Baby Girl Giddings, Sister to Magnolia Jane

Samantha writes:

I love your blog and naming style, and I am hoping you can help us out. My name is Sam and my husband’s name is Danny and our last name is Giddings. We are expecting our second daughter at the end of May and are kind of stuck. I absolutely love our first daughter’s name: Magnolia Jane (we don’t use a nickname yet, but if we start it will likely be Nolie or Mags). Magnolia has a special meaning to us, it’s unique without being too weird – plus she has her own Grateful Dead song – I just think it’s perfect.  I hope to find a similarly awesome name for baby girl #2.

We are set on a middle name, which will be June after our grandmothers. I am not concerned about the one letter difference between it and Magnolia’s middle name since they will both be named for special people. However, when it comes to first names, I don’t want to repeat the same first letter or ending sound.

Here’s our short list of names:

Penny (just Penny, not short for anything) – Our top name thus far

Clementine – We both love it, but hate all the possible nicknames and Clementine is quite the mouthful

Charlie – This is would make an adorable girls name, but am hesitant because it may be hard to carry and I’ve also seen it as a nickname for Charlotte, which is quite popular (I think). Also, it rules out both Penny and Clementine if we go for a third and it’s a girl

Jude – We’d have to change the middle name for this one, but my husband just brought it up and it’s growing on me

If she were a he our short list would be River and August. Samson was our top boy name until it dawned on me that as Sam, my son would literally be the son of Sam.

Can you help us? I would be forever grateful!  I promise to email you an adorable picture with an update right after she is born. 

It’s not relevant for this baby, but if you have a son later, he’ll be the son of Sam no matter what you use as his first name. Using Samson for him might cause some confusion (because of having two Sams in one house), but avoiding it doesn’t take away the son-of-Sam issue: your name will still be Sam, and he will still be your son.

From your list, I think the only name that fits with Magnolia is Clementine: they’re both long, feminine, unusual names, and Clementine doesn’t seem like any more of a mouthful than Magnolia. Penny-short-for-nothing seems too nicknamey and casual with the long and fancy Magnolia. Charlie has the same problem, plus it’s used more often for boys while Magnolia is used exclusively for girls. Jude would be nice for the song issue, but it’s a short snappy mostly-boy name next to a long fancy only-girl name. It’s not that sibling names must coordinate, but it’s nice to avoid the kind of contrast that suggests different expectations for each child, or that causes them hassle.

If you hate all the nicknames for Clementine, it’s not quite the issue it would be if you hated all the nicknames for Elizabeth: there aren’t any familiar, natural nicknames for Clementine. I think you’d end up using the full name as you do for Magnolia, and maybe a non-name-related nickname would happen naturally over time. Or even though I see only Clem and Tina listed as nicknames, Minnie seems like it would work just as well, and it’s similar to Penny. Or you could call her Darlin’. Or it would be a big stretch, but I suppose you could call her Charlie.

Do you have a special reason for wanting to use just-Penny and just-Charlie, after giving your first child a non-nickname name? For example, did the name Magnolia seem like a good idea before the baby was born, but since then has felt too long or too fancy or too feminine for your style? Magnolia and Penelope are a good sister pair, as are Magnolia and Charlotte to a lesser extent (larger popularity difference; maybe Magnolia and Charity would work better). Maggie and Penny would also be a good combination. But once you’ve gone with Magnolia (and so far haven’t used a nickname), it makes for a startling contrast to switch.

Unless you’re deliberately trying for a style change or a startle factor, I’d look for something more like:

Augusta (rules out August)
Cecilia (song)
Delilah (which would rule out Samson) (song)
Eveline (song)
Gloria (song)
Imogen (probably not with June)
Juliette (song)
Juniper (probably not with June)
Lorelei (song)
Ruby (song)
Susannah (song)
Tuesday (song, sort of)
Veronica (song)
Virginia (song)

Many of those end in -a, but I left them anyway in case what you meant was more that you didn’t want to match the -lia. So many girl names end in -a, I don’t think of it as a noticeable “matching” thing the way it would be if both names started with M.

41 thoughts on “Baby Girl Giddings, Sister to Magnolia Jane

  1. Anonymous

    I agree Penny seems like a huge style departure. I think Penelope & Magnolia make a much better set. Poppy also feels similar to Penny, but it seems more like a full name and less like a nickname only kind of name.

    I always assume boy with Charlie & Jude, though I know they both get some use for girls (mainly as nicknames I think). The boyishness of both names is amplified by the very feminine Magnolia.

    So, I agree with Swistle that Clementine seems like the best match with Magnolia. I love the idea of Minnie as a nickname.

    I also really like Swistle’s suggestion of Juniper. I think it would make a great namesake for a June, if you don’t mind moving the honor name to the 1st position.

    I’ll also throw out Constance, Scarlett & Gemma.

    1. Christi

      I think the name Sawyer is wonderful for a girl…it would go nicely with big sister’s name Magnolia …and Yet stand on its own to build character and individual spirit…

  2. Kim

    I think Clementine is a gorgeous name and it’s a great sister name for Magnolia. You could also use the nicknames Emmy or Mimi.

    I’d also like to suggest:

    Primrose, Florence, Cordelia, Catarina, Lavinia, Rosamund, Evangeline, Lilliana, Georgiana, Francesca, Persephone, Jessamine, Susannah, Felicity and Eugenie.

    Good luck!

  3. Emily

    I may be alone in this but I don’t see Penny as a startling sister name to Magnolia. They are both unique, but recognizable as a name, and both quite quirky! I think it’s an adorable sister set. Along the same lines as the sister singing sensations Lennox and Maisy (look them up!)

    Magnolia and Clementine are very nice together too.

  4. Manday

    Of the names you list, I think Clementine is a GREAT fit. Does Penny have special meaning? If it is the name of a song or something then I could easily get over any lack of matching.

    Penny traditionally comes from Penelope, which matches Magnolia from a “long graceful” name stand point. If you are looking for a more unique source name, what about

    Peony or Petunia (might get a little flowery on the sibset though…)

    If you would like to continue with the song idea, here is a large but non comprehensive list of songs with girls names in the title:

    Penny makes me think of Peggy, which is short for Margaret. Or Margriet

    Magnolia also makes me think of Savannah (Savvy or Vanna)
    Caroline (song bonus)
    Susannah (Suzie)
    Scarlett/Scarletta (Carlie?)
    Adeline (Addie Linnie)

    I totally just fell in love with Scarlett for you! Magnolia and Scarlett, or Mags and Carlie, which is SO close to Charlie but less trendy, if you go the nickname route)

  5. StephLove

    Well, Swistle said everything I was going to say about Clementine, Penelope and Charlotte. I think any of those would be a great choice for you. And I love Susannah, too.

    Or if you want to continue on a botanical theme, Iris, Ivy, Fern, Rosemary, and Willow are favorites of mine.

  6. Anonymous

    Can I just say I love the name Magnolia Jane? It is beautiful. I would use Magnolia in a heartbeat, had I an accommodating spouse ;)

    I’m not really sure where you live, but Charley, Charly, Charli,and all other variants is becoming a popular baby girl name right now where I live (Texas), so if you do go with this option I recommend using Charlie as a nickname for a longer name so if she has a few in her school she can use her longer name to differentiate. Charlotte would work, as would Carolina. (Caroline/a, Charlotte and Charles are all from the same root name.) I looked on the social security baby name tracker to see the rankings of this name an the only one I found charting was Charli, which was up 200 points in one year, so perhaps the other Charlie girls have longer names as well?

    Another name that might work for you is Gwendolyn. It sounds sweetly Southern, smart and strong (which is the feel I get from Magnolia) Best of luck and I cannot wait to see a picture!

  7. Colleen

    Concur with Swistle re: Penelope(!!!) and Clementine.

    From her list Cecilia jumped right out at me. Maybe because I love that song.

    Cecilia June.


    Cecilia and Magnolia.

    Ok, a little rhyme-y… but, still, swoon.

    Good luck!

  8. Anonymous

    I do like Clementine from your list. The name that jumped out to me right away after reading your post was Scarlett, and I see other readers have suggested it as well. Scarlett June. Magnolia and Scarlett. As an added bonus, she would also have a Grateful Dead song of her own!

  9. Anonymous

    I like the idea of Scarlett. She could go by Charlie without too much of a stretch. Out of your top contenders, I’m another vote for Clementine. I know a young Clementine whose parents call her “Teenie” because she’s just a little slip of a thing. Not everyone’s style but it’s really cute on her.

  10. Gail

    I really like Clementine as a sister for Magnolia. Possible nicknames could also be Cleo or Mintie, or as Swistle says, whatever arises naturally.

    I agree that both Jude and Charlie seem too boyish next to Magnolia, and I’m going to assume you’ve ruled out Penelope for reasons you don’t mention, though that’s my next favorite name for you, and then you do get the adorable nickname of Penny.

    Have you thought about Philippa nn’d Pippa? Or Cecily? Cecily June, really cute. I also like Iris with Magnolia, even though both are flower names, and think Iris fits well with August and River, should you have a boy someday. Iris June.

  11. Anonymous

    If you specifically don’t like Penelope as a long form of Penny, what about Aspen? If what attracted you to Magnolia was the nature connotations rather than the frillyness, it could be perfect.

    Clementine June is really great though, and I don’t think a nickname is inevitable. If you want one, some options you may not have seen are:


  12. Robin

    You literally HAVE to use the name Clementine and call her Darlin’ as a nickname. That is just the cutest nickname that has ever existed, Swistle. If you don’t, I am going to get my IUD removed just so I can have another child and use that name/nickname combination. I am simply dying of cuteness.

  13. Anonymous

    Virginia nickname Ginny? Virginia might go with Magnolia a little TOO well, with the similar ending and similar Southern Belle connotations, but it just depends how much you like matchiness. Ginny rhymes with Penny, with a similar vintage nickname feel.

  14. Anonymous

    You could use June as the first name – it fits well with Magnolia but is so different in length that it will make picking names for future bubs a lot easier. I love June Clementine.

  15. Lashley

    A couple of clarifications –
    1-My assumption was that Sam didn’t want to name her son Samson because his name would read “Sam’s son,” which he would also be, not because of the serial killer reference.
    2-Are they specifically looking for a name with a song reference or was that inferred from the fact that they like that Magnolia has a song?

    If the song is a must, I like Eleanor. Not matchy at all, but certainly complementary. To be fair, I also just really like the name Eleanor.

    Otherwise, what about Penny June and calling her both names? It’s fewer syllables than (or the same as, depending on how you pronounce) Magnolia and uses the names you love.

    Other ideas –
    Winifred (Winnie sounds like Penny, Winifred is cute)
    Other nature-inspired names (to go with Magnolia and River) – Savannah, Wren, Violet, Gemma.

    Good luck!

  16. The Mrs.

    Two things:

    First, your daughter has a gorgeous name. Really lovely. Nice taste!

    Second, Clementine is a charming option. I like that both names are trees, beloved, and musical. Clementine June is just extra special. Otherwise, may I suggest Charity with the nickname of Cherry? It’s a lot like Charlie but botanical and feminine like Magnolia. “Sweet Charity” is a pretty great nickname as well! Cherry June pants such a summery scene as well… picnics and lemonade, willows trees swaying down by a brook, luscious warm days.

    Whatever you and your husband pick, please let us know because the suspense will drive us wild! Best wishes to you all!

    (I just tought of another one! Amaryllis June… with the nickname of Amy or Rilla might suit you, too.)

  17. Kim Again

    What about Prudence? It always makes me smile when I hear it.

    Magnolia and Prudence nn Maggie and Penny?


  18. Myra

    You can’t get much better than Clementine, in my opinion. It’s fabulous, particularly with Magnolia. Penelope is great too. I would go with the longer version of the name, even if you plan to use Penny.

    Of the names Swistle suggested, I like Juniper and Jemima the best.

    Some others that might appeal:


  19. Allie

    To piggy back off Lashley’s comment with the “Wren” idea, I know a baby girl named Florence who goes by Wren …. then you’d get both the nature feel and the longer/classic feel of Magnolia. Just a thought :)

    I also love the “Penny June” idea–it does take care of the nicknamey/length issue … I’d imagine people would sing “Penny Jane” to her often, despite it not being an exact song match–but personally, I just find that adorable (perhaps you would, too, if you were getting at wanting a song-reference-name!).

  20. Janelle

    I really really want you to use Peony. So similar to Penny but it’s an unusual name that FEELS familiar. And the botanical theme for the girls is too fun.

    Peony June Giddings

    Or, what about:
    Bryony June
    Linnea June

  21. Anonymous

    Clementine is great! So is Penelope. I would also add Dehlia/Delia. My niece is named Dehlia (full name), and a friend loved the name so much when I told her that she named her daughter Cordelia (nn: Delia). Perhaps that’s too much -ia for both girls, but Dehlia is a sweet, unusual name that I think could work well.

  22. Anonymous

    I LOVE Clementine and tried to suggest it for my younger daughter, but my husband only likes boring names, so that fell flat. I was also going to suggest Caroline, which I love (and I love the song Sweet Caroline, but I’ve been told by Carolines that it’s a bit tiresome to be associated with when you’re in college, since it’s a big bar song, which I guess I can see? Though who knows by the time this one is in college.) But really, for your purposes, Clementing really seems like the perfect little sis for Magnolia.

  23. lucky

    I really think that Magnolia and Clementine work great individually and as a sibling pair. Here are some other suggestions:

    – Rosemary June. There is the Edison Lighthouse song “Love grows where my rosemary goes”

    – Carmelita June. Clementine made me think of Carmelita. While Zevon’s heroin reference may turn you off, it is a beautiful name.

    – Ophelia June. Perhaps this is a bit too far out there. Simon and Garfunkel, Indigo Girls Album, Natalie Merchant.

    – Prudence June. I don’t know if you will love the repeating “oo” sound. Nice Beatles lyrics.

    – Bliss June. Tons of songs out there. I like Alice Peacock’s Bliss.

  24. Anonymous

    Wow, Magnolia Jane is gorgeous!

    Of your list I like Penny the most. Somehow Magnolia and Clementine become a bit too much for me. Penny is sweet, different, and also has a whimsical quality.

    Some ideas:

    Penny – Portia, Leonie, Felicity

    Clementine – Celie, Verena, Sabine, Lorelei, Celeste

    Jude – Juliet(te), Josephine, Luna,

    Charlie – Georgia, Leora, Ghislaine, Bonnie

    I also wonder if you would consider moving June to the first name, possibly going with Junia. Junia Rose & Magnolia Jane?

  25. Anonymous

    I adore the name Magnolia Jane and, like several others, think that Clementine June is the perfect sibling name for her. I knew a little Clementine called Lemen for short, which sounds fantastic to me. Cleo is also great.

    If it’s a Grateful Dead song, specifically, that you’re looking for, I agree with the commenter above: Cassidy! That song has such beautiful lyrics and Cassidy June is also perfect.

  26. Allison

    One of my co-workers is nicknamed Jude, but her first name is Judith. If you like Jude, what about Judith? Judith and Magnolia?

  27. Amanda

    I’ll just comment on the ones on your list. There are so many possibilities and I love the ones you came up with:

    Penny – adorable

    Clementine – I know a 4yo Clementine and it’s just such a gorgeous lovely name. She is Clementine, nothing shorter usually and I adore it.

    Charlie – I’ve always loved Charlie for a girl but I know FOUR that were born last year. Only one is a Charlotte, the rest are Charlies. Love it not sure how you feel about popularity.

    Jude – Lovely but don’t change your middle name choice. I like that your girls have June and Jane and are named after loved ones (although that’s not usually my thing)

    One comment from Swistle’s suggestion. I know this cutie patootie with the name Augusta but they call her Gus which looks sort of awful in writing but she carries it and it’s adorable – she’s a spunky girly tom boy. SO CUTE.

  28. Anonymous

    Just on the Lemen/Lemon nn suggestion for Clementine – there is a tv show on these days with a sibling set named Lemmon & Magnolia.

  29. Anonymous

    i think you mean Lennon and Maisy, no? Lennon and Maisy Stella play the main character’s daughters on Nashville, and they are both adorable plus wildly gifted singers.

  30. Anonymous

    I’m with Swistle- Clementine is no more a mouthful than Magnolia! I love both names, for the record, and I think they’re a great sibling set.

  31. Goldie

    First, I have to say I do ADORE your daughter’s name! Clementine does seem like the most obvious choice in terms of style.

    Swistle has some wonderful suggestions for you, my favorite being Willemina. (Though I do prefer Wilhelmina.) And the nn Willa or Minka – to die for!

    I’d like to also suggest Georgiana. It just seems like it has the same southern charm as Magnolia.

    Some more ideas…..

    Phoebe June : to me this just exudes a brightness. It is a cheery name!
    Ruby June : short, sweet, and spunky.
    Philippa June : “Pippa June” how cute!!


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