The Most Important Endoscopy Prep; Legwarmer Success Story

I forgot to mention one of my most important preparations for Edward’s endoscopy: I ordered a box of See’s chocolates and scheduled it to be delivered to me the day before the procedure. When I ordered it, it seemed like a mildly good idea, maybe a little silly/unnecessary/impulsive. Today, it seems like THE BEST IDEA IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE.

THANK YOU, by the way, for all the great comments. I’m finding the suggestions helpful, and the experiences helpful + reassuring. The FIRST TIME of anything can be so disproportionately overwhelming.


A few days ago, I complained on Twitter that I could NOT find the kind of legwarmers I wanted for Elizabeth, where “what I wanted” was defined as being able to buy them easily from a place like Old Navy or Target, with lots of choices of colors and patterns, for something like $5/pair. I could find lots of special dance legwarmers for ridiculous dance-gear prices, but not what I WANTED which was to be able to buy her several pairs without really thinking about it. I whined at some length, and Twitter was the perfect place for that kind of whining because people immediately started jumping up with sources and ideas. (My mom is intrigued by the idea of making legwarmers out of the arms of thrift-store sweaters; my own sewing skills end at using sewing scissors to snip the tags off of purchased items.)

Anyway, I feel a little embarrassed to say that after all that, I found legwarmers at Target. Just sitting there in, like, three solids and three patterns, plus two FUR options. For $5/pair, just like I asked for. I would have SWORN I’d looked there, but…the evidence suggests otherwise. I bought a pair of cream-colored knit ones with pom-poms, a pair of dark pink knit ones with bows, and a pair of black fake-fur ones.

Elizabeth has not taken the black fur ones off since I got home from the store. She is even sleeping in them. She has a black fake-fur coat that matches them exactly, so she is looking pretty decked out for third grade.

13 thoughts on “The Most Important Endoscopy Prep; Legwarmer Success Story

  1. MomQueenBee

    Okay, I’ve now heard you talk about the ordering of See’s chocolates several times. Please walk me through that process, because I think it sounds like the closest thing to a drive-through massage.

  2. Swistle Post author

    This is such a good time for it, too, because they are having a flat-rate and/or free shipping deal (over $55, free; otherwise $5) and usually their shipping is the worst part. Still, there can be sticker-shock with their candy prices: $18-22/pound, in that area.

    I like to get a custom mix, so I can get whatever I want. If you type “See’s” into the search box in the righthand margin of this blog, you’ll get a number of posts I did evaluating many of the pieces one by one. (MOST FUN RESEARCH EVER.) You can pick up to ten kinds of candy in the box, and you get to specify how much of each: 5% of this, 25% of that, etc. (If you want more than one pound, add them one pound at a time: otherwise, it’ll make “a 2-pound box” and you’ll still only get to choose ten kinds.)

    I am also crazy about their Awesome Peanut Brittle bars (in the candy bar section at, which are chocolate-covered peanut brittle. I don’t even particularly like peanut brittle.

    And their peppermint patties! MY STARS. And Paul loves their licorice.

  3. JENinMICH

    I have had many colonoscopies. (We have a bad gene). I started getting them younger than most. If you have any questions, I’m happy to help. Is he taking the prep at the hospital or at home? They are many tips to help on the net as well.

  4. phancymama

    Each night my spouse works late (and it is a LOT) I get to do some online browsing, and I tend to pick a theme and exhaust it. And after lots of browsing, I do some purchasing. I’ve gone through bags (subconscious is saying I should go places), makeup (which means I sit around the house with one green and one purple eyelid and red lips), and I think it is time to move on to chocolate.

    Good luck to you guys!

  5. Alexa

    Good luck, and I shall be thinking about both of you! I will also probably be thinking about maybe ordering some candy the next time I have something I am dreading coming up, because that is a really EXCELLENT idea.

  6. DrPusey

    All best to you and Edward and the rest of the family as he recovers from the endoscopy! I had one over the summer and was really only out of it for a day. Hopefully it will be as easy for Edward.

    Swistle, you’re totally to blame for my See’s habit. They should pay you a finder’s fee or something. I have a gift card burning a hole in my pocket at the moment, but am waiting until the Strawberry Truffle becomes available for the Custom Mix.


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