Candy Crush

I’m continuing to play Candy Crush, and to retroactively understand all the remarks people were making about it on Twitter, and all the remarks Paul was making about it in our living room. For example: chocolate. Paul kept saying chocolate was evil, EVIL, and I thought sure, it was probably challenging but didn’t require that kind of language in front of the children. Well, I repent, Paul. I repent of my judgey feelings. The children need to KNOW how evil chocolate is. They need to LEARN, while they’re still young.

One of my favorite things now is when I accidentally trigger one of those avalanches of clattering and as a result knock out a chocolate section completely. ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS. That is, I look at the world and I consider all its vast and varied wonders—and after carefully considering all those wonders, one of my FAVORITE THINGS is a thing that happens accidentally on Candy Crush sometimes.

16 thoughts on “Candy Crush

  1. jen

    This just confirms what I’ve been thinking all along. I must avoid being sucked into the Candy Crush black hole at all costs. Almost everyone I know plays it and wants me to play it but so far I’ve refused. I think it’s probably a good thing.

  2. Heather R

    I just came over to your blog to see if there were any new posts because Candy Crush isn’t loading on my computer right now! I just finished making dinner and did most of my shores, and this is my sit down and relax with some Candy Crush time (for about 10 minutes). It made me giggle that your post is about Candy Crush. I agree about the chocolate being evil. It’s the most annoying thing so far in the game.

  3. Carmen

    Can I be one of those annoying people who say “Just wait” when someone says something? Because if you think the chocolate is evil, just wait. :)

    I’ve spent DAYS of my life playing that game and usually I would have lost interest by now, but there is just something about that deceptive little game that keeps me coming back. I’m on Level 419 now and some levels I get stuck on for days on end and yet, I keep playing. It’s inexplicably addicting. I love it, and when I finish all the levels I’m going to be very despondent and will have to find another game just as fun. I’m not sure a game like that currently exists.

    1. Swistle Post author

      There’s Goober’s Atomic Adventure on Webkinz. *tempt tempt* But it doesn’t have many levels—60, maybe? I can’t remember now.

  4. day man

    One day, I thought to myself, I want to see what all the fuss is about. I will play Candy Crush. And as I did it, I felt like I was doing something really daring.

    And now I understand how crystal meth happens.

  5. Wendy

    I had a level that I got stuck on for literally two months (though I did take a week of detox in that period) and then the next level I knocked out in one try. It is stuff like that that makes it so damn addictive.

    1. KeraLinnea

      I was stuck at level 347 for about four weeks. I became annoyed and stopped playing. Then one day I signed in on the facebook app instead of my phone, and discovered that the level was different on facebook, and, I thought, easier. Nope. Stuck for another three weeks before deciding that maybe this was as far as I could go on Candy Crush. That was six weeks or so ago. I read this comment and decided to try again, and BOOM! Cleared it on the first try! Thanks Wendy!

      To a/k/a Nadine: Are you playing on your phone? If you are, when you run out of lives, go into your phone’s settings. Go to time and date. Turn off the automatic date, and set the date for a day ahead. Exit settings and open Candy Crush. Let it open fully, so that you are looking at the map. Check your lives indicator. It should be full. Now, this is important: Do NOT start playing. Exit Candy Crush, open settings, and reset your time and date to automatic. You should now be back on the correct date. Open Candy Crush again, and play. Repeat as necessary.

      I almost feel bad telling people about that. Kinda like an enabler.

      1. M.Amanda

        LA LA LA…. I did not hear that. When I’m out of lives, I have to just put my phone down for a while.

        OMG, a couple days ago I got to combine two sprinkle things. It shot out like a laser in a circle, just blasting everything. So awesome!

        But, yeah, chocolate… I hate that stuff now.

  6. a/k/a Nadine

    What Carmen said. Totally. I’m on level 315. What kills me is the limited number of lives. I need MORE. Plus, the option to ask for lives seems to have disappeared, so I’m just stuck waiting 30 minutes for one measly little life. Sigh.

  7. Pickles & Dimes

    I’m on level 419 now, but I thought I would never clear level 417. Then today I was playing, and suddenly saw my moves count down rapidly to zero. I started to panic because HEY, I had at least 7 moves left, WHAT IS HAPPENING. Then I glanced over and saw that I had somehow successfully completed the level. And I have no idea how. As far as I knew, I was NOWHERE NEAR completing it. I am still completely baffled how it happened, but after being stuck on that level forever, I’ll take it.

  8. Surely

    I’m stuck on level 70 and it’s totally bummed me out because: YES G.D. CHOCOLATE.
    (the use of “G.D.” shows my level of frustration, right?)

    Online group therapy, this is what this is.

    1. Heather R

      I was stuck on 70 for a while a googled tips on how to beat it. It said the Jelly is only in the middle and not on under the licorice so focus on breaking through from the top and tackle the jelly from there! Also, if you don’t know how to make the stripe candy go vertical vs horizontal, google that because there is a way to know how it’s going to go.

      1. Swistle Post author

        I just got past that one THIS VERY WEEKEND. I got lucky: two sideways stripes to shoot out the two layers of chocolate BEFORE breaking any cages.


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