Trip to Milwaukee to Visit MIAD

I want to tell you about my trip with Elizabeth to visit the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD, pronounced MY-add), but I just wrote a huge long email to my parents about it, and I don’t feel like typing it out again; so I am going to cut-and-paste (and I will try to shorten it) and edit it a little so it makes sense as a post. Which I don’t usually do, so you may notice my tone seems Off; it’s because I was talking to my parents rather than to you!—but also to you, because as I was writing the email I started thinking I would probably use it as a blog post.

It was, overall, a very good trip.

I will start with the very worst thing, to get it out of the way, and then I will talk about everything else as a palate cleanser. The worst thing was that Elizabeth left her backpack, which contained her laptop, her driver’s license, her debit card, a fair chunk of cash she estimates at $35 so I’m guessing it was at least double that (i.e., I think she would want to downplay how much it was), her earbuds, etc., plus the backpack itself which was a relatively recent (this school year) expensive ($50, and that was on a good sale) purchase, on a bus; and, even though we discovered the loss within an hour, and even though it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that the “leaving behind of backpack” would combine in a single hour on a particular bus with a representative of “the tiny percentage of the population who would steal a backpack rather than turn it in,” we did in fact hit those odds, and her backpack and her possessions are gone. When we arrived at our motel on Friday afternoon, instead of being able to relax into it after a day well spent on successfully figuring out the buses and a successful visit to an art museum and successfully figuring out more buses and successfully figuring out how to get our motel so we could relax and eat candy and watch TV, we instead had JUST discovered the loss of the backpack, and so spent a big chunk of time in high distress, making phone calls and freezing the debit card and making lists of what she could remember was in the backpack and trying to figure out for the bus company which bus we’d been on (we got a time-stamp off a photo we’d taken right before boarding the bus). We still had hope that we would find the backpack the next day, even though that involved a complicated maneuver (the administrative offices were closed for the weekend, so the only way to check was to go in person, by bus, to a particular central administrative bus location) but we felt we could figure that out in heroic necessity—but we did accomplish that complicated figuring-out, and we were not rewarded for our efforts, and the station attendant agreed with us in a VERY Wisconsin/midwestern way that we could count on this meaning the backpack had been stolen.

We are using a lot of Coping Thoughts. My primary Coping Thought is the one about how if a problem can be solved affordably with money, it is not a real problem. That is: no one was hurt, no one died, nothing permanent has happened; and by throwing money in various directions, we can fix most of this. The money is painful, but it is doable. If during our trip to Milwaukee, Elizabeth or I had been hit by a bus and permanently injured, THAT would be a real problem. Instead, we just need to send money and time and effort in the directions of a bank and a backpack company and a laptop company and the DMV and etc., and then it will be basically Fixed. But so far I am still waking up in the wee hours of each morning and thinking “WHY!! didn’t I check around us when we left the bus???” and “WHY!!! didn’t SHE remember her backpack???” and “HOW!!! did we manage to encounter the tiny-percentage-chance of a thief??” and so forth. And I keep thinking “BUT MAYBE we will still find it???” and then realizing no: if it were going to be found unstolen, it would have happened at the end of the bus day when the bus was being cleaned; and that was what we were checking when we went in person to the central bus station the next day. The clerk even went out to the cleaning station for us, just to make sure it hadn’t been put aside by a driver who then forgot to bring it to lost-and-found, and it had not been. The backpack and its contents are GONE. And the lucky, lucky, lucky thing is that Elizabeth had the presence of mind to cancel her debit card immediately, before anything happened with that.

Let’s move on.

We were stymied by the bus system. I had thought it would not be too difficult, but I had not realized we would need either exact change or a bus card or an app, so there was some scrambling. Partly we managed the situation because of the famous midwest attitude: each bus driver we encountered seemed fully prepared to delay the bus for as long as it took to explain to us what we should do. I was reminded of an inexplicable-yet-somehow-still-relatable meme I once saw, which said something along the lines of how people in the northeast/south/whatever were nice but not kind, and people in the midwest were kind but not nice. Each bus driver was non-smiling, direct, kind of short/barky with us—and yet, each one looked at us directly as people, assessed our situation, and genuinely tried to help us to the best of their abilities. One driver told us not to pay her, because she couldn’t give us a transfer if we were paying cash; she then drew our attention to the stop at which we should get off, and tried her best to explain to us how to achieve the next bus (we were unable to manage it, but that was not her fault). Another driver told us we should acquire a certain app on our phones; we had strong doubts, but it turned out that was the absolute best way to do everything. Another driver, when Elizabeth could not get her phone to pull up the ticket we’d paid for, just waved her onto the bus. This level of competence and care is the main of many reasons why, when the relevant bus drivers said the backpack was not on their buses, and when the station attendant left for more than ten minutes to check to make sure the backpack was not in the wash-house, we believed that the backpack was Truly Gone. Each time I am lying awake wondering if we should call back AGAIN, I think of this: if it were on the bus, it would have ended up with a driver, or at the wash-house; it did not end up with a driver or at the wash house; therefore it is GONE. I see I am talking about it again, rather than palate-cleansing. But my assumption is that your minds too will be spinning with possibilities where the backpack might yet be found, or where maybe if we just call one more time….

We really did feel TRIUMPHANT, figuring out the buses on this trip. At first it felt insurmountable—and it was SO COLD there, and WINDY, and we were STRANDED right off the bat, dropped off in the middle of Milwaukee by one bus and unable to figure out how to find our next bus. But we used Google Maps and we DID find the Milwaukee Art Museum, and it was about half a mile away from where we were, so we just walked. We were nearly numb by the time we go there, but we DID get there. And then we got to the point of Emergency Hunger/Thirst while there, and so we spent I am not kidding $35 on two servings of mac-and-cheese and a coffee at the museum cafe we had trouble finding and had to ask TWICE in order to find it, but we DID do that and it WAS the only right thing to do, because then we had to retrace our steps more than half a mile in the freezing cold and find our bus stop to the motel, which we DID DO, and which we COULD NOT HAVE DONE if not fortified. I consider the $35 to have been a co-pay for a medical treatment. (We don’t travel much, and I have made a mental note: we need to eat BEFORE we are hungry, because once we are hungry we can’t figure it out and can’t cope. I can Coping Thought one “medical co-pay” meal, but not more than that.)

It was when we got back to our motel that we realized we were missing the backpack, and I will just skip over those hours of stress and phone calls and so on.

The next day was by all measures a resounding success. We started at the wrong bus stop; we eventually realized that, and used the app to find the correct bus stop. We then realized we were half an hour early, and would die of exposure before the bus arrived. We went back to our motel room and warmed up. We set out again, for the correct bus stop at the correct time. We felt grateful for my anxiously over-abundant time-padding: we got on the correct bus at the correct time, and even with our false-start delays we still got to MIAD with plenty of time to spare. We browsed around the college neighborhood until our extremities were in danger. We went in, and signed in at a table with multiple sign-in people—and, when Elizabeth said her name, someone at the other end of the table overheard and called out “Elizabeth!! Hi!!! I’m your admissions counselor!! Come talk to me afterward if you have any questions!”

After checking in, we went downstairs and there was a nice muffins-and-coffee breakfast, which we consumed gratefully: being cold and figuring out buses apparently burns a lot of energy. Then there was the session, and we learned a lot about the school, and it all sounded good to me: there was lots of emphasis on preparing art students for Actual Paying Jobs, and I felt I was becoming sold on the idea of an art school, or at least THIS art school. Then there was a tour that turned out to be self-guided, which was disappointing to hear, since we have learned from experience that self-guided tours are almost worthless. But this one turned out to be fine, because the entire college (exclusive of dorms) is in one large building, and we were allowed to go pretty much everywhere—unlike other self-guided tours where we have looked at the outsides of buildings. I let Elizabeth lead the way through the place, and she seemed to me to be rather intense/researchy about it. We spent HOURS there. I played a lot of Pokemon Go, caught so many pokemon, spun so many pokestops.

The college is small, and it is art-only. Those are two things Elizabeth said she did not want. After the info session and tour, and then our afternoon intensive bus tour of Milwaukee (not yet described), I thought she must be reconsidering. But no: this visit confirmed for her that she wants a university-that-includes-an-art-college, NOT just-an-art-college. She says if she later changes her mind and wants an only-art school, she would want MIAD, and she can definitely see living in Milwaukee.

Happily, MIAD fed us lunch before we left, because then we had to figure out how to get a bus from MIAD to the bus station that had the weekend lost-and-found, and then figure out how to get from there back to our motel. We accomplished both of those things. The bus station attendant was the same non-smiling, kind-of-abrupt type, who then turned out to be someone who went allllll the extra miles to try to find the backpack, and seemed genuinely and still-not-smiling-ly invested in finding it, and genuinely sorry not to have found it. She also looked basically exactly like the entire Wisconsin branch of my family: stout and shortish, fair and rosy, short hair, glasses, no make-up. When I asked if in her experience there was any hope after this point of the backpack turning up, she made exactly the face that means no it was stolen, with exactly the words that don’t say no but mean no, which I can’t exactly remember, but were clear at the time, accompanied by an obvious display of sympathy and regret and wishing the world were not the way that it is.

From there we managed to get back to our motel, and by this time we were feeling pretty pleased with ourselves for ticking every task off our list, and also on the verge of utter collapse. We sat in our motel, eating candy and watching TV and recharging. After a couple of hours, at about 4:00, Elizabeth said she wished we had something else to do. I said yes but that there was nothing I could think of, especially with the sun going down soon. Then I said well…we still had our day-passes for the bus, and we could…just ride the bus. She said yes and stood up and got her coat. So we rode the bus, continuing to feel pretty pleased with ourselves for learning even as much as we had learned. Elizabeth was looking intently out the window at Milwaukee, really seeming to evaluate it, as she had on previous bus rides.

Milwaukee made a very good impression on both of us. It was similar to the big city near us, sort of, but all the manageable/good parts, none of the bad/oppressive parts. During the MIAD info session, they mentioned something about Milwaukee having the DENSITY of Chicago, but SMALLER, and that seems just about right. We heard ONE siren the entire time we were there, as opposed to our nearby city’s constant wails. There was no barf on the sidewalks, unlike our nearby city. There was a drunk guy at a bus stop, but he was benevolent. There were a lot of charming buildings. There was public transportation that seemed like it would be really good if you lived there instead of just being a dim visitor who didn’t know east from west. It felt like a city, but a MANAGEABLE/LIVABLE city. And there was a LOT of art: murals and sculptures and studios and etc.

At some point the bus was feeling kind of crowded and the sun was going down, and Elizabeth said we should get off and head back the other way, so we did—except first, right at the place we got off was a Penzeys Spices store, the spices of the revolution, which I started ordering online from in, oh, 2016 or 2017. So we went in and I bought a bunch of spices. THEN we headed back. We got back after dark, which I’d said I wanted to avoid—except the bus stop was right at our motel’s parking lot, so that was okay; and meanwhile we got to see Milwaukee At Night, and a very pretty sunset.

Back comfy and safe in our motel, we ordered delivery pizza/dessert and watched soothing programs on TV: the one where the guy deals with dog problems that are always owner problems; the one where a realtor and a designer compete to get a couple to either stay in their existing home or move to a new home; the one where some guy? is just inexplicably living on a big property? with a bunch of rescue animals? and, like, taking off his shirt pretty often?

Anyway, good trip. We are still waiting for the backpack stress to fade, but I feel that it will, and already it is less.

21 thoughts on “Trip to Milwaukee to Visit MIAD

  1. LeafyNell

    I went to a small, private, very focused college in downtown Milwaukee and I loved it. I recently returned on business and found, to my delight, that few things have changed but the things that did change were for the better.

    Sounds like a delightful trip. I’m sorry that it will be forever linked to the lost/stolen backpack though!

  2. Tessie

    I loved this recap! I am very keyed in to the College Visit scene right now as Ava and I are about 3 weeks away from a trip to Oregon to visit U of Oregon and Oregon State. I am renting a car while there, which I DO NOT LOVE (I am very much an Uber-while-traveling person). Congrats on navigating the bus; that is impressive!

    If it makes you/Elizabeth feel any better about the backpack, Ava had a similar thing happen a while back, as well as a somewhat stressful and traumatic locking-the-keys-in-the-car incident, and the good thing is that she is now positively militant about checking for belongings when that is important. It does seem valuable to learn the lesson around this age, be (mildly) traumatized and then NEVER DO IT AGAIN.

    Working with a lot of artists, I do notice that the Art Institute grads seems to be slightly less happy with their college experience than other program grads. Has Edward made his decision? GOOD LUCK SO EXCITING

    1. Swistle Post author

      I did allow it to flit through my mind that MAYBE NEXT TIME SHE WOULD LOOK AROUND HER BEFORE LEAVING AN AREA

      Edward is waiting to hear back on his top two choices. It’s a real sowing/reaping situation, because if he DOES get into either of them, his grades might not be good enough for the merit scholarships that would allow us to afford them, and so he might end up going to not-at-all-his-first-or-second-choice and then, maybe, getting his grades up high enough to transfer for his second year. But: I actually think the boring affordable school he’d end up going to in that case would be a REALLY GOOD FIT for him, so I think it might happen that he would be buoyed/comforted by the idea of transferring, but then not actually WANT to transfer.

  3. Meredith

    This was both enjoyable and stressful to read! Overall it was certainly a worthwhile trip for the clarity it seems to have brought Elizabeth; in many ways, the college process is one of elimination so it’s good that she knows what she *doesn’t* want in those respects. Sorry that a bunch of valuables were sacrificed in the process. Ugh.

  4. Liz

    I’m so sorry about the backpack. But I’m super glad that you otherwise had a good college visit, confirming for Elizabeth what it is that she wants from her school experience. If she applied to University of Maryland, and you’d like to have a bloggy meetup when you’re visiting College Park, I’d love to drive y’all around.

  5. Alyson

    I’m currently in New Orleans. And it’s no Milwaukee. At least
    In the dirty/sirens/public transport department. But I love it anyway. And most of the public transport drivers are great despite everything running on NOLA time (not their fault). The visibility of the homeless population has EXPLODED here recently. I need to win a billion dollar lottery so I can work on that. Maybe buy a huge house in a fancy place and move ‘em all in, since OBVS the people that already own those houses could be doing something concrete to help and are instead not doing so and being very NIMBY about everything.


    You would have frozen waiting for a NOLA bus (except the weather is rather pleasant today and our wait for a bus that was 40 minutes late was just time). Figuring out public transit is no joke. I wanted to use it in Toronto years ago but could not figure out how it worked. So we walked.

    And, backpack, AHHHHHHH. Are you sure y’all had it on the bus after the art museum and didn’t, instead, lose it during the art museum or coping meal? If you haven’t called the museum, it won’t hurt to double check. (We too need to be sure to be ALL the hydrated/fed or downward spiral ensues).

  6. Susan

    I’m glad you enjoyed Milwaukee! Did you get a chance to go to the Milwaukee Public Market? It’s near MIAD, IIRC. I also had the opportunity once to go to the Milwaukee airport, and was completely charmed by the TSA employees. I don’t recall the details, but remember that it was lovely.

    1. Swistle Post author

      We didn’t go to the public market, but I think we were right on the very edge of it because it sounds familiar so I think we saw signs; also, I think the MIAD info session mentioned it as a good place for artists to sell their wares!

  7. D in Texas

    I went to grad school in Milwaukee, and loved it. Great parks, a Great Lake (salt-free and no sharks!), fairly good diversity, friendly people. I kinda miss it, but not enough to move back to the Frozen North. Glad Elizabeth is able to narrow her range of options. It’s such an exciting time! xo

  8. Tric

    If Wisconsin is of interest, I recommend UW-Madison as a university that is a large, comprehensive university with a fantastic arts program. I’m a PhD student there right now and see a ton of advertising from the various arts programs- glass blowing in particular seems to be very highly rated. It’s also only 50 min from Milwaukee and super charming in a lot of the best parts of Milwaukee but also less dense. I’m still kind of giddy after seeing the phrase “Wisconsin branch of my family tree,” and vaguely trying to predict if I know any Thistles!

  9. Kerry

    This post is giving me flashbacks to the wallet (wallets?) I left on a bus my first semester of college. Learning how not to lose stuff takes some of us a while.

  10. Kelley

    I’ve heard homeowners insurance will sometimes cover losses like these, so that might be an avenue worth looking at? I would just make sure to focus on the “stolen” terminology and shy away from the “left behind”. They may require a police report though, and at this point with you no longer in the city that may not really be feasible.

  11. Nicole MacPherson

    Swistle, I would also be beside myself about the backpack. Yes, it is a problem that can be fixed. Yes, it will take time and money but it can be fixed. But…*SCREAMS INTO THE VOID*
    It sounds like it was a productive trip in that Elizabeth is really figuring out where she wants/ doesn’t want to go for school.

  12. MCW

    Sorry to hear about the backpack. Overall the trip sounds like the kind of adventure with lasting memories and a way for Elizabeth to clarify what she wants/doesn’t like in a college.

    It’s so satisfying to figure out public transportation in a new location and is also a great example for Elizabeth, e.g. how to do something hard finding the bus stops/ routes, learning about the payment app, and finding the bus office.

  13. StephLove

    I’m sorry about the backpack. That sounds like a stressful hassle. You were quite adventurous with public transit. It can be hard to figure out when you’re not familiar with the city and its system.

    We are going to start college visits in earnest with kid #2 this spring break. (We did one during their sophomore year because we happened to be passing through the town.) Our oldest found them very helpful and clarifying. I find them fun, imagining the kid in different places, getting some vicarious pleasure from the idea of the adventure of going to college. However, I think my youngest may be reaching too high with the grades they have this year, but that’s not for me to say anything about. I just need to let the chips fall where they may.

  14. Alice W Le

    I was expecting to hear that the painful weather in Milwaukee was the deciding factor for Elizabeth! I’m very impressed with how seriously she’s taking this decision and the thought she’s putting into it (and how open she was to testing out MIAD to make sure her ideas about what she wanted were correct).

    Also mega-impressed with you both figuring out the bus system in a new city. I get stressed figuring out the bus system in a city I AM familiar with.

  15. Anna

    What a trip! I’m glad it felt like a success overall. Definitely good to look back on, as travel misadventures often are. Are you defrosted yet? I went to college in Wisconsin for two years and… brrrrr. BRRRR. It is so cold. I have since lived in Chicago and NJ, and WI is by far the coldest place I have ever been. Hubby is going to the Arctic circle for work this week, though, so he may soon be able to unseat me from my frigid throne.

  16. Susan

    Popping in to say that, when my daughter started college, we bought a very affordable (like $30/year?) insurance policy on top of our homeowners policy that covered theft, loss and breakage for her laptop. She never had to use it (but did break and lose a succession of cell phones) but it was nice to have the backup just in case.


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