Baby Girl Thorstenson, Sister to Wyatt: Stella or Tessa?

J. writes:

Hello! We’re looking for some help deciding on a name for our baby girl due in June. Her older brother’s name is Wyatt. We would like to use a family name, Rose, for her middle name. Our two favorites right now are Stella and Tessa. Our last name is similar to Thorstenson. Which name sounds better with our last name, and is there one that sounds better with Wyatt? Also, we are not set on either of these names so if you have any other suggestions they are quite welcome! We like names that are not overly popular but also not too “out there”. Other names we have considered are Clara, Savana, Maisie, and Freya. Thanks so much!


I’d just like to add a few things.  First, our last name – Thorstenson – doesn’t roll off the tongue so nice.  So I’d like to find a first name that comes out smooth and simple and flows well.  I think that is the main thing keeping us from committing to Stella – Is Stella Thorstenson a bit of a tongue twister with the two sets of “st’s”? And same with Tessa – is there too much of an “s” sound? Also, we are pretty set on having Rose for her middle name, so with such a short middle name and longer last name I feel that a two-syllable first name might flow best (although you are the expert on that!).
So our biggest issues seem to be finding a name that flows nice with the middle and last name, as well as finding one that sounds consistant with brother Wyatt`s name. Like I mentioned before Clara, Savana, Maisie, and Freya are some other names on our list.  More names we`ve considered are Maya, Olive (although our good friends have named their dog this, so I`m thinking that name is off limits), Aubrey, Zoe, Samara, Marylou (I love this but husband doesn`t quite as much, plus it doesn`t sound great with Rose) and Anya. I don`t know that we have a consistant style, as there are some old-fashioned names and some newer names on the list. We`d prefer a name that is timeless and one that will grow well with her (sound good as a baby, child, and adult name – this is what is keeping us from committing to Maisie or Zoe, do they sound too childish?).

Your opinions are greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Both Tessa and Stella seem a little tangled to me with Thorstenson. It’s the Thorstenson part that’s doing most of the tangling—but adding more S and T sounds seems to increase the problem. I don’t think either of them is BAD with the surname, though.

Clara is the one that stands out to me, not only because it avoids S and T sounds but also because of the pleasing early American sound with Wyatt. But for some reason, the L sound (or maybe it’s more the L blend) does something similar to the S/T sounds for me. I was thinking maybe Cora instead, but the repeating -or- sound doesn’t appeal to me.

So then I think maybe Freya. No S, no T, no L; nice with the surname; nice with the middle name; nice with the brother name. But I think Stella or Tessa (or Clara) would also work fine.

19 thoughts on “Baby Girl Thorstenson, Sister to Wyatt: Stella or Tessa?

  1. Fourandcounting

    I agree with Swistle – I think Stella and Tessa give you a tongue-twister. Clara and Freya do seem to work better, and I prefer Clara with Wyatt.

    A couple other ideas that avoid the S, T, and L sounds.

    Eva (I like the simplicity of it coupled with your last name.)
    Marie (the last Marie I met was 22 years old.)
    Laura (Little House on the Prairie!)
    Caroline (ditto!)

  2. Anonymous

    I like Clara and Maisie a lot. I don’t think either creates problems with your last name, they sound good with Rose, and I think in 30 years Maisie will be as much of an adult name as Stacy is now. Same with Zoe actually.

    Freya I’d be a little more wary of. It’s beautiful…but with your last name I think I’d assume she was born in a foreign country. That’s not a negative, but maybe not what you’re going for. Also I think people may stumble over it more than you expect. None of the sounds are hard, but it’s unfamiliar, and people are wusses sometimes. Maybe try it out at some Starbucks’?

  3. Anonymous

    I’m an eternal pusher of the name Clara on anyone who’s considering it. I love it, it’s simple to spell and say but doesn’t feel as trendy as some of your other choices (I think it’s probably just my area but I know 3 baby Stellas personally and know of several more). If you’re considering Freya but want to avoid sounding overly Nordic, I’d suggest Frida. I’m strongly considering having a Frida myself one day :) Frida and Wyatt sound cute together.
    Of the rest of your list I think Zoe works well for all your requirements. Have you considered naming her Teresa, nicknamed Tessa? Teresa Thorstenson is less toungue twister than just Tessa on it’s own, but gives you the option of using Tessa still.
    Good luck!

  4. StephLove

    Of the top contenders I like Stella better with the last name, middle name, and sibling name.

    I also like Clara & Zoe. And I don’t hear the problem with the L in Clara that Swistle does. In fact I’m going to suggest a few names with Ls in them (and some without) that I think fit your style.

    How about:


  5. Anonymous

    The last name is a hard one to work with. For me, Tessa is a bit better than Stella, but they both leave me a little tongue tied. Clara is nice and I don’t have the problem with the L blend that Swistle mentioned. Maisie doesn’t seem like it’d age well to me, but Zoe is fine. As a combo of Zoe & Clara, I wonder if you’d like Chloe? Anya is nice. Freya & Savana just aren’t my cup of tea. I supposed Savana fits OK with Wyatt, but Freya seems way off style wise to me.

    Some other suggestions-Molly, Lucy, Kyra, Mia, Audrey, Julia

  6. Janelle

    Some names that avoid the S/T/R sounds which seem to cause some trouble:

    Isla– the silent S makes it easier!

    Good luck!

  7. Anonymous

    How about Mae? I think it fits perfectly well with your naming style, sounds super with Wyatt, lends itself to Maisie as an adorable nickname, could suit either a child or grown up, and works with your surname. I’m not particularly fond of Mae Rose, would you consider Mae Rosie? Maisie! Love! I agree that both Tessa & Stella are a bit much with your last name.

  8. Slaymaiden

    “Wyatt” sounds like a cowboy name to me. Because of that, I think “Tessa” is a better match. You mentioned “Aubrey”. What about “Autry” as in Gene Autry?

  9. Anonymous

    How about Reese? Reese Thorstenson. I like Claire and Jane also.

    I have Wyatt. I’ve been playing with sibling names that also have a double letter, though not necessarily a “T.” Reese is a front-runner for me.

    I also like

  10. Gail

    I’m pretty enthusiastic about Freya, both with your surname and with Wyatt. Even though it’s a somewhat different style from Wyatt, it does share the “ya” and it’s also five letters, so somehow, to me, that makes them work quite well as sibling names. And I love the Nordic quality of Freya Thorstenson (or your similar surname), I don’t think people would assume she was an exchange student!

  11. Kim

    I think Mae is just awesome with your last name.

    Mae Rosalie is pretty.

    I’d also like to suggest Ada, Millie, Nelly, Kitty and Josie. All sound great with Wyatt.

    Good luck!

  12. Kim

    I think the suggestion of Eliza is great too.

    Eliza Rose sounds fantastic and goes well with your last name.

    Wyatt and Eliza

  13. Heidi J

    Some other options:
    Coraline (I don’t think the -or is as much a problem with the longer name)

    Or what about giving her the first name of Rose? That would be lovely too.

  14. Anonymous

    I really like Stella with your last name and don’t see a problem with the pronunciation. It is a gorgeous name and Stella Rose Thorstenson has a nice almost pioneer or wildflower kind of sound to it.

    So many names have already been suggested, so I’ll add only one more:

    Wyatt and

    Ayla Rose

  15. Jan

    I like Stella. From your other choices I like Olive. To go with Wyatt maybe Sadie (or given name Sarah if you think Sadie sounds too young)?

  16. Anonymous

    I think Stella Rose Thorstenson is way less of a tongue twister than Tessa Rose Thorstenson- so many of the last name sounds with the combination of Tessa Rose. However, I think Tessa is a prettier, softer name than Stella, so I still prefer it.


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