Huge Mess-up of Some Sort

If you are subscribed to receive new posts/comments by email, you might right now be getting hundreds or thousands of emails from me.

1. I am extremely sorry.

2. I don’t know what the hell, but I’m having Paul look into it right this second even though he’s at work.

3. He is extremely upset and riled about it, if that’s any comfort. (It was to me.) We are saying “HOLY CRAP” and “WHAT THE HELL” back and forth to each other.

4. I can’t believe how unpleasant a situation this is, and I am extremely sorry it is happening to you.


Follow-up: Looks like it was an issue with another plug-in interacting poorly with the email subscription plug-in, and not with hackers or anything. Also looks like it’s over, and we’ve deleted the plug-in.

19 thoughts on “Huge Mess-up of Some Sort

  1. Marilyn

    ACK! Sorry it’s happening to you too! I wish Paul good luck in finding the source of mischief and banishing it!

    For those who have a good search on their email, it shouldn’t be hard to search by your name and archive all the excess messages out of the inbox, I hope.

  2. Matti

    For me it was like 10, or so? If that makes you feel any better, and it wasn’t a huge deal :) Sorry for the stressful weirdness!

  3. Laura

    I now have over a thousand e-mails to delete, I got detention cause my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing, and now my phone crashes whenever I try to delete them. Thanks for catching it so quickly. I hope you guys figure it out. :)

  4. Lora

    I received nearly 4,000!! Holy Hanna! Trying to search you by name & deleting that way. I hope it works, because my other messages are buried. Ah well, excitement for a Monday morning! Hope you find out what happened. Most likely hackers thinking they’re funny.

  5. DanI

    It was funny Swistle. I can assure you. I’m the one that Tweeted you this morning when my phone was going crazy. We know it isn’t your fault, in fact we can blame Paul if you’d like. Don’t sweat it. It made for an interesting morning.


  6. Susan

    I got a bunch (hundreds? thousands?) and all I could think was how unhappy YOU must be about it!
    Of course, now you’re “marked as spam” here and I’ll figure out how to deal with that another day.

  7. Val

    So instead of attempting some blog-once-a-day-in-November challenge, you just (HAD to be different, as my dad would say) decided to re-send every post you’ve ever written? ;)

    It wasn’t a big deal to me. I did an inbox search for “Swistle” and a “delete-all” and was done with it.

    I hope your day’s improved. :)

  8. Gigi

    I didn’t get any – mainly because I don’t subscribe to comments anywhere (nothing personal – but if I did, I’d never get any of my real work done because I’d be too busy reading comments all day!) – but I saw the tweets about it and my first thought was, “Poor Swistle!” Hope you’ve got it squared away by now.

  9. Ms. Key

    I was wondering about that, but I only received a few emails so not a big deal on my end! These things happen, and it’s certainly a “first world problem” if we feel annoyed we had to delete extra emails from our smart phones. ;-) I think most of us understand that technology isn’t perfect, and can be forgiving of glitches, even when they irritate us/cause us some effort to deal with. Not the end of the world, certainly! :-)

  10. Cheryl

    I got about 1500…at first I was like WTH? LOL Wasn’t hard to do a search of my email and delete them all at once though. No worries!

  11. Brittany

    I got about 1600! Am I alone in being totally overwhelmed (though once on the computer it was easily contained) but not wanting to delete all the Swistle archival goodness until I’ve READ IT ALL?

    Your post was great and more than made up for any inconvenience/bad feelings. You have a lot of capital with me and I imagine many of your readers. Hope things are cleared up soon.

  12. Joanne

    Ha, at first I was totally reading each one and then I thought, hmmmm maybe I should see what the 2 and 4 year old are up to! PS they were fine and I just deleted all. Hope it’s better now, what a long day you and Paul must have had.


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