I went to Target today, and my main mission was the 70%-off Christmas candy, where I achieved multiple bags of Mint Truffle Hershey’s Kisses. Have you tried them? I thought they sounded kind of unappealing, even though I like the chocolate/mint combination. Last year they made it to 90% off so I was like “FINE, I will try them.” And I ended up DRIVING BACK TO THE STORE the next day, because the whole bag was already gone and I couldn’t wait all the way to next Christmas to have more of them. Today I also bought some Cherry Cordial Hershey’s Kisses, because those sound unappealing too but look how well the mint truffle ones turned out.

Then we browsed around the store awhile, buying some boring things like dental floss, Sharpie markers, and a tri-fold presentation board for Rob. But also: in the stationery and wrapping paper area, there was an end-cap of FOX STUFF. I had a mug in the cart almost before I’d drawn a breath. AND it came in a cute little box.


(Mediocre photo: the blue is more cornflower than turquoise)

I stood there dithering and wanting ONE EACH OF EVERYTHING ELSE, but for now I just have the mug. I don’t think I actually have a use for a pencil bag or for file folders, even if they DO have foxes on them.

13 thoughts on “FOX MUG

  1. betttina

    I didn’t believe you about the Cadbury solid chocolate eggs (the ones that are just a little bigger than M&Ms) and then last year, I bought a bag when they were on clearance after Easter and then went back for more.
    I didn’t believe Alexa Stevenson (flotsam blog) about the Ghirardelli peppermint bark either, til I found those on clearance for 74 cents and gobbled them up.

    This year, we went on 12/26 and I bought all the peppermint bark and Cadbury eggs. I have learned my lesson – listen to the bloggers raving about chocolates! Now I just have to listen to you and Temerity Jane about the See’s chocolates.


  2. Brigid Keely

    I’m in Chicago and pretty much every store is cleared out of Christmas clearance stuff by December 27th, so I’m pretty jealous.

    We went to Target yesterday and there was NO Christmas merch other than stuff jumbled into clearance endcaps. I did buy a fox mug, though. It’s got a silhoutted fox filled in with pale blue and a white pattern on one side, and “you look foxy” on the other side. Very cute, and lovely to drink from… good size and heft.

  3. Lawyerish

    ” I achieved multiple bags of Mint Truffle Hershey’s Kisses” — haha! I love this! I have never even HEARD of those kinds of Kisses, let alone seen them. I am seriously being cheated in life.

    That mug is SO CUTE and the box is like a free bonus item! It’s so charming! I would use it to store odds-and-ends like rubber bands and paper clips on my desk, or give it to F so she could put stuff in it (she loves little boxes and thus far has appropriated a box from a coaster set and a Christmas ornament for her own use).

  4. Maureen

    I love the cherry cordial kisses-they are delicious. I have never even seen the mint truffle kisses, and now I feel bereft.

  5. Anonymous

    I need to get to Target, like a week ago. I’m still ticked at them about the credit breach but I can bring cash to buy candy and foxes.

    Also Bettina if you see this: SEES IS THE BEST. I cannot stand Godiva. Give me See’s.

  6. H

    I was browsing Target clearance online and saw several fox items there and thought of you. I was going to tweet you and then got all nervous and decided against it. This, however, seems like the perfect time to mention it to you!


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