Middle Name Challenge: Nathaniel ______ Murrah

Mathilda writes:

I’m due to have a c-section this Thursday (Oct. 28) and my husband and I are still looking for ideas for a middle name. I thought we could manage, but my due date is coming up quickly, and I’m at a complete loss. My sister referred me to youcantcallitit, which led me to Appellation Mountain, which led me to you. I’ve been reading past posts for nearly an hour now. It seems to me that you all have great naming insights, and I was wondering if you or your readers could give us any ideas.

We’ve chosen Nathaniel as a first name, but don’t even have one solid middle name option. We like older, underused boys’ names that are out of the mainstream. Nathaniel is more popular than we’d like, so we were hoping to find a more uncommon middle name.

Our other children are Emma-Grace Iselin Murrah
Branson Levi Murrah
Chandler Jacoby (jack-o-bee) Murrah

We’d be immensely grateful for any suggestions!



Name update! Mathilda writes:

Thanks for putting up the post so quickly. I wanted to let you know we decided to name him Nathaniel Justice. There were so many great suggestions, but I felt like this name really clicked with my husband and I. Thanks so much for your help!


PS: I’ve attached a picture of him as well.

21 thoughts on “Middle Name Challenge: Nathaniel ______ Murrah

  1. Jenn

    I also like Nathaniel James so here are some other one syllable names that are a little less common:

  2. brooke

    i like nathaniel soren, suggested above by barb. i think that’s my favorite, so far.

    other ideas:
    nathaniel arthur
    nathaniel silas
    nathaniel paul
    nathaniel greer

  3. Mrs. S

    Nathaniel Grey Murrah
    Nathaniel Tate Murrah
    Nathaniel Jake Murrah
    Nathaniel Spence Murrah

    I like Nathaniel Tate Murrah a lot.

  4. Katie

    Nathaniel Bennett Murrah
    Nathaniel Dean Murrah
    Nathaniel Everett Murrah
    Nathaniel Jasper Murrah
    Nathaniel Mitchell Murrah
    Nathaniel Sean Murrah
    Nathaniel Dante Murrah

    Best of luck to you on Thursday!

  5. sarah

    someone suggested it above, but my first thought was Ezra.
    Nathaniel Ezra
    other thoughts
    Nathaniel Frederick
    Nathaniel Kenneth
    Nathaniel Jeremiah
    Nathaniel Isaac

    good luck!

  6. Alison aka Baby B

    I like a lot of the suggestions above… Amos, Abram, Bennett, and Spence in particular.

    I googled boys names from Old English (and old-fashioned British names), so this list is extremely narrow in scope. I’m including meanings just for fun.

    Nathaniel Alston Murrah; noble, old, or elf
    Nathaniel Clelland Murrah (KLELL-and); clay land, or descendant of Faolán
    Nathaniel Dryden Murrah; dry valley
    Nathaniel Gaufrid Murrah (GOFF-rid); peaceful land
    Nathaniel Langham Murrah (LANG-um); long homestead
    Nathaniel Wardley Murrah; weir wood or clearing (a weir is a type of dam, and a British surname interestingly enough)

  7. Adey

    We gave our son the family name Roderick for a middle name. I realize that it won’t have the same sentimental value to you but you may still like the name.

    Nathaniel Roderick Murrah.

    I think I like the sound of 2-3 syllable middle names and I like many of the above suggestions!

  8. may

    Barnaby! BARN-A-BY!!!! Precious. My eyes always linger on the name Barnaby in a baby book before my brain remembers that my husband will NEVER go for it for one of our kids – but for a middle name? A-freaking-dorable.

  9. kanah

    I think Nathaniel Jameson sounds great. Or, you could drop the -son and just do James. Oooh, or what about Judd or Jedd?

  10. The Mrs.

    Do you like…

    Nathaniel Ford Murrah

    Nathaniel Oscar Murrah

    Nathaniel Franklin Murrah

    Nathaniel Ruston Murrah

    Best of wishes as you near your c-section!

  11. Patricia

    What a sweet photo. I love the name Nathaniel and with Justice as the mn your little guy has a name uniquely his own. Congratulations on the birth of Nathaniel Justice!


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