Christmas Propelling

This video propelled me RIGHT INTO Christmas spirit: it’s Jimmy Fallon, Mariah Carey, The Roots, and some little kids, wearing Christmas sweaters and using classroom musical instruments to do “All I Want For Christmas Is You.”

And I NEEDED a little propelling. The tree is not up. Nothing is wrapped. I still have many things to buy and mail. The Christmas cards are not done. (Although that is PARTLY not my fault: the photos I ordered were done wrong so I had to re-order them.)

I HAVE done my annual re-read of the first Christmas book on the pile (You Better Not Cry, which I read first because the stories are not, er, traditionally Christmas-enspiriting) (stomach pumped, boyfriend dying of AIDS, house flooding, waking up in a hotel room with a stranger, etc.). I usually like to bask in the lights of the tree as long as humanly possible, so it is a little stressful to be wasting day after day: here I am, reading about the Christmas when Augusten Burroughs found himself on the street after a 2-day alcoholic blackout, and there are NO CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. And the children are agitating because we have a “Candy canes may only be eaten when they can be harvested from a tree” rule, and the TREE IS NOT UP. There the candy canes sit, tantalizing in their boxes, and the parents do not seem to REALIZE the enormity of this issue: they’re all “Eh, maybe tomorrow? Maybe this weekend?” when asked when the tree WILL be up! As if days without candy canes is NO BIG DEAL!

So! This morning I brought the Christmas tree box up from the basement! It is a small step, but it is a step!

21 thoughts on “Christmas Propelling

  1. Dr. Maureen

    Me too! I don’t even feel like it’s near Christmas at all. No decorations up here, just the advent wreath and the Thankful Tree from Thanksgiving. Also a pumpkin and some dead mums on the porch, which is very festive, especially because something took a bite out of the pumpkin yesterday. So a chewed pumpkin and dead flowers! Merry Christmas!

    I’m hoping to get the decorations out this weekend and then I will feel cheerier, I think. It doesn’t help that I have a bunch of work to do for my paying job, and I’m kind of behind, and also the stupid downstairs apartment is in total disarray and we still don’t even know what we’re going to do to the floors down there.

  2. Laura Diniwilk

    Well, you are one step ahead of me, as I haven’t even decided if I’m going to put the tree up at all this year (no desire to constantly battle Lucy, who will want to mess with it). I still haven’t even decided if Santa is coming to our house, or if I’ll just spend the night at my mom’s and have him show up there. I think I need propelled too.

  3. Anonymous

    My tree isn’t up yet either and it’s making me CRAZY!! I am in exactly the same place, feeling like every day that passes that I DON’T have it up is a day of Christmaseyness, lost for ever. Ahhh. I did sit up last night and do 85 percent of the Chrismas cards, though, so I’m feeling a little bit acomplished on that front. And I WILL get that tree up on Saturday!

  4. Saly

    Our tree is done, but really only because I was afraid that if I did not do it right away after Thanksgiving that I would never have the energy. Talk to me in January about taking it down…

    Also, now I want a candy cane.

  5. Amber

    I started bawling yesterday at a totally inappropriate time because I am apparently overwhelmed by Christmas. Our tree is mostly up, the end. I am totally struggling. Merry Christmas to all and whatever! !

  6. Nicole

    The recorder is an under appreciated instrument, no?

    Actually, no. I spent a day once next to the music room at the school and good lord the recorders. MY EARS.

  7. shin ae

    I am wishing for your Christmas to feel self-propelled from this time forth. I had one of those years last year–the kind with no Christmas spirit at all–and it was terrible.

    We are putting our tree up tomorrow and doing a little family tree-trimming party. My kids have been agitating, too. We haven’t even finished the first week of December yet. Cool your jets, children!

    Hey, and when you say “Christmas tree box up from the basement,” do you mean box of decorations or box of tree? I’m a hard-core fake tree user, and I would be so excited to have someone with whom to enthuse about fake trees. I love them!

  8. Gigi

    After two hard years, with a little more hope this Christmas, I’m trying to get into the spirit. We have the (fake) tree up and un-decorated. Maybe this weekend I’ll muster up the festive mood and get some stuff done. I’m so far behind it’s not even funny.

  9. Maggie

    I found the only way to ensure getting into and out of the Christmas season is by following the schedule dictated by two events: the fundraising tree sale at oldest’s school mandates the start of the decorating process and the boy scout tree pickup mandates the end. Before oldest went to the school with the tree sale, we ended up putting up our tree on December 23 one year and only because my in-laws were visiting. I need defined beginning and end or it all goes to hell in a handbasket.


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