Baby Boy Church, Brother to Piper Iliana

Tiffany writes:

Our second child, a boy, is due on November 30. We were all set on a girl’s name, Ava Rose. We already have a little girl named Piper Iliana. I always loved the name Piper and we had decided on that name for our first girl before we were even married. Now that we are having a little boy, we are stuck. We like a lot of names with different styles, but can’t seem to agree! Everyone has their opinion in our large family! The middle name will be “Reece.” That is my husband and father-in-law’s middle name, so at least that part was easy! I will list the names we like and the problems we have with them. We don’t like names that are really common (except obviously Ava), we have a very large, close family, so lots of interesting names are already taken (Abram, Joah, Evan, etc.)!


We really liked this name, but it doesn’t sound well with our last name, Church.


Everyone either doesn’t like this name, or pronounces it like “limb” which I can’t stand.


Everyone brings up the sound of “ride-her” which bugs me! This is one of our favorites.


I love this name, but am afraid everyone will associate it with Twilight.


I like this name, but am afraid it is a little too unusual.


I like this name, but am not sure if I want to go with just Finn or as a nn for something else!

* Everett

This is one that we both kind of like, but don’t love.

Please help us with our naming dilemma! We thought it would be so easy to pick out a name for this baby! I am the kind of person that likes to know my baby’s name early so I can get used to calling him by name! Thanks so much in advance!!!

I do associate the name Edward with Twilight, but only partly—and I definitely don’t think the association with Emmett is strong enough to throw it out, and I think Piper and Emmett is wonderful. Let’s have a poll over to the right! [Poll closed; see results below.]




Name update! Tiffany writes:

Thank you for all your suggestions and the poll! In the end, we decided on a name that wasn’t on our list at all. Gabriel Reece Church arrived happy and healthy on November 26, 2010! In the end, we both made a list of ten names and Gabriel was on my husband’s list and we fell in love with it! We also decided to keep it a secret since we have such opinionated families and called him “Pinto” the whole pregnancy!

Thanks again!

10 thoughts on “Baby Boy Church, Brother to Piper Iliana

  1. Anonymous

    just FYI, i saw that Liam is one of the most popular boys names right now. i know you mentioned you like unique…

  2. beyond

    Emmett stands out for me too. (I read Twilight but that is not what I think of when I see Emmett.) Finn would be my second choice, but maybe as Finneas or Phineas…
    Good luck!

  3. The Mrs.

    Thaddeus sounds strong and masculine. Thaddeus Reece Church is down-right awesome!

    Piper and Thaddeus both sound original without sounding weird.

    Best wishes to the four of you!

  4. Anonymous

    I definitely associate Emmett with Twilight, but I wouldn’t let it stop me. Emmett is a fantastic, classic choice, and Twilight can’t take that away! It’s not as though you’re talking about naming a girl Renesmee…

  5. Annika

    I associate Emmett with my favorite western, Silverado. Frankly, unless you use Edward or Bella I doubt the Twilight association will be particularly strong unless you are known to be a huge Twilight fan.

  6. Patricia

    I see that Emmett is way ahead in the poll. For me, that name sounds too similar to the very popular (#2 in 2009) girls’ name Emma. I prefer Everett, which is similar to Emmett but sounds more masculine to me. Thus, I voted for Everett.

    Best wishes!

  7. Susan

    The first time I met someone named Thaddeus (actually, he went by “Thad” so that’s what I heard first), it struck me as a great name. Although it was uncommon, it wasn’t an unknown name (since Thaddeus — spelled “Thaddaeus” was a disciple of Jesus)– and it was easy to pronounce, easy to remember, strong and manly — it just seemed right in every way. I vote for Thaddeus.


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