Safety-Pin Heart Earrings

I bought some earrings on clearance. I very nearly did NOT buy them, because they were the only thing I’d found on a trip to TJMaxx, and for whatever reason I dislike buying Just One Thing, especially when I’m still pushing around the entire optimistic-and-now-ridiculous shopping cart. But I was persevering in overcoming that feeling (Coping Thought: the cashier COULD NOT CARE LESS that I am buying just one thing) (okay: Elizabeth, who is a part-time cashier, has notified me that she DOES notice if someone is pushing a cart and buying just one thing, and she DOES wonder What Happened There); but then it was my turn and, at that pivotal moment, one of the two cashiers left and the other one busied herself with something time-consuming, so that I stood there minute after minute, feeling more and more self-conscious and more and more as if I did NOT need to spend eight dollars, even if it WERE a nice clearance, on YET ANOTHER pair of—oh, she’s calling me up, it’s my turn, okay I guess I’m doing it.

And I wore them today and I love them so much more than I was expecting to, and I got SEVERAL comments when normally my earrings elicit NO comments! Do you know what is difficult? Taking a picture of one’s own ear with an earring in it. Here are my two attempts:

Earring blurry and at a non-ideal angle.


Earring a little better but still not right, and now ear looks warped.


ANYWAY the gist is that they’re sort of a safety-pin style, but with a heart. All day I kept noticing them and enjoying them.

I wanted to see if I could find more earrings of a similar type, so I started by searching “safety pin earrings” and found a whole lot of safety pin earrings that looked like safety pins BUT ALSO I found two more pairs by the same brand as mine (Lucky) in gold-tone and in silver-tone. In case you think you might like to buy yourself your own little Valentine’s Day present. I am going to buy one of the two, when I can decide which one I’d prefer.


And HERE are my exact earrings currently unavailable on the Lucky website:

(image from


I used to actively dislike/avoid heart-shaped jewelry, and I’m not sure what changed but now I am surprising myself by starting to like it. I also have some little red-enamel-heart dangles like the ones in the middle of the top row here, and I am looking forward to wearing them especially in February, and in fact I am thinking of buying the six-pack to have more options:

(image from


I said above that I’m not sure what changed, but actually I am pretty sure I know exactly what changed, and it was when I stopped thinking of Valentine’s Day as a disappointing day with a boyfriend/husband, and started thinking of it as a fun day of red/pink/hearts/candy with friends and kids and co-workers. I bought heart-shaped plastic plates to serve dinner on, and I bought heart-patterned matching mugs for my friend group, and I buy myself a heart-shaped box of See’s, and I buy giant Hershey Kisses and valentine Little Debbie cakes for the kids, and I send a pop-up valentine to my niece and nephew, and I wear a heart t-shirt to work, and I buy classroom-style valentines for my co-workers just to be silly (this year I’m doing Fun Dip!), and now apparently I also buy heart-shaped earrings.

9 thoughts on “Safety-Pin Heart Earrings

  1. Alyson

    Nice reframing of the Valentines situation. I’m still in the “disappointing day” mindset. The fact that merchandise started appearing before Christmas does not help my grumpiness. But yay for cute earrings!

  2. Suzanne

    Swistle, I have done the panicking-over-my-purchase-while-in-line thing so many times, and it is comforting to know that you do it too. The number of times I have bought something I didn’t really want/need because I felt super awkward and then a cashier called me up so I couldn’t just go put it back and then subsequently ended up returning is… a lot.

    Those earrings are very cute. I love your explanation of how your feelings about hearts/Valentine’s Day have changed over time.

    I feel like I’ve had a similar evolution in my feelings toward animal print, more specifically leopard print, because of my kid. I think I always used to associate it with a person whose style I emphatically disagree with. (Although it may have more to do with the person than the style, honestly.) But my kid emerged from the womb with a love for leopard print, and has always gravitated toward it, so it started catching my eye initially as something that she would like, and then eventually it became something I associated with my beloved kid and sometimes I will even buy a leopard print item for myself.

  3. Anna

    Do you know why we push a cart with just one thing in it? Because baskets suck. Taking a cart is an optimistic statement, it says I hope to find something fun, and even if I don’t, by golly I’m going to be comfortable while doing it.

  4. Slim

    Can’t we decide that the “took a cart I didn’t need” balances out the “didn’t take a cart when I should have”?

  5. Jenny

    I want to send a Valentine’s Day care package to my daughter at college. Could we discuss what might be fun to send in such a care package?


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