Ashley writes:
Why are middle names so hard?
I’m due on April 26th with my second child, a boy! We’re very excited as he will be joining his older sister Claire Elyse (2 1/2). One of each:)
That being said, my husband (his name is Kristopher) and I are having difficulties deciding on a name. Right now its between Lucas and Grant. The problem being that we can’t come up with a middle name for Grant. (I like Lucas James, but would be open to an alternative). So I guess my question is….what would you pair up with Grant? Our last name is Comon which makes it kind of difficult.I’m open also for any other suggestions besides Lucas or Grant. We’re more traditional in names and don’t want something too trendy. We tossed about Miles, Caleb, Finn, or I like Harper for a boy but my husband didn’t.
Oh, I do like Claire and Grant together! Let’s see if we can find some middle name possibilities.
Middle name flow is a matter of personal preference, and there are two rhythms I particularly like with the name Grant Comon: (1) a 2-syllable middle name with the emphasis on the first syllable; (2) a 3- or 4-syllable name with the emphasis on a middle syllable. I tried to avoid middle names that were inclined to blend with the strong T sound at the end of Grant (Grant William, Grant Adrian, Grant Owen), and also names that created a double -en sound with the surname (Grant Hayden Common, Grant Owen Comon)—though as you’ll see, I wasn’t completely consistent: sometimes a name seemed good to me despite having the same issue that had eliminated another name.
Two-syllable with first-syllable emphasis:
Grant Davis Comon
Grant Henry Comon
Grant Isaac Comon
Grant Jacob Comon
Grant Lucas Comon
Grant Michael Comon
Grant Samuel Comon
Grant Silas Comon
Grant Wyatt Comon
Multi-syllable with middle-syllable emphasis:
Grant Augusten Comon
Grant Ezekiel Comon
Grant Isaiah Comon
Grant Nathaniel Comon
Grant Sebastian Comon
Grant Zachariah Comon
And one that didn’t fit in either category:
Grant Theodore Comon
To me a stand-out is Grant Nathaniel Comon. I hadn’t even planned a list of multi-syllable options until I came to that one, and then I thought “YES!!” and started looking for similar names. But I also like the way Grant Lucas Comon would allow you to use both of your first choice picks.
Name update 04-27-2010! Ashley writes:
Thank you Swistle!
You did an amazing job with suggestions. A few of those we actually had in the running as well:) And I greatly appreciate all the comments from your viewers. What an fabulous network you have!
Well, my son decided to come a week early and was born on 4/17. After much discussion in the recovery room (and many votes from the nurses), we decided he looked more like a Lucas than a Grant.
We ended up naming him Lucas Ryan Comon and so far it seems to fit him.
Thanks again!
I think Grant Davis or Grant Lucas sound the best!
I agree with Swistle: Grant Nathaniel. That one stood out to me before I got to the end of the post and saw it was Swistle’s choice!
Good luck!
I’m sure you’ve thought of this, but in case you haven’t, you could always name him Grant Kristopher after your husband.
I do like Grant Lucas, though.
Yes, I like Grant Lucas Comon best as well. (Unless you were keeping one or the other for a second son?)
A few more names you might like to mix and match: Alexander, Benjamin, Nicholas, Stephen, Timothy.
Lucas Timothy Comon, Grant Alexander Comon, Grant Nicholas Comon…
Good luck!
I was also thinking
Grant Lucas and
Grant Kristopher
But I also like
Grant Charles
I like Grant Evander Comon, even though that wasn’t an option…
I agree with the multitudes. Grant Lucas is a natural choice for you. Or you could reverse it for Lucas Grant. I actually know a baby by that name. Grant Jacob is another nice choice.
I’m not bothered by the double n (or m-n) sounds Swistle was trying to avoid. In fact, they keep popping into my head.
Grant Adam Comon
Grant Allen Comon
Grant Ethan Comon
Grant Logan Comon
I would even go out on a limb and suggest James, since you like it in the middle name slot. Grant James Comon. Some people don’t like two one syllable names together, but I do, as long as the surname has more than one syllable.
Here’s one more choice. Grant Louis Comon. Louis is my son’s middle name and I think it works as a middle with a wide variety of names.
I am partial to Lucas. But that’s my son’s name :) His mn is Anthony, if that combo floats your boat. I prefer the flow of Lucas Grant, rather than Grant Lucas.
I really like Grant Kristopher too. Sounds great, and it has meaning!
A few more:
Grant Alexander Comon
Grant Lawrence Comon
Grant Robert Comon
Grant William Comon
Grant Zane Comon
I think I like the multi-syllable names with Grant. My first thought was Grant Benjamin, but I also like a lot of the other names mentioned too, like Grant Nathaniel and Grant Kristopher. But, I also like Grant Lucas and I like Lucas Grant A LOT, as well as Lucas James. So, I don’t think I have been a lot of help!
I see someone beat me to Alexander, but that was my first thought. Grant Alexander Comon. Lovely.
Also, perhaps Joseph-Grant Joseph Comon. That’s all I got today, but they came to me as soon as I started reading. Good luck!
Oh my goodness, how I love Grant Kristopher!!
Also like Grant Michael!
I like Grant Davis. Or perhaps even Grant David.
Grant Davis! It sounds classic in an Old Hollywood way.
My brother’s names is Lucas Benjamin.
I love Grant Asher,Grant Owen and Grant Wesley!