Book: Margo’s Got Money Troubles

I read this book on the recommendation of a co-worker whose book choices overlap mine by only the very slimmest of crescent moons (she likes thrillers that don’t necessarily have to tie up the loose ends or make sense as long as they’re page-turners, and cute gimmick romances with cute titles and cute bright-pastel covers):

(image from

Margo’s Got Money Troubles, by Rufi Thorpe (Target link; Amazon link)

Also, this co-worker tends to recommend a book and then summarize it by recounting THE ENTIRE PLOT, COMPLETE WITH HUGE IMPORTANT SPOILERS, so that I end up feeling there is no point at all in me reading the book for myself. I checked it out only because I was about to head out on an overnight trip to pick up a kid from college, and I needed a book to read, and I was having one of those slumps where it feels as if nothing in the library is interesting or worth reading. I figured even if it wasn’t my thing AT ALL, it would still be good enough for reading while eating lunch at rest stops.

And it turned out it was EXTREMELY MY THING, and now I have read all three of the author’s other books which were also extremely my thing, and I don’t understand why I have never heard of this author before when she is so extremely my thing.

I suggest putting yourself on the wait list for this book at your library, and in the meantime seeing if your library has any of her other books. I don’t say “OH BUY THIS BOOK RIGHT NOW!,” because who knows how much OUR book choices overlap?? And because each of the books has what I would consider Distressing Themes: like, if the book were described to me, I might very well opt out (but I was glad I had not opted out). And because I get anxious at the idea of you spending money based on something I liked, when it would be completely understandable if you didn’t like it.

Also because the longer I work at a library, the clearer it is to me that (1) having a library card and (2) using your library, are two of the neatest things you can do for your community and yourself. If you haven’t been using your library and you feel shy about it, don’t! We get people all the time who say “Um…..I’ve never been here before…..” and we are SO HAPPY to see them! I can literally get little tears in the corners of my eyes about it. GO GET A LIBRARY CARD. And then try a Rufi Thorpe book and see if we overlap.

21 thoughts on “Book: Margo’s Got Money Troubles

  1. Leneigh

    I think we have very similar taste in reading. I’m 90% done this right now and this book is so good in so many ways I can’t adequately put into words.

  2. Saratoo

    I read the first 10 pages (as a sample) and placed my hold. Hopefully, I’ve finished the book I’m re-reading by the time it shows up.

  3. Erin

    I’m reading it right now and I almost changed my mind and gave up when things got so intense for me around a spoiler so i won’t say, but I’m glad I’m sticking with it.

  4. Anna

    I have literally JUST FINISHED READING THIS BOOK (well, yesterday). I loved it. I did find the changing of the perspective a bit annoying (I understood why she did it, it just kept throwing me a little bit), but I loved the story and the characters. I’m definitely going to request her other books from the library now.

  5. Ali

    I just finished this and i LOVED it too! And I hadn’t yet looked for her other books so thank you for that recommendation.

  6. Slim

    Is this “picking up a kid from college” the subject of a future post, or all we have any right to know?

    I hope all is well.

    1. Swistle Post author

      Oh—nothing interesting, just we have to pick Edward up every couple of months for a Crohn’s treatment and visit to GI doctor.

  7. Wendy

    We overlap! I just finished this book last week and loved it so much. It never occurred to me to look for other books by this author and now I am off on that happy quest – thank you, Swistle!

  8. Squrriel Bait

    I LOVE my public library! The checkout receipt gives me a running tally of how much money I have “saved” (not that I would BUY nearly as many books as I check out), and I’m well into the five figures at this point. Ours even has VIDEO GAMES!

  9. K

    I liked this one quite a bit! I listened to the audiobook in a couple days. I thought it was in that somewhat rare category of books that have some really interesting things to say without requiring a lot of attention.

  10. Ali

    YES to all the library praise and thanks for the book recommendation. I am a big kindle reader and our local library has an awesome kindle selection, too. I haven’t bought a book in several years but read a LOT thanks so my local library!

  11. BKC

    Library question: can you tell me if using the Libby app is helpful in supporting my library? I am having increasing mobility issues, but I care enough about the library to physically check out books if that’s really important. Whatchutink?

    1. Swistle Post author

      Yes, Libby usage is also tracked! It counts externally (i.e., we can ask for more budget money if we can show people are using our services—either Libby or books or DVDs or the copy machines or classes or ANYTHING), but also internally: if we see that more people are using e-books than before, for example, we can send more of our budget to acquiring e-books.

  12. Michelle G.

    J, you worked at a library? I did, too! I was the assistant director of my town’s small library for 13 years, and it was so much fun. I 100% agree with you that a library is a community’s greatest asset, and people should take advantage of it. I use Libby all the time. I’ll put a hold on the Margot book!

  13. Mary

    The library is my jam. Our county library system is awesome but the county executive keeps trying to mess with them and cut their budget. I use Libby daily and have been making a point to take my kids to their free programming.

    They also have a tech lab where you can 3D print, use cricut machines, glow forge, etc that is super cool. We just pay for the materials which is negligible compared to purchasing those machines.


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