Baby Boy Carnes

Adrienne writes:

My best girlfriend told me about your site :) My husband and I are having a baby boy October 19th. We currently have a 2 year old daughter named Payton Elizabeth. Our last name Carnes sounds like Barns but with a C :)

My husbands name is James Clay Carnes but he goes by Clay
My name is Adrienne Elizabeth Holloway Carnes (Holloway is my maiden name that I kept in there)

We thought about putting Maxwell in his name… that was my grandfathers last name and everyone called him Maxwell. Clay and his father both are named James but it doesnt have to be our sons first name it could be a middle…..

We have thought about the names:
Maxwell- grandfathers name
Wyatt- Grandmothers maiden name
….. I wouldnt mind having my maiden name in there “Holloway” either

Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated

Haha we are kind of lost :)

11 thoughts on “Baby Boy Carnes

  1. beyond

    Holloway might make an excellent middle name. Maxwell Holloway Carnes. (or a second mn like in the comment above.)
    I also like Wyatt very much for you. Wyatt Maxwell Carnes; Payton and Wyatt.
    From your list Easton is great too; Easton James Carnes; but for my taste it’s a bit matchy with your daughter’s name, since both end in -ton.
    How about:
    Bennett, Hudson or Quentin.
    Good luck!

  2. kanah

    For first names, I wouldn’t name him Maxwell unless you want him to be called Max, which is almost inevitable for a little boy. How about: Jameson Holloway, Easton Holloway, Wyatt James, Harris James, or Weston Clay? Personally, I love the idea of Wyatt for a first name and/or Holloway for a middle name. I think passing on family names is under-rated. Best of luck!!

  3. Christine

    I love both Maxwell and Wyatt, both with Holloway or with James(or both)! I think your list is great. You guys are lucky to have such great family names.

    Other names you might like, Elliot, Emmett and Corbett.

    But I still vote that you guys use some of the awesome ones that you already have. Good luck!

  4. StephLove

    Maxwell Holloway Carnes is a great name! It sounds good and it’s full of meaning. If you want to add James, I’d go with Maxwell James Holloway Carnes

  5. Frazzled Mom

    When I looked at your list, I immediately thought with Payton, I like Cole the best. Both Payton and Cole are modern sounding, but Cole is very masculine making it a good brother for Payton which I feel is androgynous. I think Cole Maxwell is fine. But then I realized he would be Cole Carnes, and I don’t think that is a good use of alliteration, personally. I used to be decidedly anti-alliteration, but now I think alliteration is ok sometimes, but it is difficult to do right. I don’t think Cole Carnes does alliteration right – IMO.

    When I look at your list, while the names are all good, unfortunately I don’t think most go well with your last name or his sister’s name.

    I would steer clear of Payton and Preston. Both Corbin and Colton are bad with both Peyton (rhymey) and Carnes (bad alliteration). Easton rhymes too much with Payton, but I would use Easton over Preston.

    That really only leaves Maxwell and Wyatt. I personally prefer Maxwell of the two.

  6. Anonymous

    Just thought I would point out that Wyatt Halliwell was a character on the TV show Charmed – a little too close to that for my taste…and it was the first thing I thought of when I read it.

  7. Lisa

    I’m not an alliteration fan. So as much as I love Cole, I don’t like it with Carnes. (I had both Peyton and Preston that my husband loved for our girl/boy, but with a P last name, it sounded so halting and bad initials, too.)

    I really like the idea of using Maxwell and James. I also really like Wyatt.

    My vote is Wyatt James or Maxwell James.


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