I wrote that cheerful post and then crashed into Post-Fun-Time Blues. There will never be anything fun ever again. Or if there will be, it’s too far away to have any possible impact on the present.
Also my newish jeans feel both too tight and too loose: they’re constricting me but also falling down. I take this to mean I need to switch brands. I am normally of the pearish persuasion (I take approximately one size bigger in pants than tops), relatively long-torsoed and small-waisted, and when I gain weight I gain it mostly in the Jeans Regions. But before I started this diet that I am not going to keep constantly referring to, I had started gaining higher up on my stomach and also in the Bustular Region (THAT was a novelty). I was really happy with the way Roaman’s bootcut jeans fit that shape. Then I lost weight and ordered a smaller size of the same jeans, and these don’t fit right at all. I think it could be that the design of the jeans changed since my last order, but I think it’s more likely a change in my proportions.
Also, I am annoyed that “bootcut” jeans are now cut like what used to be called “straight.” Bootcut used to MEAN something, you guys. It used to MEAN something. Now bootcut looks like straight. And straight looks silly on me. (Skinny makes me look like a kite.) So not only are these jeans uncomfortably snug AND falling down, they look silly on me and I feel betrayed.
Before switching to Roaman’s I used to wear Lane Bryant, so I’d just go back to those—but they underwent a design change (“Genius Fit”) that made them not fit me right at all anymore. I also tried Torrid, which fit beautifully but had NO (or only tiny) POCKETS. Which I can’t even fathom. JEANS HAVE POCKETS, even if they’re women’s jeans. I looked at Lands’ End because I wore those before Lane Bryant, but they don’t have anything in an actual bootcut (except in a CROPPED bootcut, which no). These are not bootcut:

(image from LandsEnd.com)
Those are straight, heading for slim.
If you wear plus-sizes and are roughly pear in build, have you found any jeans you like that are actual-bootcut jeans WITH POCKETS? And not cut too low in the waist, either: good tum coverage, not perched on the hipbones.
I’m particularly annoyed because less than a year ago I finally got rid of an entire enormous bin of my excellent-but-too-small jeans, thinking it was wasteful (and not realistic) to keep them any longer when someone else could be making use of them. Probably if I still had them, I’d be looking at them now and thinking they were way too out of style to wear anyway. But in my memory they exist as the best jeans ever, classic favorites, so perfect—and now WASTED.
Also the children have been very irritating lately and so has Paul. And the cats are too warm and sheddy. And I have a slight headache and feel just sort of non-specifically prickly and crummy. And I was trying to make a college-visit appointment for William and the college’s website was SO FRUSTRATING that I gave up. And I am having more than the usual number of Food Fantasies. And…*looks at calendar*…oh.
Maybe Duluth Trading? The reviewers seem to love the pockets. They only go up to size 20, though. https://women.duluthtrading.com/store/womens/womens-pants/womens-jeans/40711.aspx?processor=content
Every thing you said about your body type was a yes, yes, yup, uh-huh to me. Same. My perfect jeans for many years have been New York & Company bootcuts. I can’t remember what size range you’re in, but I feel like we’re also similar that way? NY&Co has only recently started a baby plus-size section and it’s not useful yet. I buy the jeans in the regular section, which go up to size 20. I have to squeeze into the 20s when they come, but they stretch nicely and end up fitting well. I go down a size in their legging jeans, otherwise when they stretch out a bit they’ll fall off.
I just went to check and see if their bootcuts *are* bootcuts and the first three results…aren’t. But the ones below are a little better.
Oh, and they regularly run BOGO or BOGO 50% sales, so don’t pay full price.
Don’t shoot me – Have you tried Old Navy?
I’ve had 4 people recommend them to me in the last 6 months or so. 4 people of VERY differing body-types. One is tall hourglass size 12-ish, One is 50+ and apple shaped, One is 20s inverted-triangle (smaller hips than shoulders), and the last has hips for days! They all have found jeans they love and swear-by at old navy.
So, I went in and tried some on. Yes, it was a hassle! Yes it was frustrating. Yes I tried only 20 airs of jeans in several different sizes and styles. No I didn’t leave with a pair. BUT I did leave knowing what size and “style” I needed to order online!!
Yes to Old Navy, at least trying them! I have had lots of success there over the years, but have recently noticed that they seem to offer a much wider range of styles and sizes and fits than ever before.
I am SO MAD at Old Navy; they stopped making their mid-rise Rockstar skinny jeans and are now trying to sell me super-skinnies, which are a crime against nature and denim. The Rockstar skinnies fit me so nicely and had I known they were going to stop making them I would have bought ALL THE PAIRS but now I have to go out and try on jeans at different places to find a new favorite, and that is the worst thing in all the world.
I agree with trying Old Navy. I’ve had great luck and can almost always find a 35-40% off sale online. I also donated a giant bag of too small jeans last year thinking I’d never lose weight and here I am a year later (and 50 pounds lighter) shaking my head wondering what I was thinking. Best of luck on your search!
That’s totally how you lose weight. With me it’s when I give up and decide I am the new, less skinny size and buy a bunch of clothes in that size. 3 months later and BAM, falling off (also, all this spandex in jeans does the opposite of keep them fitting, I feel. )
Right?! I LOVE J. Crew’s jeans – except for the teeny tiny pockets.
I heard a designer saying that his clients have any pockets removed because it gives the pants a smoother line.
OK, but people without tons of money need a place to put their keys and tissues and bags for dog poop, and it’s not some adorable $500 purse. IT’S POCKETS.
Also the reason I look fat in my pants is that I’m fat. I don’t care. I just want pockets (goes to shop for eShakti dress).
Lee Platinum label. https://www.lee.com/shop/women-collections-platinum-label/platinum-label-curvy-fit-casandra-bootcut-modern-series-plus?variationId=P061803#hero=1
i like the gloria vanderbilt amanda jeans…costco carries them as does shopko; not sure on boot cut tho
i had heard raves about the lands end ones bought a pair i THOUGHT i liked…NO
I second the Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda’s. They come in a wide variety of colors and fabric types from casual to traditional to even dressy. They are also available at Kohl’s.
That is good to know about Kohls. I also like the Amanda’s-I used to buy them at Costco but they stopped selling plus sizes for some reason, a size 16 is as high as they go in the store in my town.
The number of times I’ve been unsettled and grumpy, only to remember to look at the calendar.
I was having similar issues for the last few months after losing a quite a few pounds but still having quite a bit of belly pooch. I’m fairly apple shaped, I think. Well, now I’m back in maternity pants with baby #3 and OMG WHY DON’T WE ALL JUST WEAR MATERNITY PANTS ALL OF THE TIME? The full panel thing is just…heaven. If you’re not going to wear crop tops, why are not all jeans made with delicious, stretchy bands instead of tight, digging in, rough material???
I wear maternity pants when I am not pregnant.
I had my first baby six years ago, and the first time I slid on a pair of maternity jeans, I knew I had found my match. I cannot stand anything digging into my stomach! What can I say? They’re comfy! Clearly, I’m a yoga pants mom.
Me too! My last baby is almost two and I’m still wearing them. (Haven’t got the time or energy yet to do what I need to do to get rid of this belly.) Love them. I was actually coming here to mention the idea of tailoring, which someone mentioned below. But this gives me an idea …. Could you get maternity jeans and have THEM tailored. Seems like you’d just need to get the belly panel done which would be much easier (and presumably cheaper) than tailoring normal jeans. I’m sure I saw true bootcut before though the pocket thing might be an issue. But an idea anyway! And they are brilliantly comfortable. Good luck in your search Swistle and all!
I am ALL for this. I may just keep wearing them after this babe is born. The newer ones I’ve gotten are so cute too. My post-babies belly looks just like my mom’s that she still has, so pretty sure it’s not going anywhere. Thanks, genetics!
I have no advice because jeans shopping makes me feel Despair of Ever Finding Happiness Again, but I wanted to say how perfectly this describes ME, as well: “I am normally of the pearish persuasion (I take approximately one size bigger in pants than tops), relatively long-torsoed and small-waisted, and when I gain weight I gain it mostly in the Jeans Regions. ”
TOO FEW jeans options for someone of this personal description. I feel like I am constantly hiking up my jeans because the waistband is too large to hold the pants in place while my hips/thighs keep trying to extract themselves from the too-tight leg sleeves.
Yes! Yes! I float in the waistband like I’m wearing a little hula hoop, the jeans mostly held up by how uncomfortably tightly they grip everywhere else! Paul was like, “I feel as if there could be a product that solves this very problem.” But I pee way too many times a day for a belt. Plus, a belt bothers me when I sit down.
And a belt just causes waistband accordion rumples! Come on, PAUL.
I believe the answer, according to my mom who has a tiny waist and big hips, is that you’re supposed to have your jeans tailored.
Buuuut I’m also a woman so WTF not only do I have to find jeans I like, that fit mostly right, and don’t fall off 3 hours later b/c too much spandex, but now I ALSO have to take them to a seamstress and pay extra to have them tailored??
They should make these for adults. Maybe they do.
My oldest son is a string bean and cannot keep pants up to save his life. These worked SO awesome when he was a toddler.
old navy used to sell a cut called “sweet heart” just for this. Now,, most places call it the “curvy cut” big booty, small waist
I have the exact opposite problem: my torso is essentially a rectangle and I hate having a waistband digging into my belly and non-existent waist. My sister is very curvy and I like to joke that she’s built like a brick outhouse and I’m just built like a brick. I have some really cute yoga capris I can’t wear because they roll down every time I flex at the waist at all. I need some hips to keep them up! Or a smaller waist, which would actually probably be even better…
This could be a completely dumb suggestion since I will admit I caved to skinny jeans a couple of years ago and now love them and it’s all I wear BUT if boot cut has come to mean straight does it mean that maybe you need to search for “flare” instead of boot cut? Is that even still a thing?
I’ve been watching with great interest the high-waist trend in jeans. Yay, more tum coverage is fashionable again!
I would just like to say for those whose faves have been discontinued, eBay can sometimes be a great resource. I just bought a bunch of stuff (skirts, not jeans, but still) for $1-2 each, plus $3-4 shipping so still under $10.
Also I HATE belts but I also HATE anything high waisted or anywhere near my waist at all. So I can’t help you, sorry. I embrace my muffin top.
I also had that moment today of wondering why everyone on the planet was suddenly an Immense Idiot. *slow nod of recognition*
I third (or fourth) the suggestion of Old Navy. I am in between sizes and my former jean brands are all disappointing me, so I may head there myself for some transition jeans. (Also, I have extremely wide calves and I am about done with the whole “skinny” trend. I could be a size 0 (I’m not) and there is no way my calves would ever fit into those jeans. Whenever I stupidly try a pair of those on, I turn into Ross from that Friends episode where he can’t get his leather pants off.)
Maurice’s jeans have been my new go to. The only complaint I have is that the waist loosens up more than the seat/thighs, so I end up needing a belt if I don’t want to hike them up continually, but they are very comfortable.
Old Navy, yup. My weight has fluctuated (maybe ballooned is a better term) since I’ve been taking meds for anxiety and depression that were SO NECESSARY. I can’t believe I’ve lived this long without getting help and I feel much better. But. The jeans. I don’t fit into anything I used to reliably wear, even my fat pants, so I had to buy fatter fat pants, which is a humbling experience. I saw a rumor up there ^ that ON might be getting rid of their mid-rise rockstar jeans and I am a sad person, but the ones that really changed my life were the elusive low-rise rockstars. I am not even ashamed to say that I now wear ON jeggings like it’s cool. JEGGINGS. They are the most comfortable illusion-of-actual-jeans I’ve ever worn that cover up my multitude of sins in the belly area. Also, ON Stevie pants are just fancy leggings that you can wear with cute oversized tops just like I used to do in middle school when I wasn’t sure what to put on my confusingly pubescent body back in the late 80s. Being 40+ish is like going through puberty in reverse, in other words, TOTAL MINDEFFFFFF.
Swistle, once again you nailed it. I have never been able to describe my shape (long legs, thin ankles, thick middle sadly no waist and super short waisted)….which as you describe it is exactly accurate. A KITE! My shape is a KITE! 44 years it took me to describe it.
What jeans works for your kite shape? I’d love to try a skinny jean, but I’m afraid it will emphasize my Kiteness
I’m slowly converting to American Eagle “next level” jeggings. They are super soft and mid-rise. I still feel kite-y but am learning to adapt. I had recently ordered some gorgeous jeans from Hudson in boot cute but they were more like a massive flare. Awful.
Swistle, I love you and your readers/repliers!! Remembering them, I MAY even chuckle a time or two the next time I want to buy jeans and can’t find a pair that I won’t have to be CONSTANTLY tugging up so that I’m not exposing more-rear-end-than-I-want-to when I bend over….. Do manufacturers think that all overweight women (who might be awfully close to 70 years old) want to wear low-rise jeans??
I am fairly certain that someone who reads this blog (and the comments) has the ability to solve all of our jean woes. I would buy some! And for a normal price (not what I insist on paying when I buy “meh” jeans).
I will also say I bought 2 pairs of the Roamans flare embroidery jeans when they were recommended. And I loved the first pair and left the 2nd in the bag they came in. Fast forward and 1st pair is getting a little saggy in the waist/tush and I fear thigh holes are in the future, but, BEHOLD! I opened the 2nd pair and they are lovely again. (which is to say, this time, buying extra paid off. It did not pay off with the Target jeans I bought two of and now both of them can be taken off without unbuttoning – since the Roamans jeans still stay on, I don’t think this is entirely weight related)
Melissa McCarthy jeans are good for me. They are on Zulily sometimes and I found some at Marshalls earlier this month.
“Boot cut used to mean something!” Love it. I have no actual advice, as I am also in the pear shaped family and jeans are always just ‘tolerable.’ Nothing more.
I would love to recommend Old Navy as well, but unfortunately I’m finding them a little objectionable right now due to this: http://fanboynation.com/lili-chin-vs-old-navy/. Not enough so to stop wearing the perfectly fitting, true bootcut Curvy Fit jeans that I love (my moral fiber is…not strong) but distasteful enough to boycott shopping there until the case is resolved.
Unfortunately I don’t have any advice on the jeans because I am the opposite shape….i.e. apple. But I have the same stupid problem with the waist stretching out. I recently bought a belt, which was annoying, but it has actually helped. The real question is why must both of us deal with this……shouldn’t jeans work for one body type?
My complaint is that my very favorite department store is going out of business and I literally have no idea where I am going to get clothes from now on. I can get jeans online (but for more money). But things like nice coats and nice shirts for work? I have NO IDEA. The few remaining department stores are a little higher priced than I’m interested in. And this place was the type of place that if you found the sales and used coupons, you’d get clothes for cheaper than Target. (I do realize that is probably the reason why they are going out of business ;) ) I’m legit sad about the whole thing. And, to make matters worse, I went today to see if I could find any bargains. And a coat I bought last week (before the closeout) for $100 is on ‘sale’ for $180 this week. So no deals to be found.
I feel your pain about the closing of your favorite store. Our Sears store in my town is closing, and that is where I go to buy all my Lands End clothes for work. I know I can still order online, but the sizes aren’t really uniform, so I loved being able to go in and try everything on. Heavy sigh…
Revisit Torrid. Some of their jeans/pants have pockets. I just looked at mine and of course the name of that type/cut is not on the tag. But they absolutely have pockets.
We gave our long haired cat a lion’s cut. The groomer shaved him everywhere except head, end of tail, and lower extremities. This will now be an annual thing.
I’m annoyed that the royal couple haven’t released the name yet. Geeze. I’m trying to cut them some slack. I mean they are royal, they have things to do. Plus she was tough as nails the third time, popped out a baby and put on some heels without missing a beat. The picture of grace, but still, come on!!!! You had 9 months! The world is watching!! Or at least our little corner of the world is watching.
I found a little do-dad at TJ Maxx that slides under the back middle belt loop then hooks to the next loops on both sides. Looks kind of like the mitten savers/ clips for kids. Much quicker for bathroom business.
I see a lot of picks for Old Navy. For what it’s worth, they are having 50% off jeans right now (not sure if it’s only online) so it may be worth a try while they are on a good sale! My daughter and I have VERY different body types and can both get by with Old Navy jeans.
Not Your Daughter’s Jeans had boot cut last I looked (I own a pair of the boot cut in brown), and they also have plus sizes.
And Nordstrom’s seems to have some actual boot cut (but also some really not) https://shop.nordstrom.com/c/womens-jeans-shop?origin=leftnav&cm_sp=Left%20Navigation-_-Jeans%20%26%20Denim&offset=9&top=72&flexi=8000467_6000414%7C8000467_6000415&flexi=8000579_8000581&size=%272%3Aplus14w~~201%27%7C%272%3Aplus16w~~202%27%7C%272%3Aplus18w~~203%27%7C%272%3Aplus20w~~204%27%7C%272%3Aplus22w~~205%27%7C%272%3Aplus24w~~206%27
I LOVE that brand!!! I am an apple and they go around my waist! Yeaaaaah.
So this is probably (definitely!) not what you are looking for, but have you revisited your preferred jean style since changing sizes? Or even more generally, just trying things on with a fresh set of eyes? I am pear shaped as well and swore for years I looked best in straight cut jeans and looked terrible in skinny jeans…until I found a pair that actually fit, and now I think they are actually more flattering than my old style. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught in the same pattern of buying that same style, but branching out may make you realize that others can look good, too. (This is also a weird suggestion, but I have found really great skinny jeans/jeggings from Sam’s Club of all places. Bizarre but true! And super cheap!)
Ok, so I hate shopping and jeans shopping always fills me with dread. I tried on 10 pairs of jeans today on my lunch break at the ONE STORE in town that I can sometimes buy jeans/pants off the rack from and none fit even a little (I am 6’2″ and need a 36″ inseam and have what one might call a straight build i.e. ruler-like, which is not so great if you don’t have pros dressing you on a freaking runway and jeans are not easy to alter). ANYWAY, all I want is 1 pair of boot cut jeans that are actually boot cut, and wholeheartedly agree that they not longer exist as they once did. I feel your pain, is what I’m saying.
By the time I got half way through the post I was thinking you needed to check the calendar. Good catch:).
I’m late to comment but this post hit home. Due to changes in my job I can now wear nice jeans (but not yoga pants or sweats or other casual pants) to work 3 out of 5 days a week instead of my previous work wardrobe of suits and/or office casual. Because I’ve spent my entire working life (22 yrs) having to wear dressier stuff I have only two pairs of jeans. So, off I went jean shopping and two hours later wanted to scream in frustration. I just want some reasonably nice jeans that aren’t super max skinny painted on jeans or boyfriend jeans or jeans that come with holes in them or jeans with fake pockets that don’t cost $300 per pair and don’t make me look awful. Why is this so hard? WHHHYYYYY???
The only possibly-useful thing I am seeing at eShakti (unless polazzo pants are your thing) is these: http://www.eshakti.com/shop/Pants/Wide-banded-waist-cotton-knit-pants-CL0046569 . THEY HAVE POCKETS! You can choose your length AND you can give them all of your pertinent measurements, so I bet they would fit BEAUTIFULLY. They look to be made out of the same material as the last dress I ordered from them, and it is NICE knit material! I was a little hesitant about ordering something made out of knit material because my experience with it usually involves flimsy material that doesn’t hold its shape and pills terribly, but this material feels very sturdy and I would be surprised if there was any pilling. If it tells you anything about their knit fabric: the box with the knit dress in it was noticeably heavier than the box with the formal dress I recently ordered, and I think the formal dress involved more fabric.
i’m wearing maurices boot cut now. I’m also a pear. They are low cost and have great pockets
I have been enjoying the Levis from Target, there is some other name but I can’t remember. Also the Ava & Viv? Whatever the plus size line is has pretty good boot cut. My problem is that I wear jeans for work and I am a server and the insides of the thighs bust out pretty quickly. I’ve taken to ironing patches into them to make them last longer!