38 thoughts on “Celebrity Baby Names: Zuma Nesta Rock

  1. Hillary

    I would like to know what the heck they’re thinking. I don’t like the name, but I could maybe get behind it if there was some really significant meaning behind it. Maybe.
    Or maybe not. Nesta? Rock? –shakes head–

  2. Jenni

    Quite possibly one of the worst baby names ever. It makes me wonder, were they not celebrities would they still give their child the same awful name, or is it because they are celebrities the feel the need to come up with something unique and original? Isn’t being the kid of Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale unique enough?

  3. Mrs. M

    knew a poor little girl named zuma. (zuma lillian if you’re interested. no, i don’t think those go together.)

    her parents named her after a beach in cali where they used to go when they were dating.

    doesn’t mean i’m going to name my kid charleston! geesh!

  4. el-e-e

    What IS the firstborn’s name? I am not up on my celebrity gossip.

    It’s too bad, because Gwen and Gavin and both such great names. Zuma is bad enough without all the additional nonsense behind it. Poor kid.

  5. moo

    why, YES, I would like to share, hee!

    Gwen said “Nesta Rock” is in tribute to Bob Marley. This does not improve the name in my opinion.

    I don’t think Zuma goes with Kingston AT ALL … and when I hear Zuma, I think GIRL.

    Here’s what I think happened (and I have NO factual evidence to back this up AT ALL): Gwen got to name the first son and Gavin got to name the second.

  6. Allyson

    It sounds like some sort of landmark.

    “Over summer vacation my family and I took a trip to see Zuma Nesta Rock. It’s right before you get to the Grand Canyon.”

  7. -R-

    I think the name choice sounds like something you might think was cool and clever when you were 13, but then you grow up and are like, “Thank goodness I didn’t have a baby when I was 13 because the name Zuma Nesta Rock would have been so embarassing!”

    Mayberry, Zima was the first thing I thought of too.

  8. Daycare Girl

    Zuma is that little msn game where you shoot the balls out the frog’s mouth.

    And after Kingston James? That’s nice. Zuma Nesta Rock is a string of words, or a landmark, but not a baby!

    I like that theory about how Gavin must have gotten to name this one. The names certainly don’t match, that’s for sure.

  9. Kristi

    Im so disappointed. I’ve been so excited for Gwen and Gavin’s new baby name because I thought the first one was so great.

    Zuma Nesta Rock…ugh. Zuma sounds like a girl’s name.

  10. Peace

    Growing up in Southern California, you would hear surf reports for Zuma Beach all the time. It is a great surfing beach near Malibu. I think it is a fine name, a place name, a little sporty and surfer-ish. Perhaps other regions of the country have place names others might perceive as strange?

  11. pseudostoops

    Allyson- HA!

    I heard the name before I knew the sex of the baby and I, too, assumed “girl.”

    Good news, though, is that he can go by “Rock” when he is older and is able to choose. “Hi, I’m Rock Rossdale” sounds kind of cool.

  12. Erica

    I HATE it like poison. I was so disappointed when I heard the name, because I just KNEW Gwen was going to give her second kid a fabulous name. I mean, Kingston is a wicked cool name, so I had high hopes.

    And they were summarily dashed.

  13. Hope

    I hate it. I agree with daycare girl – it’s not a name, it’s a string of words.

    Zuma has infinite brand associations to me: Zima, Puma, “zoom zoom zoom” (from the Mazda commercials), etc. It is brand-namey, not at all baby-boy-namey.

    I also agree that it is feminine, but I would hate it for a girl too. Kingston James is soooo cool! Zuma? Ick.

  14. ccr in MA

    I totally thought of Zima, too.

    And, I missed the “second boy” part, and was completely assuming poor Zuma was a girl. Not that it’s any better for a girl. Sheesh!

  15. Susan

    I also assumed it was a girl’s name. Perhaps they thought they were having a girl and then didn’t want to think of another name when it turned out it was a boy.

  16. Linda

    I’ve always tried to like Gwen, but she always seemed like she was trying WAY too hard to be cool.

    The name, I’m afraid, confirms my theory…

  17. Cherish

    It has been mentioned twice on here that Zuma is a beach in California, where Gwen is from. I dont think it is that strange to name your child after a place that has personal relevance to you. Same goes for Nesta Rock; we all know that both Gwen and Gavin are heavily into music so why is it so bad for them to honor an inspiration through their child?

    I think it is an amazing name and kudos to them for sticking with it even though so many people will speak negatively about them.

  18. Mairzy

    Growing up in Mississippi, you heard about the Chickasawhey River all the time, but I don’t know anyone who named a child Chickasawhey.

    Zuma would be a good name in a teen sci-fi novel, but not so jolly to live with. And despite celebrities’ perception, their children DO have to live in the same world as the rest of us.

  19. Casa Wasabi

    I say “rock on” Gavin and Gwen. Maybe I’m just getting desensitized, but when I hear a celebrity has named their child something boring and normal I think “what a cop out! Push the envelope.” Besides, name trends are shifting so much. I think it’s completely acceptable to name your beloved child after something that inspires you or makes you happy. Why do you have to stick to a list of acceptable names?

    Disclosure: I am completely biased though. My beautiful daughter’s name is Cousteau. Most people thought it was SO weird when they first heard it, but now they say it suits her so much, and they LOVE the name. :)

  20. Mommy Daisy

    Ugh! And that poor kid. Think about what he’ll grow up to be with a name like that. If he wants to be a rock star, awesome! But if he turns out to be an accountant…uhh…not so much.


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