Baby Name to Consider: Brynter

It’s been so long since we’ve done a Name to Consider post, you may have forgotten we’ve ever done one. Previous posts include Brando, Schroeder, and Abelson. Remember that the point of a “name to consider” is not so much “Do I personally like the name and would I personally use it?” (though of course that’s always an interesting issue), but rather, “Does this seem like A NAME? Can I picture SOMEONE—perhaps someone in search of a more unusual style than I myself would consider—using this for a baby?”

Names to Consider are names I FEEL as if I made up out of my own head—but I assume that if I”m “making up” a name, that means many, many others have already made up the same name (see also The Baby Name Wizard‘s section on the name Keaton, pages 3-4 in the second edition).

Today’s candidate I thought of because of a misunderstanding: my mom was talking about a doll she referred to as Miss Winter, and I thought she said Brynter. My immediately reaction was positive: it combines Bryn (which can seem too short) with Winter (which can seem too nouny). It has the popular occupational sound.

I think it could work. What do you think?

20 thoughts on “Baby Name to Consider: Brynter

  1. Mrs. Haid

    No. This sounds only like a name from a teen fantasy novel set in the year 2190. I think actually it might be in a Shannon Hale novel… but those characters don’t seem to have real names that I could associate with a real child.

  2. Adey

    I also tested it out loud and although I like the name Brynn I did not like the sound of “Brynter”

    I really like the idea of posts like these though!!

  3. Lisa

    I was thinking of it as a boy name until that last paragraph with Brynn and Winter.

    Then reading the other comments makes me think no, but for a while I could see it on a Boy, like Brent…but more. Maybe you’d have to spell it Brentor, Brenter?

    Hmmm, I’ll give it a maybe…

  4. Anonymous

    I too thought it was for a boy. I don’t like it at all for a girl, but with the formentioned change in spelling…Not so bad

  5. Twee Poppets

    Ehhhhh…I could SEE it being used as a name, but only because people use a lot of stupid crap as names. If I heard someone use it for their child, I would probably just think, “ugh, BRYNTER, someone is making up names again.”

    I also agree with the previous poster who said it sounds too much like “printer.”

    A different pp mentioned Brenter, and I could actually see that working as a variation of Brent. Although I’m not a big fan of the name Brent to begin with, haha.

  6. Susan

    I don’t IMMEDIATELY like the name — which is not to say it wouldn’t grow on me — and I confess I often don’t like names I’ve never heard the first time I hear them — so I should probably wait and respond to this tomorrow. However, I’ll forge ahead and say the reason I don’t like it is that it sounds too boyish for a girl’s name and too girlish for a boy’s name. Then again, if someone is looking for an androgynous name, this might be one to consider.

  7. Suzanne

    I too thought it was a masculine name until you mentioned “Brynn” and “Winter” – both of which are perfectly nice girl names. I think if I met someone named Brynter I would have a hard time remembering it on our next meeting. I would remember it was LIKE winter but not the actual name and then I would be embarrassed and awkward and never talk to them again. So -1 for causing social anxiety.

  8. Superjules

    Yeah it works as a name.
    When I saw the post title I assumed it already WAS a name– and for the record, I assumed it was a girls’ name. My thought process went something like “Hmm Brynter. That’s not a name I think *I* would use but it sounds okay.”
    So, yes. It is a name.

  9. beyond

    It sounds more like a boys’ name to me. Could it be a name? Yes of course. (anything can be a name). I would personally never use it; it doesn’t sounds pleasing and I have to agree with the printer, sprinter commenters above. Sounds very much like a made-up name like Birkyt, or Mynkeler. (The fact that I prefer more or less classic, traditional names does not help its case…)

  10. Swistle

    Anonymous, dude, remember that I am not ADVOCATING this name or suggesting people use it. Nor am I, as I said, asking whether YOU PERSONALLY like it. I’m running a discussion of the NAMINESS of the name. Can you see how (1) “Blech” fails to contribute to the discussion, and (2) “Sorry” is unnecessary?

  11. Rachael

    it definitely could be a name, yes. but, i don’t think it’s a good one. i too think it would lead to a lot of unnecessary confusion for the poor kid.

  12. Superjules

    I don’t know why I keep thinking about this but I had one more thing to add: To me Brynter sounds like a surname and people often give kids surname names. So if I met a wee little Brynter I might wonder if the name was the mother’s maiden name or something.

  13. Melissa

    I’m generally not a fan of non-name ‘names’, and this is no exception. I’m reminded of Sprinter, Bright Winter (combo of the two words). Also-I’m not a fan of substituting a ‘Y’ when an ‘I’ would be perfectly acceptable.

    In short-not a fan.


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