Techy Stuff

Hey, if you click the “name updates” thing down in the righthand margin (under “Posts Updated With the Name the Parents Decided On”), does your browser crash? My friend Giselle says that ever since we got above 14 updates, clicking that link makes her browser consistently crash. Test pls and report, kthanx.

29 thoughts on “Techy Stuff

  1. Anonymous

    It worked fine for me too, but might I make a suggestion… is it possible to put the newest addition to that list at the top, even though it may be from a very old post. I love to go back and check when I see the number updated, but its so hard to scroll through them all to find the one that’s been newly updated. Not sure if this is possible for you to do or not.
    Otherwise, LOVE the blog and will be writing you soon with my own naming question!!

  2. Giselle

    Must just be me. Huh? It’s just weird cause I’m not having any other techy issues…ah well.

    And impressive reaction time, Swistle! I always envision you swimming in e-mails and did’t expect a response for my boring tech problem so quick. A+…maybe you have a future in tech support ;)


  3. Swistle

    Anonymous- I agree, that would be awesome! Blogger doesn’t let me do that, though. It’s one of the reasons I periodically consider switching to something like WordPress, which I gather gives more freedom to make decisions. But Blogger is so good and so easy to use, and I’m so untechy.

  4. Swistle

    Giselle- Hee! I do indeed swim, but this was important! I’m hoping someone else WILL have the same problem, and will also be the techy sort who can find a workaround or a fix for it.

  5. Mayberry

    Works for me, although I will say that the polls typically don’t work for me in IE. They don’t crash the page, but they won’t record my vote. Fine in Firefox though.

  6. f8hful_lo

    worked for me. i agree that it is difficult to see which one has been updated, and i understand blogger doesn’t let you do it. however, when you do the little update box could you add the date you updated it? that way we could see which one is most recent by scrolling down and seeing the newest date in the updated section. does that make sense? thanks swistle!

  7. Zoo

    Works fine for me too (Mac, Firefox, etc).

    I was also going to suggest the date thing on the updated posts but I was afraid of sounding demanding. ;) Glad I’m not the only one!

  8. Kate

    swistle, would it be hard to make a little mini post when you update, with a link to the updated post? I agree with anon that it’s a little cumbersome to scroll through all of the updated posts to try and find the most recently updated one!

  9. Bethtastic

    On another note…Wordpress ROCKS! I’m about as un-techy as one can be, and it’s slick to use…
    I haven’t ever done anything on Blogger, so I don’t have a comparison.

    If you do ever decide to switch. Rest assured you’d be fine. :)

    (Oh, and I’m not having problems, but would also love to see the updates be a bit less scrolly to figure out. Your sites are awesome Swistle. Love.)


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