Baby Boy, Brother to Malayna and Myleigh

Ashley writes:

The baby will be here in 2 weeks or less and all we have is a list. DH wont commit to anything. Everything on our list we both agree on but nothing is sticking out to us as “the one” Our girls are Malayna and Myleigh. We don’t want to stick with the M theme as we call Malayna “Laynie” anyway. If we happen to find an M name that we love though we are open to using it. The baby’s middle name will be Frank, after my Dad. I am open to any ideas!

Here is the list in no particular order


Thanks for your help!

Sometimes it helps to see what other people think—not necessarily because you’ll want to go with the popular choice, but because seeing what other people think can show you what YOU think. If, say, Hudson is in the lead but you find yourself sorry to see that, that tells you one thing. Or if Jasper is flagging and you find yourself sorry to see that, that tells you another thing.

So let’s have a poll. I think I wouldn’t choose Finnley because of how similar it sounds to Laynie and Myleigh. My pick is Jasper: I think it fits the style of your girls’ names while still sounding different. The poll is over to the right. [Poll closed; see below for results.]

(P.S. I also think Franklin would make a very nice first name. Franklin Hudson, maybe.)

Poll results (185 votes total):
Finnley: 20 votes, roughly 11%
Jasper: 44 votes, roughly 24%
Hudson: 40 votes, roughly 22%
Asher: 42 votes, roughly 23%
Archer: 39 votes, roughly 21%

Name update 01-05-2010! Ashley writes:

Our baby boy was born at home on December 27, 2009 12:46am 7lbs 15oz and 21 1/4 in. After 4 nameless days we finally decided on Jameson Frank… A name that wasn’t even on our list but fit him perfectly. He is such a good baby and we already love him to pieces. Thanks for all your help!

17 thoughts on “Baby Boy, Brother to Malayna and Myleigh

  1. beyond

    Swistle’s pick Jasper makes me think of Casper (or Kasper), which I think is a good solid name, like all the great names on your list. I like Hudson very much.
    Other names you might like:

  2. Anonymous

    For M names, what about Maddox, Marco, Matteo, Max, Mercer, Mohan, Misha, Micah…

    It’s always tough to pick a name when you don’t know the last name… but I’d have to say Archer is pretty cool. Nicknames are kinda hard as most people I know wouldn’t want to be stuck with “Archie” so that’s a disadvantage. It also may be too “strong.”

    Because of that, I’d go with Jasper or one of the M names :)

  3. Ashley

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

    My DH actually suggested Emmett last night and we added it to the list. :)

    I never even considered that people would call him Archie if his name was Archer.. thanks for pointing that out, as I am not fond of Archie at all!

  4. Erin

    I am a fan of Asher. I think it fits the best with the girls names. Jasper has started feeling a bit southern to me, which might be just fine, but Malayna sounds more exotic to me which is why I like Asher.

  5. Carolyn

    I think I would call a boy named Archer “Arch” for a nn. Or no nn at all. So I wouldn’t let possible nicknames deter you if you really like that name!

  6. Ashley

    Shoeaddict- Sawyer was “the name” we had picked out for a few months but DH decided it just didn’t feel right :( and now he says he doesn’t like it at all.

  7. Anonymous

    I’m wondering if Emmett is too close to the #1 girls’ name Emma. Picture a classroom with 2 Emmas and 1 Emmett. I don’t think I’d want my son to have a name so similar to one of the most popular girls’ names. And too, what about unintentional nicknames. I can hear a friend calling out, ‘Hey, Em, what are you doing after school?’ That too sounds girlish to me.

    I have the same concerns about Elliot with the name/nn Ellie so popular for girls.

  8. Steph the WonderWorrier

    I wouldn’t be hung up on Emma/Emmett. You really may not have ANY Emma’s in class with him, and even if you do, Emmett is it’s own, established name (not something unknown/made up), so I don’t think it’s an issue.

    Also: I find when a guy’s name get’s shortened like “Em” for “Emmett”, it doesn’t seem so girly, because you KNOW his real name is “Emmett” — also, guys tend to nickname to their last names, I find, or come up with something incredibly weird.

    Over your child’s life, you never know what nicknames will be deemed cool by their buddies, so I wouldn’t worry if you really like the name — and for the formative years, you can just do your best not to call him anything but Emmett and hope for the best.

  9. karintha

    For some reason, Frank seems really sharp and short with the names you’ve picked – I really like the idea of Franklin in either first or last position with any of the names you listed, including Emmett.

    It isn’t on the poll, so I’m informally voting here =)


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