Socks, Ads

These socks are on clearance at Target and I would like to recommend them:


They are Merona brand, sold in two-packs (one stripe, one solid) normally for $5; some of the colors are on clearance for $3.50 or $2.50 at my Targets. I have them in the brown combo, the navy combo, the grey combo, the strange pale pinky-purple combo that probably won’t go with anything I own but they were $2.50 and I really like these socks. I’m trying to decide just how out of control to get when buying more. They’re also available in a brighter-blue combo and a black combo (those two colors are in fact the bulk of what is left on the clearance shelf), but I haven’t bought any of those yet.

They are cooler/colder-weather socks, which is probably why they’re on clearance now. They’re nice and cottony (91% cotton), without being so cottony they stretch out and won’t snap back. They say for shoe sizes 4-10, but I have size 11 feet and they fit well.

Sock recommendations. That is what today is.

Speaking of Target, I would like to say that one of the only things I don’t like about Jane the Virgin is the Target product placement. It is intrusive and obvious and annoying. It’s like when a celebrity is the spokesperson for a product and then suddenly they are mentioning it in every interview. But I am a LITTLE touchy about ads right now, because they are also appearing in my Facebook news feed, my Twitter stream, my Amazon search results, and now even my ETSY search results. ETSY! Is nothing sacred? I didn’t complain when the ads were in the margins: that is where ads live. But mid-feed, and/or mixed in with search results, is ICKY.

16 thoughts on “Socks, Ads

    1. Swistle Post author


      I will tell you the thing the I find MOST SAD about size 11 feet, is that all the cute socks with cute pictures on them get too stretched out for the pictures to be cute.

      1. Jenny

        I KNOW! And also, even though this should not be true, because tights are just very long tubes that should fit on your feet however you want, they are often too small in the feet and my toes poke through. It is very odd.

      2. Momo

        Size 10 here; I feel your pain. So I just amazoned a set of eight MEN’S mostly cotton socks for $15.00 . Better yet they are the kind that have famous art works knit into them(Mona Lisa, The Scream, Van Gough’s selfie etc.). These socks are sold in my area for $8.00 – $10.00 a pair. I can’t wait for them to arrive.

  1. JanetS

    I am not a marketer, just one of your readers who switched to using the Google Chrome browser (on my computer) a long time ago and never looked back. When you are on Chrome, you can download the AdBlock extension and you will never see most of those ads ever again.

    Unfortunately, it can’t remove the ads that show up mid-feed. And this does nothing for those of us who primarily use our phones.

  2. Alice

    I”m getting increasingly intolerant of ads as they get more and more invasive. LOUD VIDEO ADS popping up over my screen in the middle of reading an article?! giant ads that block the entire screen of my phone that I have to “scroll through” in order to keep reading? DO NOT LIKE GO ‘WAY.

    1. Natalie

      Agree!! they are getting so sneaky hiding the “ignore” or “continue to content” buttons. I often just give up.

  3. JMT

    How many posts in a row should I comment on suggesting browser add-ons before I get annoying? I like Ad Block Plus. If you write about internet privacy next I can make it 3 for 3?

  4. Ann

    Well, this is only tangental to ads: but, I mean, really, the internet and it’s “search” functions are becoming SO BIASED! Or perhaps I just notice it more than ever before. But if you research a topic, by searching, it’s starting to be like an echo chamber, where you mostly find the same ideas you’ve already been exposed to, OR in the case of products, the same advertisements for same products AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. It takes some serious digging to get outside the echo chamber.

    It seems to me this is having a gigantic impact on our society/reinforcing this tendency of being oppositional and emotional (instead of logical and measured and thoughtful).

    Yikes. Scary.

    Also, I really liked those Target socks, too.

  5. ButtercupDC

    I remember watching “White Collar” and being almost startled when they basically had the characters do a 60-second commercial for that automatic parking feature from whatever car company (Haha! Your ad dollars were WASTED on me!) offers it. It was so off-putting and abrupt, almost like a Twilight Zone episode where advertisers turn everyone into ad-spewing robots or something.

    1. Judith

      I have JUST watched that episode, and I found it really odd, too. In fact, I kept waiting for it to have some relevance in the later development of the plot, because they were so drawing attention to it. Nope. Just a clunky ad-insertion.

  6. Jenny

    Also a size 11 (w-i-d-e), so I’m grateful for the tip. I’m plus-sized but I swear I have an easier time buying clothes than shoes.

  7. Squirrel Bait

    I am slightly offended when ads in my feeds suggest the EXACT same item I was just looking at on Ebay or Amazon. Like, I know what you’re doing, Facebook! Please at least try to be subtle about it! Use a creepy algorithm or something to find some related product to annoy me with, not the very thing I ultimately decided NOT to buy.

  8. Joanne

    I really like how Jane wears Target clothes, though. She looks so cute in them and then I imagine *I* would look cute in them too ha ha boo hoo no I wouldn’t but whatever! I love that show so much I am willing to deal with the ads. I have size 11 feet too, formerly size 10 and I have a hole in my sock right now, ha!


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