vada Minnie K!mree is too much short i and long ee. The consistent 2 syllables and ee endings make it more obvious, as I don’t mind the i’s at all with Vada Minerva K!mree.
4. Vada Louise is truly lovely.
5. Vada Minette is a neat combo of Vanetta + Minnie, and I like the –ette ending with middles.
6. Vada Margaret is charming.
Have you considered 2 middles?
Vada Minerva James K!mree
Vada Margaret Louise K!mree
Vada Polly Minette K!mree
Good luck choosing! You have many nice options.
When I was halfway through reading this letter the back of my brain was puzzling over Vada + Minnie and came up with Vada Minerva and I was just relishing the mental feel of it when lo, the letter writer mentioned this name combo!
Anyway, that’s to say that if I heard of a baby named Vada Minerva I would find it a pleasing combination rather than displeasing.
Vada Mignon
Vada Minuet
Vada Minuet makes me think of “wait a minute” but with an eastern European accent.
HA! I didn’t see that but you are so right.
I love Vada! I actually know a few little girls with that name, and yet continually find it refreshing.
I thought Louise before I even read the letter, so I was very pleased to see the connection! I love a 2-2-2syllable pattern.
I would like to suggest Vada Elizabeth. It’s my favorite of all the combos, it sounds great, and it is still an honor name! My second choice would be honoring both your grandmother and great-grandmother with the name Vada Louise/Vada Lou.
Another vote for Vada Louise here! :)
I would just use Vada Minnie or Vada Polly as the full name. It seems silly to me to have the extra step of a nickname for a middle name.
Vada Louise is adorable! What about Vada Elise as a nod to your own middle name Elizabeth.
Would you like two middle names? Have you considered Vada Minerva Louise (love this!) or Vada Elizabeth Louise? Vada Louisa Mae or Vada Minerva James?
So many great choices!
Good luck!
Vada Minnie. Love it. Use the real name not a substitute. Minerva flows a tad better, but it’s not worth the gymnastics- honoree is Minnie, but her middle is Minerva. No, just use Minnie. I love it.
Yes! Use her name – Minnie, Polly, or Louise all work here.
it’s too, too, too lovely and i just can’t love anything else.
i was hoping someone would suggest two middle names! Vada James Minerva! Vada James Pauline! Vada James Louise! Vada James anything!