Baby Boy Perez, Brother to Maggie Suzanne

Joy writes:

I have been looking at your blog and I love all of the advice and options you provide for your followers. My husband and I are expecting our second baby around November 22, 2010. We have a 14 month old daughter whose name is Maggie Suzanne. Our family is blended in that I am Caucasian and my husband is Hispanic so we have beautiful dark headed babies with big brown eyes and the best tan. So we are almost decided on the first name for our baby boy being Oscar, but we are stuck on a middle name. The other first name that was a major contender was Oliver, but I feel like it is becoming very popular. I have always had an original name that no one else had and I loved it. I would like my kids to have the same kind of name. Some middle names we like are Alexander (me) and Mateo ( my husband). Other names we have discussed are Andy, Sammy, Felix, Max. I guess my only thoughts are the first name needs to be 2 syllables and I want to name him what I will call him. I am not a big fan of relying on nicknames.
I am looking forward to reading your thoughts!

Ooo, I like Oscar Mateo Perez AND Oscar Alexander Perez—I can’t decide! I also like the way the names Andy and Sammy go with the name Maggie, but overall I prefer Oscar. My top favorite from all your contenders is Felix, and I like it with either Mateo or Alexander.

Another I like for you is Hugo. Like Oscar and Felix, it’s uncommon but not difficult. I like Hugo Alexander Perez.

Another is Aidric, maybe Aidric Mateo.

Another is Rufus. I like either Rufus Mateo or Rufus Alexander, maybe a slight preference for Rufus Alexander.

If you’re flexible on the number of syllables, I also like Gideon.



Name update! Joy writes:

I am a little behind, but I wanted to send an update on our precious baby boy. He was born October 28th and weighed 7lbs 11oz. He was a little early, but was perfect! Everyone is so in love with him including his big sister Maggie. We really appreciated everyone’s advice and yours as well. We were able to add to our list and come up with name combinations we hadn’t thought of. In the end when we met our little man we both knew Oscar Alexander just fit him perfectly. He is just over two months now and every day I love his name (and him of course) a little more than the day before.
Thanks again for all of the name help! We will save them in case we have another boy in the future.


12 thoughts on “Baby Boy Perez, Brother to Maggie Suzanne

  1. Patricia

    Oscar Alejandro might work as a compromise between Alexander (English language name) and Mateo (Spanish).

    Maggie and Oscar Perez

    With Maggie, I also like Charlie. Charlie would also sound fine with Alexander/Alejandro or Mateo as the mn.

    Maggie and Charlie Perez

    Best wishes!

  2. The Mrs.

    Oscar is the BEST!!

    Maggie and Oscar sound wonderful together.

    Love it, love it, love it!

    Oscar Max Perez sounds like a swanky 1920’s jazz musician. Oscar Alexander Perez reminds me of a national leader. Oscar Mateo Perez makes me think of a UN interpreter.

    Best wishes to you all!

  3. Alison aka Baby B

    Since you seem pretty sure on Oscar, I’m not going to go into first names, though I recently discovered Aidric, as Swistle suggested, and LOVE it. I really like Patricia’s mn suggestion of Alejandro. Good compromise.

    Filip is a Spanish version of Philip. And there’s Felipe. Oscar Filip or Oscar Felipe.

    Luis is nice. Oscar Luis. It’s familiar in both languages.

    Stefano is another one that works in both languages. Oscar Stefano.

    Cirilo is a less common Spanish name (at least, out here in California). Oscar Cirilo.

    I like Oscar Alejandro and Oscar Filip best, since those seem to be a good balance between your family’s two backgrounds.

  4. beyond

    Oscar; Oscar Perez. Maggie and Oscar. I love it! Oscar Alexander and Oscar Mateo are both fantastic. Difficult choice. because of your two great possibilities I don’t think you really need more names. but I’ll give you just one mn that works in English and Spanish: Gabriel. Oscar Gabriel.
    Good luck!

  5. christine

    I really like Oscar Alexander for you guys. I love Mateo, but like the sound of Oscar Alexander better for some reason. I also like Mateo Alexander. And I like them both with Maggie (but Oscar better!)

    Good luck and congratulations!

  6. StephLove

    Are you pronouncing Oscar the English way or the Spanish way? If Spanish, I’d go with Alexander as the middle, to make it more multicultural. If English, I could go with either Alexander or Mateo, since the surname is Spanish. I think both middles work.

    If you decide against Oscar, I like Felix best of the alternatives.

  7. Patricia

    Thanks for letting us know what your named your little boy and including a photo too. Your little Oscar Alexander is darling!


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