Baby Girl Seagrave

(I have a number of questions in my inbox I’m not going to get to in time, so I’ll post them for anyone who would like to work on them.)

Corinne writes:

Help! We are expecting our second daughter in January 2010 and we have no clue what to name her!

My first daughter is Sadie Helen Seagrave and she is 3 ½ now. Helen is after my grandmother, and Sadie is from a Beatles song :o) I had Sadie’s name picked before I even got married. I was hoping for a boy so it would be easy (Charles IV with a nickname of Casey) but no luck. I definitely want it to sound good with Sadie, but not too similar (I love Sydney and Cassidy… but Sadie said “the baby needs her own name, she can’t be the same as me!”)

It would be nice to do “Jane” as the middle name (after my husband’s mother) but it’s not critical.

Some of the names I like are:

* Calleigh
* Taylor
* Cameron
* Kendra
* Hayden

These are names I like, but my husband doesn’t:

* Aubrey
* Chloe
* Delilah
* Paige
* Jocelynn

19 thoughts on “Baby Girl Seagrave

  1. Alison aka Baby B

    The name Sadie really sticks out, to me, as a GIRL’S name. So, I don’t love the idea of a gender neutral name for your next daughter. Taylor, Hayden, and Cameron can all be either/or.

    Two syllables* without ending in the “ee” sound, in case that is too matchy for you or for Sadie :):
    Alice Jane
    Camille Jane
    Cara/Kara Jane
    Cora Jane
    Lila Jane
    Lisa/Liza Jane (Lee-sa, Lie-za)
    Maura Jane

    These are names that have a similar old fashioned feel without being strange to our modern ears, in my opinion. Sadie is old fashioned and still modern. I love these types of names!

    If the ending “ee” sound isn’t that big of an issue, I’d add Wendy Jane and Lily/Lillie Jane to that list.

    Good luck! Let us know what you and your husband decide!

    *Sadie and Charles/Casey have two syllables, so I picked two based on that.

  2. Carolyn

    Love the suggestion of Lila!

    From your list, Calleigh is my favorite, and I agree with the above poster that a gender neutral name seems out of place with Sadie.

    What about:
    Cammie (short for Camille or Cameron maybe?)

    Luckily, Jane is such a great middle name, just about anything goes with it.

  3. Barb @ getupandplay

    I like @Alison’s idea of Lila. Very old fashioned and feminine with some spunk like Sadie.

    How about another Beatles inspired name?
    -Prudence (nickname Prue)
    -Eleanor (so many nickname possibilities! Ellie, Norah, Nell…)

    Looking at your name list, what about combining the sounds of Calleigh and Hayden? That gives us Hallie which I think is very pretty and in the same vein as Sadie.

    That’s my list:


  4. beyond

    These are the names both your lists made me think of. (the last three are gender neutral, like some on your list.)
    Anais Jane Seagrave
    Riley Jane
    Elsa and Sadie
    Good luck!

  5. MelissaInk

    I like Hayden! Hayden and Sadie is adorable. Hayden Jane is also great.

    If you’re a Beatles fan, would you consider Abbey or Jude? Abbey Jane is great. Jude Jane … that’s abit silly.

    So, Hayden or Abbey are my votes

  6. Guinevere

    I love the above suggestions of Lila, Cora and Alice, and also Eleanor or Abbey as Beatles-tie-ins.

    If you care about sibling names going together, I would personally tend to avoid unisex, modern names, since Sadie is such a girlie, vintage name, albeit one with a kick.

    Phoebe, Ella, or even Jane as a first name would also come to mind.

  7. Kayt

    Lilah was on my mind when I read this. Glad I’m not the only one! Same with the comments about the unisex names with Sadie. Of your existing list, I guess Kendra’ my favorite, but I’m not in love.

    Are you thinking about a third baby? If you’re not, how about Charlotte or Caroline for Charles? Caroline in particular has a similar feel to Cassidy. You could nickname her Carrie.


  8. Anonymous

    what about Calla? Like a calla lily. It’s a little different from Calleigh that you like but I think it sounds awesome with Jane and goes great with Sadie.

    Calla Jane and Sadie Helen

  9. kristin

    “Delilah Jane” is perfect, was my first thought. Since Delilah is out, i’m going to add my vote for Lila/Lilah Jane. Amazing and perfect to my ears with Sadie.

  10. Frazzled Mom

    I like the suggestions of Lucy, Hallie, and Molly.

    I consider Sadie and nickname name. Similar nickname names inspired by Molly and Lily are Polly and Poppy. Sadie also makes me think of Millie, Maggie, Nelly, Bess, Betsy.

  11. Fiona

    Congrats on the big sister’s name – Sadie is cool!

    Of the names you listed the only one I really like is Kendra. It’s pretty, easy to pronounce and spell, and goes well with Sadie and with Jane as a middle name. I feel you can’t go wrong with Kendra, if you’re still liking that name.

    As for other people’s suggestions, I second “Lucy” (or maybe you could spell it Lucie to go with Sadie, I don’t think that’s an acceptable spelling variation). And if you like the name Fiona that Bree suggested, it’s my name and I’ve been happy with it :)

    Good luck – let us know..

  12. Leah

    Rylie Jane. As a matter of fact, I have a cousin with little girls named Sadie and Rylie and their names flow so nicely together. Also, a name you suggested, Cameron, with a different spelling, Kamryn. To me, Kamryn is more girlie, so as not to be confused as a little boy when reading name on paper.


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