I just impulsively put together a seasonal/December/pre-Christmas care package for Rob, my eldest who is living far away and not coming home for Christmas this year. My goal was to get it shipped for free from Target, which meant hitting $35—but I didn’t want to go too much over, because this was impulsive. I succeeded in this goal: the total was just over $37.
My other goal was to send things that would not overly oppress him: he doesn’t want Too Much Stuff, he doesn’t want Too Many Sweets. These preferences can be challenging for a parent who loves Stuff and Sweets, and who inclines towards showing love through those things; also, he IS just starting out in a new place with only what he could carry in his airplane luggage, so my hope is that SOME, SMALL number of things will still be useful. My other hope is that by this point in adulthood or by a point sometime soon he will have taken on board a sense of Middle Ground, and that we can come to an arrangement where I dial my shopping/lavishing inclinations wayyyyyy back, AND tactfully/completely fail to notice/care if he keeps the items; and where HE accepts the items in the loving parental spirit in which they were intended, AND finds friends or a local charity to take anything he doesn’t want.
…I am looping back to edit this section after posting only the very first thing that I purchased, because it is clear to me as I try to select a second item to post that although I DID dial things way back, I did NOT succeed in not sending Stuff. I just didn’t. It reminds me of a scene from the book Life with Father by Clarence Day, where he is describing the spending habits of his mother, and he says something about how after she had kept herself from buying nine simply divine teacups, it didn’t seem so very terrible to give in and buy the tenth. I felt at the time I was assembling the care package that I was showing enormous restraint by NOT sending all the things I WANTED to send, and there were SO many things I REMOVED from the cart—well, but now I see I will be lucky if he doesn’t sigh over the waste before bringing the whole parcel to Goodwill. Well!! If so, there will be someone at Goodwill who benefits, and how nice!
Here is what I sent, if you have someone similar to send an impulsive and perhaps unwise Christmas care package to—or perhaps you have someone who DOES like Stuff and Sweets!
Mrs. Meyer’s Iowa Pine hand soap. I started with this because I buy it every year. And it’s consumable/useful, so I hope it will not oppress the little minimalist; but I hope it will also smack pleasantly of December and Christmas and home.

(image from Target.com)
50ct white Christmas tree lights. It is just a WEE little string of them! Like what you’d have in a college dorm room, or even littler than that! And they tend to stop working after a couple of years anyway!

(image from Target.com)
Cotton pug kitchen towel. I’d bought one of these for myself and liked it even better than I’d expected. And everyone needs kitchen towels! And I only bought ONE, when I’d wanted to buy him TWO (I would have gotten a different design as the second towel, for variety). And I DIDN’T buy him the coordinating bathroom hand towels OR the coordinating mug!

(image from Target.com)
Just one single melamine Christmas plate. NOT two different ones for variety, as I would have preferred. And also, I’d WANTED to buy him the Christmas-tree-shaped one, but Paul said if I wanted there to be any chance of him keeping it, it would HAVE to stack with his other plates, and I saw the wisdom of that and COMPROMISED.

(image from Target.com)
Candy cane napkins. He uses cloth napkins AND his favorite color is green!! Also: I had already bought a pair of these for my household (along with another kind, for variety), then realized they’d be perfect for him and set one of them aside to include with his Christmas box—but then the total was just under $35, and the napkins were on sale for $3.50; and this way he can use them through the Christmas season instead of not starting until Christmas.

(image from Target.com)
Snack pack of Pepperidge Farm Christmas cookies. Just one lil individual snack-pack of cookies, not a full pack, and not the entire cute polar-bear-themed sewing-kit tin of cookies I would have sent a child who liked more sweets! And no second thing of cookies, for variety! And no Christmas candy!

(image from Target.com)
One single serving of Ghirardelli hot cocoa mix. Not a whole box, even though a whole box would have had eight times as much for three times the price! And no cocoa toppers, or marshmallows, or what have you! Just one austere little packet!!

(image from Target.com)
Holiday flannel sheet set. OKAY I UNDERSTAND WHAT I’VE DONE, YOU DON’T HAVE TO INDIRECTLY SCOLD ME WITH STORIES ABOUT HOW YOUR MOTHER NEVER LISTENS TO YOU WHEN YOU SAY YOU DON’T WANT ANY MORE OF THE UNWANTED STUFF SHE CONSTANTLY BURDENS YOU WITH, THIS IS NOT THE SAME THING AND YOUR MOTHER IS NOT TRYING AS HARD AS I AM. But also: he had a set of flannel sheets this same color that he used until they absolutely fell into scraps—and I got the ones that were more “pine trees, why not year-round?” and less CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS ONLY CHRISTMAS. And he’s only lived in his new place since summer, so he might not HAVE flannel sheets yet. And they were on sale. And I took the sweet little three-pack of dressed birdies and nice little flocked trees out of the cart! I AM NOT EXCUSING I AM JUST EXPLAINING.

(image from Target.com)
You know what, I am turning this into a little Christmas/winter giveaway for someone who WOULD like to receive a box like this from their parent!! If you have a mailing address in the United States (it can be your address, or you can have me send it as a gift to someone you know in the U.S.), and you (or the someone you know) DOES like sweets and stuff, I will send you (or them) a VERY VERY SIMILAR box (I don’t want to promise EXACT, because things are selling out fast).
This is going to be a fast one, because of what I just mentioned in the parenthetical about things selling out fast: I will choose a winner tomorrow (Wednesday the 7th) evening sometime. To enter, leave any comment; I will follow up with the winner about whether the package should be Christmas- or Winter-themed. (I will also ask the winner if they have a twin-sized bed they’d like sheets for, in which case I will choose one of the available sets and it will be a surprise; if not, I will substitute some of the things I kept myself from sending Rob.)
(If you want to comment but DON’T want to enter, just add something about not wanting to enter.)