Baby Girl Mendoza

Veronika writes:

Our second child is due September 21st. 2008. We are expecting a girl.

Her last name will be Mendoza, but since I am not Mexican (the father is) I do not want anything too Spanish sounding (ie. Paloma, Marisol, etc.). However, I want it to go well with the last name.

Also, we named our first son a name which has a different pronounciation in English than in Spanish. So, I pronounce his name differently than his preschool teachers and friends. I do not want to repeat this problem where the pronounciation is different in each language.

Our list right now includes:

Ana Carolina, Naomi, Luciana, Lucia, Antonia, Annalisa, Daniela.

Thank you for your advice!

It looks like you have a really good list there. I especially like the way the A-ending ones sound with your surname. Let’s go straight to the vote! Poll is to the right. [poll closed; see below]

[Poll results (264 votes total):
Ana Carolina: 34 votes, roughly 13%
Naomi: 45 votes, roughly 17%
Luciana: 39 votes, roughly 15%
Lucia: 64 votes, roughly 24%
Antonia: 17 votes, roughly 6%
Annalisa: 34 votes, roughly 13%
Daniela: 31 votes, roughly 12%]

22 thoughts on “Baby Girl Mendoza

  1. ivy

    May I suggest Ana Caroline?

    Something about Ana Carolina makes it seem more Mexican sounding to me. Especially if you plan on calling her both names.

    Just a thought. : )

  2. Elizabeth

    Ana will likely be pronounced differently. Even with only one N, I’ve noticed most people pronouncing it with the short ‘a’ in front.

    I love the name Lucia.

  3. Jan

    I actually prefer a non-a-ending first name to go with your last name. Also, a names sound more Latino to me, but you did say you wanted it to not sound _too_ Mexican, not the opposite though. I voted for Naomi. But if you like the “a” endings how about Nina?

  4. Mayberry

    I love Lucia, but never know how to pronounce it — Loo-SEE-a? Loo-sha? Loo-chee-a?

    I voted for Daniela – very pretty. Also love Antonia (but the nickname Toni would bug me a lot).

  5. Mel

    Ooh, I love the name Luciana. That’s so pretty, so it got my vote. Lots of your names are very pretty (Daniela would be my second choice).
    I would also advise against Ana Carolina if you don’t want a Hispanic sounding name – both of the names together sounds very Hispanic to me.

  6. Bethany

    While I absolutely adore Ana, I feel you’d have the same problem as with your sons’ name. The name will be pronounced Anna and Ana throughout her life by all sorts of people! Most of the other names have numerous pronunciations as well, so I went with Naomi– beautiful~

  7. Frazzled Mom

    All of your names are beautiful. I voted for Antonia just because it stood out the most to me. The only name on this list I don’t like is Naomi (“I moan” spelled backwards). If not for that, I would like it.

    My neice is named Annalisa, but spelled Anna-Lisa. I much prefer your spelling.

    Nina also seems like a nice clean slate name without any strong connections to any culture.

  8. Elisabeth

    Lovely list! I really do like all of them, but voted for Naomi in this case because it is the least specifically Spanish sounding, because you seem to want that. I think Nina is a great suggestion, and also wanted to throw out Cecilia, Amelia, Daphne, Penelope, Marta, Julia, and Juliana.

  9. Susan

    What’s the Spanish pronunciation of Ana? I’m not sure how Ana would be pronounced other than with the short a (as in “apple”) sound or the German way with a short o sound (as in “ox”). Can someone help me?

    I can hardly imagine a name more open to multiple pronunciations than Lucia. The three ways that Mayberry listed seem each equally likely to me; I don’t even know which would be the most-typical way.

    It would help to know the brother’s name to be confident in suggesting a girl’s name. I’m afraid of clashing with it, either in sound or style. Is it too late to get that info?

  10. f8hful_lo

    I wish I knew the son’s name!!! Lol. I voted for Naomi, but also LOVE Cecilia of Celia. I think that is a beautiful name. Also, what about Corinna? Corinna Mendoza? Cute!!!

  11. nanann

    Okay, you’ve inspired me to jump in b/c I had the exact same situation — I’m as white as a ghost, but my girls are half-hispanic with hispanic surnames and pronunciation in English & Spanish was important.

    We have Elena & Julia, although for the 2nd I really really wanted Juliana.

    Now go forth and use my names! :)

  12. Leticia

    I love Annalisa. I’ve also heard Anai (not sure if that’s teh right spelling..but its pronounced “ah nah EE”.)

    Some other suggestions…What about Marina, Catalina/Katarina (nickname Kat) or Karina? Even Emma or Eva. Or, I love Ada (prounounced “AA Da” not “Ah Da”.)

    My kids are half-hispanic too (my hubby is white) and I didn’t necessarily care if the names were prounounced slightly differently, I just wanted them to be easy to say in both languages. My Mexican relatives have a hard time with names that are too traditionally anglo like Sydney or Courtney, etc.

  13. Catherine

    I agree that the brother’s name would be helpful in making suggestions here. I voted Naomi but with some reservations. I really like some of the suggestions in the comments! Celia and Julia / Juliana are my favorites from there.

    Honestly I have to admit that I have a weakness for the name Paloma — I know it’s really really Spanish and you’re not considering it, but I have always found it elegant and cosmopolitan sounding, familiar enough that it’s not too hard to mess up (pronunciation or spelling), and works with Mendoza (Paloma Mendoza). Alas, it doesn’t quite work with our last name otherwise I would have pushed for it.

  14. Anonymous

    Delurking to inquire how people generally feel about names in which the first and last end in the same sound? I thought that broke a cardinal naming rule? Or does it only work in certain situations? I’m interested b/c I’m due with our first–a girl–and in love w/ names that end in an “ee” sound (i.e., Sylvie, Ruby), but have cut them from consideration b/c of our three-syllable, Italian last name (ends in “i”). Hmm, maybe this is it’s own Swistle inquiry?

    I voted for Luciana, by the way. Too cute!

  15. ZestyJenny

    I love Naomi.

    Catherine! Your comment about Paloma is really well timed for me. It is my husband’s top girl choice, and I think it’s beautiful, but I always wonder how it sounds to other people. Elegant and cosmopolitan, eh? That’s great! Maybe this is also a seperate Swistle inquiry, but are we allowed to use Paloma if we are of Scandinavian/Mutt/very white backgounds?

  16. f8hful_lo

    Love the name, Veronika! According to the Baby Name Wizard, girl names that go with Roman include: Lucia, Ivy, Marina, Talia, and Nadia. It lists Roman as an Exotic Traditional name, so others in that style that I liked included: Angelique, Aurora, Evangeline/a, Olympia, Scarlett, and Tallulah. Personally, I like the names Corinna, Evalina, and Celia. Good luck!!!

  17. Swistle

    Anonymous- I was thinking I’d do a whole post on this issue, and maybe I still will but I wanted to do at least a short answer for now. I don’t THINK it’s a cardinal rule, and in fact I think it CAN sound nice. Lauren Johnson, for example, I think sounds good. But it CAN sound singsongy or strange or rhymey, depending on the names involved—and also, what sounds good to one person might sound pretty bad to another. I’ve noticed this on posts where some people prefer some alliteration and some people don’t want ANY.

    I picked a random Italian 3-syllable surname to practice with, and it does sound a little singsongy/rhymey to me when I combine it with ee-sound first names—but more so with some than with others. For example, Sylvie Bertucci sounds okay to me, but Ruby Bertucci sounds amusing. Why? I am not sure. Part of it may be that Ruby Bertucci also repeats a B-sound and an R-sound.

    I don’t think you have to automatically rule out ee-names (that is, as far as I know there’s no official rule about it), but some will work better than others.


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