
If we’ve tackled your baby-naming problem on this blog, and now your baby is born, would you email me (swistle at gmail dot com) and let me know what name you decided on so I can update the entry? My original plan was to email each question-submitter later, but that gives me the nervous tummy (term credit: Tessie): what if something Went Wrong, and there I am prying for sunshiney details? And also, the emails tend to be lost in the wayback of my inbox, and I didn’t come up with a good system for organizing the ones I’ve already answered: the to-be-answered ones are in a spreadsheet, but then I delete them, when perhaps it would be better to move them to a “contact later” section. Fine, I’ll do that from now on. Well, but then we’re back to the nervous tummy. So could you please drop me an email with the baby’s name? I think that would be best.

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