Asking About Someone’s Perfume; Knee Replacement Surgery Scheduled

My library does passport processing, and we had someone there the other day getting a passport, and I wanted so badly to ask her what perfume she was wearing because it was delightful and I would want to buy a bottle (or at least try a sample). But I could not think of one single good way to ask—PARTICULARLY since I was not the one waiting on her, which adds a layer of awkwardness, but also because the whole thing seems so fraught: someone’s scent feels personal and it feels odd/personal to comment on it; if I were her, I might worry that this meant my perfume was much too strong; maybe it would turn out not to be perfume but the scent of her shampoo or lotion or something and there would be confusion over my question; etc.

I tried to think how I would feel okay being asked. A coworker did actually ask, once, and she said something like “Who is wearing that gorgeous perfume??” and then asked me the name of it and wrote it down, and that worked pretty well, though I did then think my perfume must be too strong and I cut back on it. And also, that technique doesn’t work as well between two strangers, or when you KNOW who it is who smells great. If it were a stranger asking me, I guess I’d be good with something like: “I LOVE that perfume—would you be willing to tell me what it is? I collect them.” Or maybe just “I LOVE your perfume!”—but that again makes me feel as if it must be way too strong.

Well! Nothing like getting all worked up over nothing! I wish I had just brazened it out: how bad could it be, really, even if it was awkward? Now I will never get to know what that perfume was! This is how Lifelong Swistle Quests get started!


I have scheduled my knee replacement surgery for January. When I called, I was worried they would offer, like, next week, which is not enough time for me to get used to the idea, and not enough time for my workplace to make coverage plans; plus my ideal would be to have it done after the holidays. Their first offer was Christmas Eve, which feels like the worst possible day to do it! The scheduler seemed surprised when I turned it down. Save that date for emergency surgery, my good woman!

I am following commenter Kathy’s advice to use an exercise bicycle to develop the muscles around the knees. We already had an exercise bike in the house from the first year of Covid (it’s this one, and we’ve been really happy with how quiet it is and what a small amount of space it takes up). I started with 10 minutes as Kathy suggested, and that was two weeks ago, and now I am up to 30 minutes. I could go longer, I think, but my butt gets sore and also I get very bored of riding the bike, even if I am reading a book. I may want to buy a new exercise bike, only because the highest-resistance setting is not very resistant at all (I don’t know if it doesn’t work properly or if this is truly the highest setting it’s supposed to have; I have just now asked Paul to take a look at it and see if he sees anything obvious—but we’re both pretty sure he already went through this process when we first got the bike).

5 thoughts on “Asking About Someone’s Perfume; Knee Replacement Surgery Scheduled

  1. AR

    Gotta say I would be absolutely DElighted if a stranger asked me what perfume I was wearing and asked if they could have the name. I am very particular about perfume, and so knowing that someone else thinks I have good taste would fill me with no end of happiness!

  2. Celeste

    I guess if the surgeon is on duty through the holidays they’d just as soon be working, and of course hospitals close. I’d wonder who would choose that date except my husband once scheduled hernia surgery the week before Christmas when we had plans to travel the following week to his family’s home. His rationale was that he could use the Christmas holiday to preserve one extra day of leave.

  3. Rachel

    I don’t think I’d ask someone at my place of work, although I might feel find about asking another patron at the library when I was there as a patron.

  4. Suzanne

    SWISTLE. I have had this exact same perfume quandary, several times, with the same (non) resolution. There is someone I volunteer with whose perfume is amazing, and I have been wondering and wondering for A YEAR NOW how to ask her about it without being weird. I love the comment your coworker made, but am not sure I could pull it off. And I would also worry that it would cause her to feel self-conscious. Maybe I should just say something dumb like, “I’m looking for a new perfume, what’s your favorite?” or something and hope for the best? But that’s ALSO awkward because there’s not really time for that kind of chitchat during our volunteer get togethers plus I’m not sure I could bring it up without it sounding forced and I don’t know her well at all. ARGH. But she smells so good! And I AM looking for a new perfume!

  5. Gigi

    You definitely should have asked about the perfume – despite the possibility of it feeling awkward. People love to receive compliments on something they are wearing. Despite the fact, I overthink EVERYTHING, I think if someone asked me about my perfume, I don’t think it would even occur to me that it must be too strong.

    Good luck with the surgery!!


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